Monday, August 11, 2008

Daily - August 11

It's the 11th of August. And 11 is made by combining my favourite number with itself. Yes my favourite number is 5.5 (no lol, it's 1, along with 5 and 20(I think)). The number 11 appears many times throughout my life, mainly my house number (of the house at which I've lived my whole life), and my register number for one year (I think sec 1). This causes my emails to have that number inside. August is my birth month. Therefore, August 11 should be special. And it is. Because it is a holiday, yay.

School-given holidays translate to class outings, or other outings. And this holidy happened to translate into a class outing. Went with 4 other classmates to arcade, to bowl, and arcade, and eat, and arcade. Yay, my bowling happens to be most tyco amongst everyone there today, and I managed to achieve a three-digit score - 110 on the second round. Hrmm, information to note so that I may replicate this achievement in the future.
1. Use 8 pound ball (I know it's light, but it suits me)
2. Start with your right foot, take 3 steps and toss the ball on the 4th step
3. Try to roll the ball without much spin, unless you want to act pro.
4. ???
5. Profit.

and now back to school life and homework.

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