Sunday, August 10, 2008


Here's an interesting recount to an event today. I was thirsty, and my home ran out of plastic bottles to bring whenever I'm going out. So I decided to go buy drink(s) at the supermarket. Reaching the drinks aisle, I saw Vanilla coke! It's been really long since I drank vanilla coke, and I like vanilla, and coke, so yay. The smaller bottle, 500ml, costs $1.15, which is pretty okay price for a bottle of soft drink (usually $1 +-). I was happy and contented with my 500ml vanilla coke at the price of $1.15, then my friend pointed out that a 1.5L bottle of the same drink costs only $1.75. That's effectively $0.60 more for a larger bottle plus 1L of vanilla coke goodness. So I decided to take both bottles, after all, one cannot have too much of a good thing. Then my friend pointed out beside the vanilla coke, there was 500ml of sprite going for $0.95 only, and 1.5L of sprite going for $1.55. Hrmm, what a dilemma, but vanilla coke is nice, so heck the sprite. But then, my friend pointed out that further down the row of drinks, a 600ml (you get 20% more! (or so they claim)) of pepsi costs only $1.15. Hrmm, now what..? Remembering my objective of getting a bottle to bring water to outings and school, I decided that the 600ml bottle would be better. So I got that. And only the smaller vanilla coke too because it is nice. My friend decided to get the sprite as it is best value for money.

Then I reached home and got scolded by my mum for buying soft drinks, as they are bad for my teeth. =( I saw this one coming. Then again, I has bottle get. So I happy. =)

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