Saturday, August 9, 2008


English, a language made of words. What's the definition of words - go check it out yourself. How does one master a language? By learning all the words? Or by learning how to use them? Nevertheless, there are many things that I want to talk about words.

My vocabulary is supposedly good, as mentioned before by my siblings. But I do not think so. I used to read widely, or so I thought, till I found out the breadth and depth of literary works which my friends have explored; I read wayy too little. Then again, when asked with the meaning of a certain word, a gist of the meaning of the word would form in my mind, like an intuition or gut feeling, and it is more often right than wrong. Does this happen to everyone? For example, when asked of the meaning of the word "portend" what do you think it means? It means to signify or to mean something.

In Theory of Knowledge (ToK) lessons, we learn that certain words carry emotional baggage. Because of this, there are words which sound nicer than others, when both have exactly the same meaning. Short <--> Vertically challenged / Died <--> Kicked the bucket / Dneo <--> Awesome / Prostitute <--> Call girl / and so on and so forth. My point is, the objective of words is to bring across the message, and how you do so shouldnt be that important. Does phrasing certain things in a nicer manner change the effect of those things? Not one bit, but it does show that you make an effort. Thanks

I once read a newspaper article, that we should say things in a nice manner, because it is always better. As an example in the article, the word weird becomes unique/interesting. This substitution works in most events, and I've used it in my daily life since then. However, because of it, my view of the word unique/interesting has changed to include the meaning weird. So when people use the word unique/interesting, I may intepret it as weird... which I shouldnt. But then again, it is beneficial when people call certain categories of people of which I belong to weird, which I then intepret to mean that I am interesting and unique.

In other news, my text twirl skillz sucks. I can get to like, 3 words before I die. So I enlist the help of my friends, and we go on and on and on, until the application gets overloaded and cant load. The buggers who created the program should be shot for not maintaing their server load well. =(

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