Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sunday - Hangover

That which happens after the party and the fun and enjoyment. It's this feeling you get, when the party you so highly anticipated for has finally come and gone, or the days right after a stayover camp, where your thoughts are centered on nothing except for remembering and reminiscing the events that have just passed. I believe in the duality of things, what goes up must come down (doesnt apply to entrophy), happiness is accompanied by sadness, and so on. The reasoning is that relative to the fun and enjoyment that you have experienced recently, your normal mundane life is boring and sucky. It's like when you put one hand in ice water for a while, then wash both hands in tap water, only one hand will feel that the tap water is warm. Well, these type of hangovers are similar yet different from alcohol hangovers, and so the ultimate cure is shared by the two - time. With time, everything is solved, alcohol is flushed from the body, and you get used to your life and dont find it so boring and sian anymore. I wish this feeling would hurry and go away.

Yay, I made some of my own combiwords. They are fantasome or awestic (<-- I came up with those on the spot, so they suck), errr... ya. Well I've recently encounted only two, one's chatative. (Has this been found out before?) Which I can be on certain days when I've had enough sleep and I have enough material to talk about. The other word is minriod, pronounced as mean-reird (rhymes with weird(damn I have a habit of spelling weird as wierd, as someone has pointed out to me before)). A minriod refers to a block of time in the schedule of a student. E.g. How do you survive a 40 minriod with Mr. xXx? Combiwords are awesome no?

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