Monday, August 25, 2008


Explaination of previous post
Whoever you are, whatever you think about the previous blog post, it is wrong. Yes seriously, it means nothing. Well, nothing that you will get anyway (insert 'contextual knowledge needed' here). Post title means nothing, first paragraph of post refers to something, but nothing particularly important. Dammit, I always wanted to create a misleading blog post, then I suddenly succeed without planning it. This reminds me of ambiguous endings, or rather ambiguity in general, which is a very useful tool. It can give people who truly understand the hidden meaning a special pride in being the select few who understands, it can mislead, it can piss other people off, and it can also give the user a certain recognition for being able to wield such a powerful tool so well (think Nostradamus).

Then again, when repeatedly re-reading the previous post, it can mean so much, the possibilities are endless. I swear this is how the writers of short stories, or writers of anything in general, feel after they complete their written piece. They read, other ppl read, and with each person's point of view and previous knowledge that they carry with them, they interpret a new meaning each time. And who can say what the true meaning of the piece is? The writer can. The true meaning is what he was thinking of when he wrote that piece, or what if the true meaning is what his subconcious was thinking of when he was writing that piece, and that the first meaning was just a cover, a veil of lesser truths over the underlying one. The piece of writing means everything, and nothing at the same time, and at any point of time before each person's personal conclusion, it is in a state similar to that of Schrödinger's cat. I now leave it up to you readers to give these words (and those before them) the meaning they deserve.

Why isn't there a false start for swimming O_O?

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