Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Signs - Day 3 of 5

Day 3 of 5
Another day, another night. Time passes too quickly, but who cares when you've got enough rest, and there are no lessons for school today. The signs are promising, but promising what, that is the question. Change is overrated, the status quo is the best. That can be applied to many areas, as to specifically which areas, that's for you to find out. If you're happy and contented now, why push for change, where the change could be both for the better or for the worst. How much of a gambler are you? Would you risk ur life savings for a 50% chance of doubling it, and a 50% chance of losing it all? What about 60%-40%, or even 90%-10%? Responsibility and Committment are good for building character, but would you take on more weight on your shoulders just because you can? Just because you're searching for your limit? The weight feels good now, but that's because it's only a sample, a trailer of what's to come. It's like sampling army rations on a school field trip, the food tastes nice, but we all know how bad it'll taste later on, or we'll grow to like it even more, either of two extremes. I have two more days on this quest, to collect all the information, and to choose which reward I want at the end. I hope this'll turn out well. For once.

The beauty of a pact, of knowing that at any point in time, the person you made a pact with will be striving to achieve the goals of the pact, unless they forgot about it, which is a different case altogether. The friend has updated me, his quest is complete, his reward collected. The illness is all in the mind, and with the completion comes a catharsis, the illness is gone. His future decided, his past reconciled with his present, his present self contented. So is this the point where the pact ends, where once two walked now one will walk alone? Maybe I am slow, but didn't the tortise win the race? But didn't a million other tortises in a million other races lost to the million other hares because they were slow, just too slow?

PTM stands for PostTranslational Modification, I kid you not, as wikipedia has defined it so, and truth is the defined as the consensus of the masses, in other words, truth is defined as what wikipedia says, according to the wikipedia article on truth. In other context, PTM refers to Parent-Teacher-Mediation. They mediate on the next best course of action to solve the long-standing problem that they both face - student/children. From the PTM, I, aka the problem, have come to realise more about myself.
1. I have the potential, untapped raw power, that when tapped can be harnessed to horses and driven around the world.
2. Sleep is good, always.
3. Practice is good too, especially for math.
4. EE + TOK = 3
5. If you think you're short of time now, wait till year 6 *snigger snigger*
6. There are many emotions you can make other people feel, that you'll feel hurt for causing. Anger, sadness, dislike, distress, fear, pain, hate, grief. But what about Disappointment?

Here's a quote -
"I love you! Marry me <3"

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