Saturday, August 16, 2008


Finally some free time to actually do the masses of work I plan to complete. But again I fall back into the traps and sins of my old life, wasting time on useless (when viewed from certain academic points of view) gaming and the such. I should find a balance between my excessive gaming and work.

Work gives a sense of achievement when completed, and this sense of achievement swells for each event after the completion of work - when at school you feel less stressed cause the work is done, when people ask you about the work and you show them the completed stuff, when teachers come in and you hand in the work with pride and satisfaction. It's been too long since I've felt these feelings, wayy too long, and the motivation that it wont be too long before I can experience these feelings again should be enough to make me do my work.

On the other hand, the achievement and high from gaming is short lived, no one cares if you've defeated the computer opponent for the 100th time. Very few people care if you've defeated your friend in a game, namely you and your friend. And about anime, I've paused most of my anime watching already, it uses up alot of time, but I believe the satisfaction and achievement you get from completing a series is quite significant, so I shall piroritize it above my gaming in the future when I've gotten everything sorted out.

Hrmm, and on the topic of emoing, it sucks being emo. Really. Well it was fun and interesting for the first few hours or maybe the first few days, but then it gets boring. Being emo has very very few benefits to you or the people around you, in fact it more often than not negatively affects all those around you, like random people you happen to treat worst than normal just because you feel life sucks. Even if life sucks, then keep that to yourself, and strive to make life less sucky for other people cause you know how freaking sian it is for life to suck for you, and you dont want other people to feel the same. It's like social sciences, you notice what people do, and you must attempt to empathize with the subject before you can not only know but truely understand the motivations and thought processes that go behind each and every action. Well emoing was fun, so was spiking my hair for a day, these two should not be done too often, but when done once in a while, it provides me insights on myself and on how others view and treat me, which is always good to know. Here marks the end of one of my most emo times, and the start of the new and hopefully mugger me =)

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