Monday, July 14, 2008

News: The End, The Rebirth

The End
This is the end of my blog as you know it. I've decided, upon reading some of my earlier posts, that my blog is too random, to the point where it sucks. My posts are sporadic, the topics and themes are not linked, and the general effort shown is mediocre. So as of now, the old blog is dead.

The Rebirth
And from the ashes of the dying flames the phoenix will rise again, reborned anew, the same bird as from before, but different. It will grow to reclaim its former glory, and even more, constantly striving to achieve new heights. It will soar on to the highest clouds, but not higher as the oxygen content would be too low. (Damn i hate it when the paragraph starts out nicely and dramatic then end stupidly. Note to self: stop this stupid habit)

And my blog shall be reborned. This blog shall be a test of my perseverance, I shall attempt to update daily, missing a post only when circumstances do not allow me to do so (such as Most Unproductive Days). I shall have proper categories for each post, starting with: "Anime", "Dreams", "Scenes", "News" and "Random/Others". I would do away with "The End" at the end of each post, as that gets stale after awhile.

A tag board and other more interesting stuff should be up when i can figure out how blogger works.

and to wrap this post up, here is a riddle:

The beginning of Eternity,
The end of Time and Space,
The beginning of every end,
The end of every race.
What am I?
A big bonus to the person who can tell me where i first heard this riddle from.

1 comment:

Demel said...

Nice riddle; harder spoken. Can't harbour any guess as to where it comes from, though. Johnny showed me a similar one before.

It's interesting seeing this, and I admit I know nothing (for safety sake, to be honest) to cause this, but I trust that it is enough to keep you on. I hope that shall I lose my bet with the Technocrat; it does me no good for me to win after all.

Looking forward to a live blog again.