Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Leaving... on a jet plane
I'm leaving on a jet plane tonight to the land of awesome aka Japan. I shall be uncontactable for the next week or so, if anyone has any burning desire to contact me... Well you can't. Just email me lol and I'll see if I can check. Cya in a week's time.
It's 4pm and I haven't packed my bags. O wells.
Lord have mercy, rock you
It's 4pm and I haven't packed my bags. O wells.
Lord have mercy, rock you
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Hai Guys I've been quite the busy after IB is over, busy having nightmares about IB not being over that is. So here's an announcement to anyone who is looking for popular me during the hols in December:
I'll be away in Japan from 11th Dec to 20th Dec, dropping by Tokyo abit, but mostly going Hokkaido with my family, aunt, uncle and cousins to ski. Anyone looking for stuff in Japan that's easy to find in Japan and easy to transport back, please just send me a list of what you want, and I'll see what I can do. Chances of you getting what you want is about 20%, but hey, there's still a chance.
After that, I'll be dropping by said aunt's house in Shanghai from 21st Dec to 28th Dec. And that's about it.
Also, I just got a new compact camera so I should be taking many pics of the snowy whiteness overseas. Yay. The 'Travels of Kagami' may also continue. ^_^
In short, I'll be away from the country from 11th - 28th Dec. Yea so don't bother looking for me, cause you won't find me.
I'll be away in Japan from 11th Dec to 20th Dec, dropping by Tokyo abit, but mostly going Hokkaido with my family, aunt, uncle and cousins to ski. Anyone looking for stuff in Japan that's easy to find in Japan and easy to transport back, please just send me a list of what you want, and I'll see what I can do. Chances of you getting what you want is about 20%, but hey, there's still a chance.
After that, I'll be dropping by said aunt's house in Shanghai from 21st Dec to 28th Dec. And that's about it.
Also, I just got a new compact camera so I should be taking many pics of the snowy whiteness overseas. Yay. The 'Travels of Kagami' may also continue. ^_^
In short, I'll be away from the country from 11th - 28th Dec. Yea so don't bother looking for me, cause you won't find me.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Prom Night
In less than 24 hour's time it would be my first (and last) prom night. Let's make this a memorable one.
By the way, I have been quite busy over the last few days with lot's of stuff planned out. If my 'diary of stuff planned for the period of time between end of IB and results of IB' is right, I will have something on everyday till the 5th of Dec, with only the 3rd of Dec free. Guys, so hurry book a slot with busy me if you have anything on. XD
By the way, I have been quite busy over the last few days with lot's of stuff planned out. If my 'diary of stuff planned for the period of time between end of IB and results of IB' is right, I will have something on everyday till the 5th of Dec, with only the 3rd of Dec free. Guys, so hurry book a slot with busy me if you have anything on. XD
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Of Uniforms and Uniform Distributions
This will be the last day of my life where I get to officially wear my school's uniform for a proper reason, not counting the day of release of exam results where I'll (hopefully) get to walk on stage in my home attire. I don't know what other people's sentiments towards the school uniform are, but mine are simple and few - It doesn't look half bad, It is comfortable, It is slightly troublesome in regards to arcade-going/lanning/going to undesirable places where little schoolboys aren't allowed and I like the tie. That just about sums it up and yet ends another (and one of the last) chapter of my childhood.
Speaking of uniforms, I know ALL about uniform distributions yay. That's because it's going to be tested for today's Mathematics Stats HL Paper 3, and I know everything about any topic that will be tested for an upcoming paper (upcoming meaning in 16 hours). For all those people out there who don't see any useful application of such topics of math in our future lives, here's one undeniable case example to prove their effectiveness: You... get a head start when learning about mathematics statistics in university. An example would be my sister, who is currently enrolled in some course in SMU (not to be confused with lovely Amu) studying business. She has to take a (probably core) module called mathematics statistics, and it is exactly what we are learning now. So if you want to slack later in your university life, you can start studying now and then you can slack all the way through that one course of university. Isn't it fun? It is so useful to learn about such stuff in Junior College just so that we can learn it again in university.
Speaking of uniforms, I know ALL about uniform distributions yay. That's because it's going to be tested for today's Mathematics Stats HL Paper 3, and I know everything about any topic that will be tested for an upcoming paper (upcoming meaning in 16 hours). For all those people out there who don't see any useful application of such topics of math in our future lives, here's one undeniable case example to prove their effectiveness: You... get a head start when learning about mathematics statistics in university. An example would be my sister, who is currently enrolled in some course in SMU (not to be confused with lovely Amu) studying business. She has to take a (probably core) module called mathematics statistics, and it is exactly what we are learning now. So if you want to slack later in your university life, you can start studying now and then you can slack all the way through that one course of university. Isn't it fun? It is so useful to learn about such stuff in Junior College just so that we can learn it again in university.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Joy of Studying
1 Paper/Subject/Day left - There's one marble left in my container, it goes away tomorrow. Yattearuyo.
I have finally experienced it - the elusive feeling known as joy from studying. Studying is a boring tedious process which students go through because they have to, and this holds true for me most of the time. However, there comes a time when one can appreciate the knowledge gained from mugging, and view mugging not as a chore but as a fun experience instead. Actually this may not be true, because I was really really tired when I was last minute mugging at 12.30am - 2.30am, and since I had to mug everything anyway, there is the possibility that I brainwashed myself into believing that mugging is fun. Anyways, it's not too late for this realization, and now that I'm no stranger to the joys of studying, maybe this will prove useful for university.
I had a lot of time to pass at home after today's morning paper, so I went to watch shoujo anime shows for fun XD.
Amu from Shugo Chara is, as I expected, very cute <3.
Yumeiro Patissiere is a typical shoujo show with lots of pink everywhere!, magical fairies, hearts, roses, strawberries and big sparkly eyes!~ (and bishounens but who cares about those things anyway?). It is also about subarashii cakey and subarashii sense of taste.
But with so many plus points it would inevitably lack in other departments, and here's one such case of bad logic:
*Mama whips out a golf club and addresses Papa* - "I found this under your bed when I was cleaning your room this morning! You keep buying golf clubs despite being so bad at it... Yet you still intend to refuse [your daughter's request to transfer to a culinary school]?!"
Personally I don't see the logical flow of the argument, if you do, please enlighten me.
I have finally experienced it - the elusive feeling known as joy from studying. Studying is a boring tedious process which students go through because they have to, and this holds true for me most of the time. However, there comes a time when one can appreciate the knowledge gained from mugging, and view mugging not as a chore but as a fun experience instead. Actually this may not be true, because I was really really tired when I was last minute mugging at 12.30am - 2.30am, and since I had to mug everything anyway, there is the possibility that I brainwashed myself into believing that mugging is fun. Anyways, it's not too late for this realization, and now that I'm no stranger to the joys of studying, maybe this will prove useful for university.
I had a lot of time to pass at home after today's morning paper, so I went to watch shoujo anime shows for fun XD.
Amu from Shugo Chara is, as I expected, very cute <3.
Yumeiro Patissiere is a typical shoujo show with lots of pink everywhere!, magical fairies, hearts, roses, strawberries and big sparkly eyes!~ (and bishounens but who cares about those things anyway?). It is also about subarashii cakey and subarashii sense of taste.
But with so many plus points it would inevitably lack in other departments, and here's one such case of bad logic:
*Mama whips out a golf club and addresses Papa* - "I found this under your bed when I was cleaning your room this morning! You keep buying golf clubs despite being so bad at it... Yet you still intend to refuse [your daughter's request to transfer to a culinary school]?!"
Personally I don't see the logical flow of the argument, if you do, please enlighten me.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Time is relative - it passes faster during exams
*Timestamp* Sunday, 15th November 2009, 10pm - 64 hours to go.
2 papers of 2 subjects in 2 days - it has finally come down to this. The numbers are aligned! Oh noes, and they'll continue to be aligned till to 1p 1s 1d (which is 7 in binary) and to 0p 0s 0d (which is.. 0 in binary, no shit). Then the world will be destroyed and I will go to the movie theatres to watch that happening in the blockbuster movie called 2012. Okayy guys let's do this.
"Why does everyone think I'm so owning, I think you make me look good" - The sister hehehe.
Now this is where I go "Keikaku Doori". (For any english commentary writing student out there, this would be a good time to focus on the literary devices of juxtaposition and contrast)
*Timestamp* Monday, 16th November 2009, 11pm - 39 hours to go o_O.
"What the freak, how do you expect me to know that the earth's age?"
"Well, you know that the dinosaurs lived hundreds of millions of years ago."
"But, but, the earth is not a dinosaur... =( "
".................... *speechless* ...................."
"XD "
*Timestamp* Monday, 16th November 2009, 11.30pm - 38.5 hours to go....
2 papers of 2 subjects in 2 days - it has finally come down to this. The numbers are aligned! Oh noes, and they'll continue to be aligned till to 1p 1s 1d (which is 7 in binary) and to 0p 0s 0d (which is.. 0 in binary, no shit). Then the world will be destroyed and I will go to the movie theatres to watch that happening in the blockbuster movie called 2012. Okayy guys let's do this.
"Why does everyone think I'm so owning, I think you make me look good" - The sister hehehe.
Now this is where I go "Keikaku Doori". (For any english commentary writing student out there, this would be a good time to focus on the literary devices of juxtaposition and contrast)
*Timestamp* Monday, 16th November 2009, 11pm - 39 hours to go o_O.
"What the freak, how do you expect me to know that the earth's age?"
"Well, you know that the dinosaurs lived hundreds of millions of years ago."
"But, but, the earth is not a dinosaur... =( "
".................... *speechless* ...................."
"XD "
*Timestamp* Monday, 16th November 2009, 11.30pm - 38.5 hours to go....
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Physics Notes and Jokes
- Albedo is the ratio of reflected to incident light. Albedo is for earth is about 0.3 <-- this means earth is a selfish thingyobject than only releases about 30% of the light it kopes from the sun.
- Alt Codes are fun!~:
(Physics related) ° - 0176 ± - 0177 ² - 0178 ³ - 0179
(Copyright related) © - 0169 ® - 0174 ™ - 0153
- I have finally found out why my power level is so low - Power is defined as rate of doing work. Then begs the next question, why is SZ's gaming power level so high?
- Outline an appropriate use for photovoltaic cells - To operate solar powered torch lights <-- Marked wrong, cause the next thing you know there'll be wind powered fans.
- I was reading wiki on eV (Electron Volt), then 1 eV = 1.60×10−19 J or 1 eV/amu is 96.5 MJ/kg. Click on amu plz XD
Saturday, November 14, 2009
And the exams are three-quarters past
Day 13 - 4p 2s (3d) 4d - Tiem to start on Physics mugging, jya minna ikuyo yaa~ to~
I was packing up my physics notes and had a great discovery, I only had notes for half the syllabus OH NOES! So I rummaged through under my table (which I haven't touched in about a year) and found last year's physics notes all nicely in a file. Yes! Then I found the chemistry IA file (oh i actually had one, didn't know that) along with... the 'book of imba' otherwise known as the Tim Kirk Physics IB Study Guide book which I remembered buying but forgot where I put it. Okay so I now have slightly more than a day's worth of time to read through the entire IB Physics HL syllabus. Go me.
Oh and something amusing happened today. My dad was watching the hokkien drama serial that lasts forever, then (spoilers!) the chairman of the company in the show died, so one of the other main characters of the show was plotting to take over it. Cue rain scene and a soliloquy by the plotting dude in front of the company office, when... lightning struck the tree beside him as he laughed at the heavens for being unfair to him. Just at that moment, the tv screen went blank and the screen was filled with white noise and sadako crawled out and 'Signal unavailable' flashed across the screen. Lol the lightning really struck the tv and stopped the show.
Day 12 - 4p 2s (3d) 5d - Woke up at 3pm yesterday (Friday), slept from 9pm to 10.45am today (Saturday) and slacked whole (remaining of the) day whee!~
I have come out with a great plan to defeat the extended length of the IB exams period. Because it is quite of a hassle to just sit around and twiddle your thumbs, cause your thumbs will get sore and you won't be able to write properly for the exams, you should just sleep early and wake up late, thereby reducing the amount of awake hours to spend. Or you could sleep normally and spend some of your awake hours slacking, whichever suits you more.
Day 11 - 4p 2s (3d) 6d - I have the same level of confidence for English A1 SL Paper 2 as the first paper, so that is sort of a good thing. Well it's good knowing that you wrote your best piece for the exam that actually matters, but it's not really nice knowing that your peers' power level of writing is still quite abit higher than yours. Yay, English A1 is totally-gone!!~
Went out to slack for the first time since the start of the exams period. So fun. And some people with certain subject combinations finished their whole IB experience yesterday on their 10th day, which isn't really fair. But then again I shouldn't be complaining cause the Bio people have to wait 6 days to take their last paper lasting a grand total of 1 hour and 4 questions. At least I got my Physics to study to take up my time.
I was packing up my physics notes and had a great discovery, I only had notes for half the syllabus OH NOES! So I rummaged through under my table (which I haven't touched in about a year) and found last year's physics notes all nicely in a file. Yes! Then I found the chemistry IA file (oh i actually had one, didn't know that) along with... the 'book of imba' otherwise known as the Tim Kirk Physics IB Study Guide book which I remembered buying but forgot where I put it. Okay so I now have slightly more than a day's worth of time to read through the entire IB Physics HL syllabus. Go me.
Oh and something amusing happened today. My dad was watching the hokkien drama serial that lasts forever, then (spoilers!) the chairman of the company in the show died, so one of the other main characters of the show was plotting to take over it. Cue rain scene and a soliloquy by the plotting dude in front of the company office, when... lightning struck the tree beside him as he laughed at the heavens for being unfair to him. Just at that moment, the tv screen went blank
Day 12 - 4p 2s (3d) 5d - Woke up at 3pm yesterday (Friday), slept from 9pm to 10.45am today (Saturday) and slacked whole (remaining of the) day whee!~
I have come out with a great plan to defeat the extended length of the IB exams period. Because it is quite of a hassle to just sit around and twiddle your thumbs, cause your thumbs will get sore and you won't be able to write properly for the exams, you should just sleep early and wake up late, thereby reducing the amount of awake hours to spend. Or you could sleep normally and spend some of your awake hours slacking, whichever suits you more.
Day 11 - 4p 2s (3d) 6d - I have the same level of confidence for English A1 SL Paper 2 as the first paper, so that is sort of a good thing. Well it's good knowing that you wrote your best piece for the exam that actually matters, but it's not really nice knowing that your peers' power level of writing is still quite abit higher than yours. Yay, English A1 is totally-gone!!~
Went out to slack for the first time since the start of the exams period. So fun. And some people with certain subject combinations finished their whole IB experience yesterday on their 10th day, which isn't really fair. But then again I shouldn't be complaining cause the Bio people have to wait 6 days to take their last paper lasting a grand total of 1 hour and 4 questions. At least I got my Physics to study to take up my time.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
And the exams are more than half-past
Day 10 - 5p 3s (4d) 7d - To whoever who asks how I did for English A1 SL Paper 1, my reply is that I did better than usual. (Note: I usually get 11-13 out of 25, so ya)
English A1 is half-gone!!~
Day 9 - 6p 3s (5d) 8d - Another day, another conversation worth recording, and finally it does.
"So what have you been doing these days?"
"Waiting for IB exams to end"
"Lol, so just sit back, twiddle your thumbs, and wait for the days to pass?"
Day 8 - 6p 3s (5d) 9d - Another paper down, another subject down. End of Econs!
As a friend puts it - the burning/tearing up of notes: How can we bear to do it?
Breaking News - Japan to harvest solar energy from space
This is how to do it the japanese way:
1) Gather a few of your country's top companies, e.g. Mitsubushi Electric, NEC, Fujitsu, Sharp.
2) Set a deadline, e.g. 2030.
3) Ask companies to build hugeass floating photovoltaic dishes by deadline.
4) Send hugeass floating dishes into space by deadline too.
5) Collect power from the sun with hugeass floating dishes...
6) Charge up!...
7) Pew lazers downs onto earth!
8) ???
9) Profit!
10) It's really true lol.
Day 7 - 7p 4s (6d) 10d - I've learnt so much from reading the Econs notes (for the first time lol), such as finally understanding topic 4 (it wasn't so hard after all).
Government failure (or non-market failure) is the public sector analogy to market failure and occurs when a government intervention causes a more inefficient allocation of goods and resources than would occur without that intervention. =D
Day 6 - 7p 4s (6d) 11d - Have been slacking whee... (you can see by the lack of updates)
(Will edit it when I come back, because people from Bedok have to leave for exams now)(Edited)
English A1 is half-gone!!~
Day 9 - 6p 3s (5d) 8d - Another day, another conversation worth recording, and finally it does.
"So what have you been doing these days?"
"Waiting for IB exams to end"
"Lol, so just sit back, twiddle your thumbs, and wait for the days to pass?"
Day 8 - 6p 3s (5d) 9d - Another paper down, another subject down. End of Econs!
As a friend puts it - the burning/tearing up of notes: How can we bear to do it?
Breaking News - Japan to harvest solar energy from space
This is how to do it the japanese way:
1) Gather a few of your country's top companies, e.g. Mitsubushi Electric, NEC, Fujitsu, Sharp.
2) Set a deadline, e.g. 2030.
3) Ask companies to build hugeass floating photovoltaic dishes by deadline.
4) Send hugeass floating dishes into space by deadline too.
5) Collect power from the sun with hugeass floating dishes...
6) Charge up!...
7) Pew lazers downs onto earth!
8) ???
9) Profit!
10) It's really true lol.
Day 7 - 7p 4s (6d) 10d - I've learnt so much from reading the Econs notes (for the first time lol), such as finally understanding topic 4 (it wasn't so hard after all).
Government failure (or non-market failure) is the public sector analogy to market failure and occurs when a government intervention causes a more inefficient allocation of goods and resources than would occur without that intervention. =D
Day 6 - 7p 4s (6d) 11d - Have been slacking whee... (you can see by the lack of updates)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Day 5
7p 4s (6d) 12d - I'm still getting used to the feeling that one subject is OVER and totally done with. So this marks the conclusion of four plus two years of studying a subject, though the real conclusion is when results are out in two month's time.
In other news, taking two papers yesterday wasn't as bad as I imagined, though I could have done somewhat better for math (read: better time management). Ahh well must look forward and not ruminate over the past, only 12 more days to go!~
Also, the game Clockwords is fun. =D
In other news, taking two papers yesterday wasn't as bad as I imagined, though I could have done somewhat better for math (read: better time management). Ahh well must look forward and not ruminate over the past, only 12 more days to go!~
Also, the game Clockwords is fun. =D
Friday, November 6, 2009
Day 4
9p 4s 13d - Slowly chipping away at the 'p's and 'd's. Who wants to invade Russia? Ahh vectors coming up.
"We have eyes in the front of our head. We have fingernails. We have eyes, teeth and long legs. We have evolved so that we could chase down smaller, stupider creatures, kill them and eat them." -Chef Anthony Bourdain defending eating meat
"We have eyes in the front of our head. We have fingernails. We have eyes, teeth and long legs. We have evolved so that we could chase down smaller, stupider creatures, kill them and eat them." -Chef Anthony Bourdain defending eating meat
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Day 3
10p 4s 14d - That's one subject down and four more to go.
The alternating morning and afternoon exam timetable is quite lol.
The alternating morning and afternoon exam timetable is quite lol.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Day 2
5s 11p 15d - No need to care much about atomic orbitals and subshells anymore.
I can't believe I have a chance of doing better for paper 2 than paper 1 for a science subject.
Is it can be 7 tiem now for chem plees?
What's up for today
is MAC Furganics, damn I
hate morning papers
What's up for today
is MAC Furganics, damn I
hate morning papers
I can't believe I have a chance of doing better for paper 2 than paper 1 for a science subject.
Is it can be 7 tiem now for chem plees?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Day 1
5s 13p 16d - Selenium with an 's' electron running away to be with his 'p' friends, and the whole 4th subshell having a huge party at 'd'.
Afternoon papers provide
the perfect breeding ground for
I hope my butterflies are
well fed.
I couldn't sleep well last night, you know something is up when me of all people can't sleep well.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
And so the day passes, and my external hard disk digital storage capacity has just increased from 320+500+640=1460 to 2960 o_O. Let's see how long I take to fill this baby up.
Sim Lim Square was fun, it's always fun to go there if you have a clear objective of what you want to buy, and you have clear means (read: enough cash) to achieve your objective. So in an hour or two, the haul was a 22inch monitor, printer ink, and a new 1.5tb hard disk. More on each article of purchase will be said below:
There is hardly any cutthroat competition in SLS with regards to computer monitors. This is because there are only a few standard brands, and it's some damn hugeass piece of equipment that only certain shops can stock. Then the original manufacturer probably also set a price for it to be sold at, so no one bothers to vary the retailing price. Checking with 3-5 shops, what I found was that --- the brands, the models, the advertisements, the freebies and most importantly the price <-- everything is the same between shops. So i decided to go for the shop that is most convenient and looks least dodgy. They gave me a slight discount cause I paid cash, yay.
It's a powerful feeling, knowing that you have money and soon will not have that money, but in its place you'll have some item that would be worth that amount of money, while the item's utility will be much higher than whatever amount of money you have, if you do not consider opportunity costs and how many plates of chicken rice (I don't know why, but I used to use this as a reference to everything I buy) you can get with that amount of money (or how many months Jesmagicaltrevormond can survive on that money back in his hometown if he uses $5 a month =D). In other words, retail therapy is powerful.
Going back home and setting it up, I realized that with the new DVI cable (that came freeee), my resolution possibilities have just reached new heights, and I was happy to see the iddle widdle icons being so tiny, and having to move my mouse so freaking far to reach the top right hand of the screen after clicking stuff on the btm left hand of the screen... etc. Until my dad woke up and said the stuff were too freaking small and I changed it back to what it was on the old screen, except that there is a little more space at the sides. O wells it's still nice.
On a related note: Anyone looking for a 17 inch LCD monitor, the squarish kind, that is fully functional except for slightly irritating horizontal bands of light and dark flowing down the screen? To elaborate on the slight defect... Imagine setting brightness at 40%, and setting brightness at 70%. Then imagine dividing the screen into 2cm thick horizontal bands, then imagine every other band being at 40% brightness, and the rest at 70% brightness. Then imagine this thing "flowing" down the screen at a speed of about 3cm a second... Okay lol, irritating but bearable, but now that its gone it does not need to be beared anymore! yay!
As for printer inks, its really highly amusing when you go to a shop in singapore, and ask "Hey, I got canon MP145 printer and I need ink, do you have original ink?" and the person's immediately response is "No". Only at sim lim square do you get shops that do NOT stock original ink and stuff (actually there's this shop at my neighbourhood who also doesnt stock original ink but o wells). So I bought 4 bottles (with 1 bottle freeeee) of dubious ink refill, which comes with complementary syringes and long metal pointy parts.
Going home and after figuring how to do-it-yourself refill printer ink, I have come away with these few insights/stuff/reflections:
1. After spending 20 mins playing with syringes and getting ink all over my fingers, I feel:
a) Like a druggie clearing evidence while washing the syringes
b) Like I have just voted for some random election cause I have UNREMOVABLE ink all over my fingers (because I didnt wash the ink away in time... ), people who read this blog and see my tmr or anytime in the next week can gimme a high-five.
2. When wanting to get more ink, you can either:
a) Spend $30 and get original ink
b) Spend $10 and get someone to refill your ink for you (one use only)
c) Spend $10 and get to refill your ink yourself for the next year or so, assuming your printer does not explode from your shoddy workmanship
Note: Please choose wisely when considering option c.
3. Please ensure that any pets, especially dogs, stay FAR FAR away from you as you meddle with ink. Don't worry nothing much happened to my dog while I was refilling the ink.
As for hdd, 1.5tb is effectively 1.36tb... YOU BUGGERS CHEATED ME OF 140gigs of goodness =( (actually I knew this would happen but it's cathartic to complain about stuff)
Sim Lim Square was fun, it's always fun to go there if you have a clear objective of what you want to buy, and you have clear means (read: enough cash) to achieve your objective. So in an hour or two, the haul was a 22inch monitor, printer ink, and a new 1.5tb hard disk. More on each article of purchase will be said below:
There is hardly any cutthroat competition in SLS with regards to computer monitors. This is because there are only a few standard brands, and it's some damn hugeass piece of equipment that only certain shops can stock. Then the original manufacturer probably also set a price for it to be sold at, so no one bothers to vary the retailing price. Checking with 3-5 shops, what I found was that --- the brands, the models, the advertisements, the freebies and most importantly the price <-- everything is the same between shops. So i decided to go for the shop that is most convenient and looks least dodgy. They gave me a slight discount cause I paid cash, yay.
It's a powerful feeling, knowing that you have money and soon will not have that money, but in its place you'll have some item that would be worth that amount of money, while the item's utility will be much higher than whatever amount of money you have, if you do not consider opportunity costs and how many plates of chicken rice (I don't know why, but I used to use this as a reference to everything I buy) you can get with that amount of money (or how many months Jesmagicaltrevormond can survive on that money back in his hometown if he uses $5 a month =D). In other words, retail therapy is powerful.
Going back home and setting it up, I realized that with the new DVI cable (that came freeee), my resolution possibilities have just reached new heights, and I was happy to see the iddle widdle icons being so tiny, and having to move my mouse so freaking far to reach the top right hand of the screen after clicking stuff on the btm left hand of the screen... etc. Until my dad woke up and said the stuff were too freaking small and I changed it back to what it was on the old screen, except that there is a little more space at the sides. O wells it's still nice.
On a related note: Anyone looking for a 17 inch LCD monitor, the squarish kind, that is fully functional except for slightly irritating horizontal bands of light and dark flowing down the screen? To elaborate on the slight defect... Imagine setting brightness at 40%, and setting brightness at 70%. Then imagine dividing the screen into 2cm thick horizontal bands, then imagine every other band being at 40% brightness, and the rest at 70% brightness. Then imagine this thing "flowing" down the screen at a speed of about 3cm a second... Okay lol, irritating but bearable, but now that its gone it does not need to be beared anymore! yay!
As for printer inks, its really highly amusing when you go to a shop in singapore, and ask "Hey, I got canon MP145 printer and I need ink, do you have original ink?" and the person's immediately response is "No". Only at sim lim square do you get shops that do NOT stock original ink and stuff (actually there's this shop at my neighbourhood who also doesnt stock original ink but o wells). So I bought 4 bottles (with 1 bottle freeeee) of dubious ink refill, which comes with complementary syringes and long metal pointy parts.
Going home and after figuring how to do-it-yourself refill printer ink, I have come away with these few insights/stuff/reflections:
1. After spending 20 mins playing with syringes and getting ink all over my fingers, I feel:
a) Like a druggie clearing evidence while washing the syringes
b) Like I have just voted for some random election cause I have UNREMOVABLE ink all over my fingers (because I didnt wash the ink away in time... ), people who read this blog and see my tmr or anytime in the next week can gimme a high-five.
2. When wanting to get more ink, you can either:
a) Spend $30 and get original ink
b) Spend $10 and get someone to refill your ink for you (one use only)
c) Spend $10 and get to refill your ink yourself for the next year or so, assuming your printer does not explode from your shoddy workmanship
Note: Please choose wisely when considering option c.
3. Please ensure that any pets, especially dogs, stay FAR FAR away from you as you meddle with ink. Don't worry nothing much happened to my dog while I was refilling the ink.
As for hdd, 1.5tb is effectively 1.36tb... YOU BUGGERS CHEATED ME OF 140gigs of goodness =( (actually I knew this would happen but it's cathartic to complain about stuff)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Life is good
Had a good night's (and morning's and afternoon's) sleep till 3+pm today, then slacked the whole day. Was suppose to go out to STGCC but o wells, camping at home is fun. Spent the day catching up on anime from Summer 2009 and more - Umi monogatari ep 1 is boring, princess lover is awesome, sengoku basara (not from summer 09 but included) is too owning, DOGS ova has nice style. Parents are now coming back home with my dinner consisting of Macs (the cancer food) including seaweed shaker fries yay. There is hardly any stress from school now that tok ee wl ioc is over. Tmr I'll be going out to get new monitor (cause old one has alternating bands of light and darker areas flowing down the screen) and new hdd (4th in the series of 320, 500, 640 and now 1tb). Yay life is good.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
lol results
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Emma Watson and the Harry Potter
+ Emma Watson
+ That dress
+ That hair
+ Evanna Lynch
+ Also her clothing for entirely different reasons
+ Also that hair
+ Ginny (the character, because I'm a sucker for stuff like that)
+ random extra jokes they threw in
- Ending was a bit meh
- No funeral?
- Not enough Evanna Lynch
- They cut out a whole Quidditch match with her commentary? Sucks
grrrr fuckers
but i shall not let that detract from my enjoyment of rereading the 6th and 7th books in 1 shot in 1 day whee
+ Emma Watson
+ That dress
+ That hair
+ Evanna Lynch
+ Also her clothing for entirely different reasons
+ Also that hair
+ Ginny (the character, because I'm a sucker for stuff like that)
+ random extra jokes they threw in
- Ending was a bit meh
- No funeral?
- Not enough Evanna Lynch
- They cut out a whole Quidditch match with her commentary? Sucks
grrrr fuckers
but i shall not let that detract from my enjoyment of rereading the 6th and 7th books in 1 shot in 1 day whee
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Sup exams are over
Sup I got PES A
Sup life sucks.
Okay so anyway Wikipedia + TVTropes is still a combination of the greatest ever way to waste your time, like seriously this is some sort of weapon of mass destruction, the deadliest ever @_@
Also whoever decided to make a file to play back an entire season of anime with the OP followed by 13 straight eps then ED is a genius
or not
wtf it's 3.30am T_T oops
Sup I got PES A
Sup life sucks.
Okay so anyway Wikipedia + TVTropes is still a combination of the greatest ever way to waste your time, like seriously this is some sort of weapon of mass destruction, the deadliest ever @_@
Also whoever decided to make a file to play back an entire season of anime with the OP followed by 13 straight eps then ED is a genius
or not
wtf it's 3.30am T_T oops

Thursday, July 9, 2009
I am the origin of my line
Points are my body, and coordinates my blood
I have created over a thousand vectors
Unknown to nubs
Nor known to pros
Have withstood pain to create many normals
Yet, these hands will never hold any cross products
Points are my body, and coordinates my blood
I have created over a thousand vectors
Unknown to nubs
Nor known to pros
Have withstood pain to create many normals
Yet, these hands will never hold any cross products
Sunday, July 5, 2009
theendthewhy, now with 200% more princess and tsuntsun. all hail lelouch miku
this template brought to you byjunyi PRINCESS CHERILYN all tags of appreciation may be directed to the tagboard thank you very much
this template brought to you by
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
How Well Do You Know Me?
The results for the personalized version of the How Well Do You Know Me? series of quiz on Facebook is out. And the results are somewhat surprising... Okay here's what I got out of the quiz:
The winner is... Peter Chan! Err what? Okay this is highly shocking, and I can attribute three possible reasons to it.
1. He is very good at guessing. (Most likely reason)
2. He really knows me really well. (Not really likely reason)
3. He cheated some way or another. (Dude it is Peter Chan after all, he has ninja powers)
The first runners-up is... Sharmaine Neo <3... with 90% success rate, or 9 right answers out of 10. Hrmm I wouldn't expect anything less from her, and the question she got wrong was on the highly dubious "What time am I in bed by?" question. Well not like she sleeps after me and hence knows what time I sleep.
The "third place" person is... Fate T. Harlaown, the other person who keeps posting weird stuff on this pink (courtesy of this person too) blog. Considering how much I talk to you and how long we've known each other (since the good ol' Tao Nan School days), this isn't much of a surprise. But why don't you know where my scar is.... It's in a somewhat prominent and obvious place yo?
Wrapping the list of honourable mentions of people who passed the test would be...
Samuel Teo (insert slightly shocked face) <--- Kudos to him
People who just about failed, if you consider the test to be out of 9 questions (not including the rigged sleep question), meaning those with a score of 4 out of 9...
Miss Nani
Huazzz <--- Oii wtf I expected you to get as much as the third place person
Levin <--- shocking
P.S. I was thinking about the places I have visited... Country-wise I counted >10... o_O
New Zealand, Australia
Canada, America
Switzerland, France
Japan, Korea
Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam
China, Malaysia
+ Singapore
o_O I haven't been to Indonesia... =(
Nvm there's always after IB, I'll go crash the houses of all my classmates' hometowns. Theres Bandung (the town not the drink), Medan (lovely city it sounds like), Some-place-somewhere-in-the-island-of-Java, Small-village-that-is-not-well-known <--- all these places wait for me I'll go visit you some day.
The winner is... Peter Chan! Err what? Okay this is highly shocking, and I can attribute three possible reasons to it.
1. He is very good at guessing. (Most likely reason)
2. He really knows me really well. (Not really likely reason)
3. He cheated some way or another. (Dude it is Peter Chan after all, he has ninja powers)
The first runners-up is... Sharmaine Neo <3... with 90% success rate, or 9 right answers out of 10. Hrmm I wouldn't expect anything less from her, and the question she got wrong was on the highly dubious "What time am I in bed by?" question. Well not like she sleeps after me and hence knows what time I sleep.
The "third place" person is... Fate T. Harlaown, the other person who keeps posting weird stuff on this pink (courtesy of this person too) blog. Considering how much I talk to you and how long we've known each other (since the good ol' Tao Nan School days), this isn't much of a surprise. But why don't you know where my scar is.... It's in a somewhat prominent and obvious place yo?
Wrapping the list of honourable mentions of people who passed the test would be...
Samuel Teo (insert slightly shocked face) <--- Kudos to him
People who just about failed, if you consider the test to be out of 9 questions (not including the rigged sleep question), meaning those with a score of 4 out of 9...
Miss Nani
Huazzz <--- Oii wtf I expected you to get as much as the third place person
Levin <--- shocking
P.S. I was thinking about the places I have visited... Country-wise I counted >10... o_O
New Zealand, Australia
Canada, America
Switzerland, France
Japan, Korea
Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam
China, Malaysia
+ Singapore
o_O I haven't been to Indonesia... =(
Nvm there's always after IB, I'll go crash the houses of all my classmates' hometowns. Theres Bandung (the town not the drink), Medan (lovely city it sounds like), Some-place-somewhere-in-the-island-of-Java, Small-village-that-is-not-well-known <--- all these places wait for me I'll go visit you some day.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
small rant on how stupid people can be
because I don't feel like sleeping yet.
Well, reading Today over dinner, there were 2 things that raised my not-very-hard-to-raise anger, which is nothing new because there is ALWAYS something to rage about. However this time I think it was particularly retarded.
1) Negligent driver screws up 1 person's life from injuries and the other person dies. Her original sentence of 18 months jail was reduced to (get this) 1 day and $2000 fine.
Obviously this is fucking stupid because while 18 months is a bit on the low side (for a max penalty of 5 years I believe) the new sentence doesn't do anything, I mean holy shit if you have your own car 2k is peanuts and so is 1 day in jail. I'm of the opinion that this is because the person that died was an Indonesian maid riding pillion so obviously no one cares and therefore you can have this idiot (lol woman driver joke here) win an APPEAL for a sentence where she shouldn't even have the right to appeal. You killed someone and still have the guts to appeal for a lighter sentence GJ evidently no remorse felt. Saying you'll donate the extra money to charity is just for the news because the maid left behind a 1 year old child and there was no mention of how she was going to be cared for.
If the person who died had been say a 10 year old singaporean kid you would see everyone crying out for harsh punishments, omg why gahmen never enforce traffic safety, but now its a maid lol indonesia has 19135819581 maids so no one gives a fuck. Yay for justice.
2) The same people who do this complain that students lack social manners and behave badly in public, and write letters which incriminate the school (describing uniform/name) to the forum and whining about why there's such a problem. Well
a) because 1 group of students misbehave doesn't mean the school failed in its mission, nice generalization there. the whole tarnish the school reputation thing, well there's always one idiot who will do such a thing is it that hard to ignore? furthermore the crime in question was NOT RETURNING TRAYS AFTER EATING IN MAC'S AND TEACHER NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT. sure i try to return my tray and it's not good to not return but do you have to write to a newspaper to complain about this.
b) schools aren't the problem, it's parents. this point has been brought up countless times and still people refuse to listen and continue to defend lack of corporal punishment etc. because ITS MY PRECIOUS CHILD. well if your precious child is a complete and utter fucktard pls2punish him instead of letting him screw up society more. schools can't do shit already because of all these regulations so it's the parents' duty, the teachers did not apply to be a surrogate parent. complaining about the school isn't going to help because i'm sure they do their best to prevent this but at the end of the day if the student refuses to listen it's not their fault. punishment is meant to enforce something and used as a deterrent, i grant you that working out something amicably is probably better but sometimes you have to use a harsher measure to get a point across. similar to the $2k fine it's pointless if your punishments don't make the students regret doing something they shouldn't be doing.
what i have learnt from newspaper reading: if you go on a rampage negligently killing indonesian maids well just have a couple thousand saved up for each one you kill
tldr: every day i read of more idiots and it's amazing how the flow never stops
Well, reading Today over dinner, there were 2 things that raised my not-very-hard-to-raise anger, which is nothing new because there is ALWAYS something to rage about. However this time I think it was particularly retarded.
1) Negligent driver screws up 1 person's life from injuries and the other person dies. Her original sentence of 18 months jail was reduced to (get this) 1 day and $2000 fine.
Obviously this is fucking stupid because while 18 months is a bit on the low side (for a max penalty of 5 years I believe) the new sentence doesn't do anything, I mean holy shit if you have your own car 2k is peanuts and so is 1 day in jail. I'm of the opinion that this is because the person that died was an Indonesian maid riding pillion so obviously no one cares and therefore you can have this idiot (lol woman driver joke here) win an APPEAL for a sentence where she shouldn't even have the right to appeal. You killed someone and still have the guts to appeal for a lighter sentence GJ evidently no remorse felt. Saying you'll donate the extra money to charity is just for the news because the maid left behind a 1 year old child and there was no mention of how she was going to be cared for.
If the person who died had been say a 10 year old singaporean kid you would see everyone crying out for harsh punishments, omg why gahmen never enforce traffic safety, but now its a maid lol indonesia has 19135819581 maids so no one gives a fuck. Yay for justice.
2) The same people who do this complain that students lack social manners and behave badly in public, and write letters which incriminate the school (describing uniform/name) to the forum and whining about why there's such a problem. Well
a) because 1 group of students misbehave doesn't mean the school failed in its mission, nice generalization there. the whole tarnish the school reputation thing, well there's always one idiot who will do such a thing is it that hard to ignore? furthermore the crime in question was NOT RETURNING TRAYS AFTER EATING IN MAC'S AND TEACHER NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT. sure i try to return my tray and it's not good to not return but do you have to write to a newspaper to complain about this.
b) schools aren't the problem, it's parents. this point has been brought up countless times and still people refuse to listen and continue to defend lack of corporal punishment etc. because ITS MY PRECIOUS CHILD. well if your precious child is a complete and utter fucktard pls2punish him instead of letting him screw up society more. schools can't do shit already because of all these regulations so it's the parents' duty, the teachers did not apply to be a surrogate parent. complaining about the school isn't going to help because i'm sure they do their best to prevent this but at the end of the day if the student refuses to listen it's not their fault. punishment is meant to enforce something and used as a deterrent, i grant you that working out something amicably is probably better but sometimes you have to use a harsher measure to get a point across. similar to the $2k fine it's pointless if your punishments don't make the students regret doing something they shouldn't be doing.
what i have learnt from newspaper reading: if you go on a rampage negligently killing indonesian maids well just have a couple thousand saved up for each one you kill
tldr: every day i read of more idiots and it's amazing how the flow never stops
Monday, April 13, 2009
Well, first draft. Okay you see the timing of the last post? Now add 1 hour to that. Then see the timing of this post? Okay from 1 hour past the timing of the last post to the timing of this post, THAT'S HOW LONG I TOOK TO CHIONG EE. O_O Okay, hrmm so this is one of the very very few times i half-pon school to do work. Yay =). 20 Pages 3600 words (with tables though), maybe 3100 - 3200 as a safe estimate. Now to go to school for napfa.... =)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I lied
Yea it was an April Fool's Joke lol, but I was lazy to post this post earlier. Anyways, Happy Easter to all you bunny-loving people out there. Have fun while I finish up my ee first draft =x.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Today we shall mark the passing of this blog. Due to it's inactivity and loss of significance in the blog writers' lives (one has stopped emoing o_O and another has found facebook (finally)), I shall henceforth be closing down this blog and I'm not gonna be bothering with it anymore. Thank you for all the help you have provided over the year(s).
Friday, March 20, 2009
re: qn 6 pt 2, t=infinity
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:16:54 PM)
its like a game
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:16:56 PM)
where the final boss
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:16:58 PM)
has infinite hp
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:00 PM)
and u cant kill it
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:04 PM)
and u must wait for an event npc
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:07 PM)
to come and kill it for u
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:09 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:10 PM)
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:12 PM)
then ur like
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:14 PM)
i play this game for what fuck
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:19 PM)
damn lame
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:22 PM)
sure it ends the game
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:24 PM)
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:26 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:32 PM)
you know
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:33 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:36 PM)
was an awesome game
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:44 PM)
and you won the game by divine interventioning the last boss
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:44 PM)
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:59 PM)
as in
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:03 PM)
im sure it was awesome in its own way
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:06 PM)
what i mean is like
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:09 PM)
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:14 PM)
aeris was the last boss of ff7
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:17 PM)
and the way to kill her
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:21 PM)
was to wait for sephiroth to fly down
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:24 PM)
and just stab her when shes praying
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:34 PM)
no u couldnt have done this the othe 10924092 times aeris was praying
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:50 PM)
u ahve to survive the boss for fuck long and then sephy flies down and its like LOL THE GAME ENDS
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:19:10 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:19:11 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:19:12 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:19:13 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:19:14 PM)
its like a game
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:16:56 PM)
where the final boss
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:16:58 PM)
has infinite hp
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:00 PM)
and u cant kill it
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:04 PM)
and u must wait for an event npc
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:07 PM)
to come and kill it for u
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:09 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:10 PM)
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:12 PM)
then ur like
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:14 PM)
i play this game for what fuck
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:19 PM)
damn lame
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:22 PM)
sure it ends the game
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:24 PM)
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:26 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:32 PM)
you know
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:33 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:36 PM)
was an awesome game
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:44 PM)
and you won the game by divine interventioning the last boss
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:17:44 PM)
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:17:59 PM)
as in
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:03 PM)
im sure it was awesome in its own way
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:06 PM)
what i mean is like
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:09 PM)
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:14 PM)
aeris was the last boss of ff7
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:17 PM)
and the way to kill her
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:21 PM)
was to wait for sephiroth to fly down
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:24 PM)
and just stab her when shes praying
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:34 PM)
no u couldnt have done this the othe 10924092 times aeris was praying
雨宮優子; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ says: (10:18:50 PM)
u ahve to survive the boss for fuck long and then sephy flies down and its like LOL THE GAME ENDS
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:19:10 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:19:11 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:19:12 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:19:13 PM)
素晴らしい人生だから 自分を愛する勇気を持とう says: (10:19:14 PM)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What I've Learnt From Math Port
No you dont actually have 6 days, because the medication is damn nubby, you only have slightly more than a day to go see the doctor or else even with medication YOU WILL STILL DIE. Oh noes. Either that or you can remove a section of your body along with a number of the viral particles so that they cant multiply fast enough. =)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
if you feel sick and feverish
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Movies Galore
Recently, I've watched 5 movies on the big screen, and most of them were awesome in their own way.
First up was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which I watched with my sister two weeks ago. It has all the elements of an epic movie (not to be confused with Epic Movie, which was shit) - large budget, gratituous use of special effects, idealized characters, things falling in place for the plot real nice, and tragic endings. I couldn't help but compare it with titanic, which is the highest grossing movie of ALL TIME (in absolute terms though, not after adjusted for inflation), and I realised both movies are quite similar, especially the narrative form involving flashbacks.
Then I watched Push, Slumdog Millionaire, and K-20: Legend of the Mask all on friday one week ago. Push is one of those dumb shows with cool effects and a single extremely likable character, alot like Jumper. The irish dude from Jumper was damn cool, and no prizes for guessing which Push character was damn cool. Slumdog Millionaire is a good movie, like what all the other movie reviews say. However, I didn't really "feel good" after the movie, with the *SPOILERS ALERT* death of the brother weighing heavily on my mind. I guess he has to die to make up for all the wrongs and sins he had committed in life, but in the end his death was still quite =(. Oh ya, here's a link to a badass guy who won a "Who wants to be a Millionaire". K-20 is a funky movie lol, and the characterization of the characters are just damn WTF. Seriously, the show is quite joke, but not in a bad way, rather, in an amusing way.
Lastly, I went to watch an M-18 *gasp* movie - Watchmen, with my class on friday. Though the plot was abit confusing at times, it's really a nice movie, and I would recommend it to anyone who can get in.
I have more to say for each movie, but I'm lazy to type, so just go watch any of these movies and come chat with me about them. =)
First up was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which I watched with my sister two weeks ago. It has all the elements of an epic movie (not to be confused with Epic Movie, which was shit) - large budget, gratituous use of special effects, idealized characters, things falling in place for the plot real nice, and tragic endings. I couldn't help but compare it with titanic, which is the highest grossing movie of ALL TIME (in absolute terms though, not after adjusted for inflation), and I realised both movies are quite similar, especially the narrative form involving flashbacks.
Then I watched Push, Slumdog Millionaire, and K-20: Legend of the Mask all on friday one week ago. Push is one of those dumb shows with cool effects and a single extremely likable character, alot like Jumper. The irish dude from Jumper was damn cool, and no prizes for guessing which Push character was damn cool. Slumdog Millionaire is a good movie, like what all the other movie reviews say. However, I didn't really "feel good" after the movie, with the *SPOILERS ALERT* death of the brother weighing heavily on my mind. I guess he has to die to make up for all the wrongs and sins he had committed in life, but in the end his death was still quite =(. Oh ya, here's a link to a badass guy who won a "Who wants to be a Millionaire". K-20 is a funky movie lol, and the characterization of the characters are just damn WTF. Seriously, the show is quite joke, but not in a bad way, rather, in an amusing way.
Lastly, I went to watch an M-18 *gasp* movie - Watchmen, with my class on friday. Though the plot was abit confusing at times, it's really a nice movie, and I would recommend it to anyone who can get in.
I have more to say for each movie, but I'm lazy to type, so just go watch any of these movies and come chat with me about them. =)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
絶対に言えない だけど...
Marisa: Reimu, why are you blue?
Sanae: I'm not Reimu.

(I wonder if anyone will get that joke)
Reitaisai 6 and TH12 demo out.
What this means is:
JK's reaction: New touhou to clear!
SZ's reaction: Doesn't know about it because playing WOW/WHO, 6 months later comes begging for it to be sent over a thumbdrive
Dneo's reaction: OMG GIEF
Herrick's reaction: I already got it, slowpoke.jpg
Shadownubby's reaction: Yay Touhou ^__^
Fantasia Gensokyo's reaction: no one cares about Touhou anymore (except Raine apparently)
My reaction: Fuck I have no more space to save music until hols
I'm supposed to be doing my TOK script now but :schneizeleffort: is win.
@below post: It's about time, now please do what you say you'll do for once?
@自分でもよくわからないこと:what the fuck is this shit
Bonus cookies to whoever correctly answers where I took that description from
(No googling, even though it's a way of knowing)
Sanae: I'm not Reimu.
(I wonder if anyone will get that joke)
Reitaisai 6 and TH12 demo out.
What this means is:
JK's reaction: New touhou to clear!
SZ's reaction: Doesn't know about it because playing WOW/WHO, 6 months later comes begging for it to be sent over a thumbdrive
Dneo's reaction: OMG GIEF
Herrick's reaction: I already got it, slowpoke.jpg
Shadownubby's reaction: Yay Touhou ^__^
Fantasia Gensokyo's reaction: no one cares about Touhou anymore (except Raine apparently)
My reaction: Fuck I have no more space to save music until hols
I'm supposed to be doing my TOK script now but :schneizeleffort: is win.
@below post: It's about time, now please do what you say you'll do for once?
@自分でもよくわからないこと:what the fuck is this shit
Bonus cookies to whoever correctly answers where I took that description from
(No googling, even though it's a way of knowing)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Fail at Life
Of late, I have been struck by a queer illness, one not affecting the body nor the mind, but the essence of one's soul - the spirit. This has never happened to me before to this scale and extent, the duration and magnitude of it far surpasses any previous ailments. I have not found the cause of this, but I have a vague idea of various factors that could be contributing. By approaching these factors head on, I do hope I'll manage to break out of the doldrums soon; I cannot afford to stay any longer. Many people around me would go to God for help in such times of need, but by my own choice I do not have such a being to turn towards. However, I still have my family and countless friends to count on, to push me on and to encourage me and give me help, for which I am thankful.
P.S. I'm still loot-hands - check out the Foam Sword Rack loot.
P.P.S. My previous posts all sound damn stupid now. I hope not to write like that again.
P.S. I'm still loot-hands - check out the Foam Sword Rack loot.
P.P.S. My previous posts all sound damn stupid now. I hope not to write like that again.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
- EE 2nd draft
- TOK essay 3rd draft
- WL
- History IA
- TOK essay 3rd draft
- WL
- History IA
Friday, March 6, 2009
Have you ever noticed, that you only have one shot at life? Primary school comes along and ambles past, then you get one try at PSLE and that 3-digit number sticks with you for the rest of your life. Then you have 1 year of Sec 1, 12 months of Sec 2, 52 weeks of Sec 3, 365 days of Sec 4, then after a noticable gap where O levels should have been, you get the joy of going through 8760 hours of Year 5 (of which 100+ should be CAS-ed), followed by 92291 and counting minutes of year 6. This way of looking at things really brings everything into perspective.
When was the last time you did something for the first time in a long time?
Just the other day, I ate mashed potato the normal way, for the first time since forever. In case you were wondering, I normally eat mashed potato the not-normal way, which can be seen on a 1:56 long clip on youtube if you are pro at searching. Why stick to routine when it's so much fun to do things differently?
I sat on a double-decker non-aircon bus on the way home after celebrating Johnny's birthday at Serene Centre a few days ago. The feeling of the wind blowing at your face, along with the night scene, was strangely calming. I think I'm getting sian of too much air-con in my life.
My sister's A levels results will be out later today. I wish her well.
This moment in time will pass us only once, afterwhich we will not be able to grasp it ever again. Therefore live your life to the fullest, and enjoy the moment.
When was the last time you did something for the first time in a long time?
Just the other day, I ate mashed potato the normal way, for the first time since forever. In case you were wondering, I normally eat mashed potato the not-normal way, which can be seen on a 1:56 long clip on youtube if you are pro at searching. Why stick to routine when it's so much fun to do things differently?
I sat on a double-decker non-aircon bus on the way home after celebrating Johnny's birthday at Serene Centre a few days ago. The feeling of the wind blowing at your face, along with the night scene, was strangely calming. I think I'm getting sian of too much air-con in my life.
My sister's A levels results will be out later today. I wish her well.
This moment in time will pass us only once, afterwhich we will not be able to grasp it ever again. Therefore live your life to the fullest, and enjoy the moment.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
So if any of you chem taking students out there have checked the IB syllabus conveniently located in the front section of each set of notes, you would have noticed the question in this title preceded by TOK:. This is probaby a reason why IB questions always seem so easy in comparison with Cambridge questions, and they probably are.
Hurr durr IBO says, everything must have TOK in it. Then we can become better and more awesome people because we can question our knowledge of things. The thing is, does it even matter? Maybe it's good that my teacher never discussed this learning aim, he probably realises that it's quite dumb to do so.
IB student who is too stupid to think for himself and thinks syllabus = ownage:
OMG OXIDATION NUMBERS AREN'T REAL. That means that the foundation of my chemistry knowledge is questionable and therefore we should come up with a better theory that can be verified through ways of knowing better.
Except that of course a lot of things aren't "real" and we're perfectly happy to use them. Numbers aren't real, money isn't real (it's just a piece of paper that SAYS it's worth x dollars) (and if you can lend out 10 times the amount of money you actually have in actual reserves...) So while people spend a lesson arguing about the reality of oxidation numbers (as well as VSEPR and the other weird chemical constructs which are about as real as Sheu Zhi having a loving and caring relationship with Jessica Alba) the JC people don't bother and use the same time to learn about how to do real questions.
This explains why our Oly results suck.
If you check the organic chem book there's more stupid tok questions about language in chemistry (IUPAC names) and whatnot, wow who gives a damn really. TOK is stupid, and no student will want to waste lesson time learning useless things he can't use in an exam. Or is even really that relevant to the subject.
actually how do you deal with unfalsifiability with tok, i mean its like you cant know so ???
tldr tok is dum
Hurr durr IBO says, everything must have TOK in it. Then we can become better and more awesome people because we can question our knowledge of things. The thing is, does it even matter? Maybe it's good that my teacher never discussed this learning aim, he probably realises that it's quite dumb to do so.
IB student who is too stupid to think for himself and thinks syllabus = ownage:
OMG OXIDATION NUMBERS AREN'T REAL. That means that the foundation of my chemistry knowledge is questionable and therefore we should come up with a better theory that can be verified through ways of knowing better.
Except that of course a lot of things aren't "real" and we're perfectly happy to use them. Numbers aren't real, money isn't real (it's just a piece of paper that SAYS it's worth x dollars) (and if you can lend out 10 times the amount of money you actually have in actual reserves...) So while people spend a lesson arguing about the reality of oxidation numbers (as well as VSEPR and the other weird chemical constructs which are about as real as Sheu Zhi having a loving and caring relationship with Jessica Alba) the JC people don't bother and use the same time to learn about how to do real questions.
This explains why our Oly results suck.
If you check the organic chem book there's more stupid tok questions about language in chemistry (IUPAC names) and whatnot, wow who gives a damn really. TOK is stupid, and no student will want to waste lesson time learning useless things he can't use in an exam. Or is even really that relevant to the subject.
actually how do you deal with unfalsifiability with tok, i mean its like you cant know so ???
tldr tok is dum
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sekai no owari de umareta hikari ima kaze no naka
i have a math test on wednesday and i haven't studied for it I WILL NOW EPICLY FAILLL
da da dadadadum da da dadada dum dadadummmm dadadadadummmmm dadadummm
Kireigoto dake ja ikirenai
my math teacher is called mr azmiii
Yasashisa dake ja iyasenai
he is awesome but hes strict toooo
Ubawareta no wa nan da
thats why i have to study for this test yo
Kawaranai sekai de
coz of who my teacher is
Kikoete kita no wa nan da
and i need to get a seven
Shikisai no uta
coz that is what he wantsss
Kudakechitta yume o asu no hate ni hibikaseru you ni
therefore i now have to learn the fourteen standard forms of in tee ee graaa tionnn
Sekai no owari de umareta hikari bokura hitotsu ni
thank god there isnt bayes and stats because otherwise id so be dead oh how co-al is thattt
Ima kaze no naka
so lets play more meltannn
Sekai no owari de umareta hikari ima kaze no naka
i have a math test on wednesday and i haven't studied for it I WILL NOW EPICLY FAILLL
da da dadadadum da da dadada dum dadadummmm dadadadadummmmm dadadummm
Kireigoto dake ja ikirenai
my math teacher is called mr azmiii
Yasashisa dake ja iyasenai
he is awesome but hes strict toooo
Ubawareta no wa nan da
thats why i have to study for this test yo
Kawaranai sekai de
coz of who my teacher is
Kikoete kita no wa nan da
and i need to get a seven
Shikisai no uta
coz that is what he wantsss
Kudakechitta yume o asu no hate ni hibikaseru you ni
therefore i now have to learn the fourteen standard forms of in tee ee graaa tionnn
Sekai no owari de umareta hikari bokura hitotsu ni
thank god there isnt bayes and stats because otherwise id so be dead oh how co-al is thattt
Ima kaze no naka
so lets play more meltannn
Sunday, March 1, 2009
ebullient future
Benjamin Button was a pretty good show, if you realise that you have to shift your perspective on it as the story shifts, otherwise you'd think it was getting rather vapid. Seriously, Brad Pitt is there for fanservice, and Cate Blanchett was the more important actor, heh. Some ways it could have been better of course, but it was worth the money and time, all 166 minutes. One little thing that I wanted didn't happen, but that's a pretty dumb wish so it doesn't matter haha. Dneo you can add on to this and say what you think! I'm not going to write another analytical review essay thingie because the readership of this blog I doubt have watched so it's kinda pointless, and the other reason is that I have no time lolol.
Today was a generally good day, somehow. Even with no work done.
Edit: 6:36 and I've just finished marathoning Ef Melodies. Ben Button + Clannad + now this, gg I really can't feel any more sad :/I'll say that I like how everything links up together though, truly a beautiful show.
Today was a generally good day, somehow. Even with no work done.
Edit: 6:36 and I've just finished marathoning Ef Melodies. Ben Button + Clannad + now this, gg I really can't feel any more sad :/I'll say that I like how everything links up together though, truly a beautiful show.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Internal Kerfuffle
Today, we had an amusing conversation. When you try to hold a normal conversation without saying any words that contain the letter “e”, it tends to be quite hilarious. I admit I am not the best at such word play, but it didn't hurt to try, and it was fun, and not to mention torturous too. Okay so it hurt somewhat.
I've been feeling melancholic lately, and what has trigged this melancholy? As obvious as it may sound, someone mentioned earlier this year that this will be the last year of any one of us being an ACS student. After this, we'll part ways, go to the various universities of our choice, spread our wings and travel to countries far and wide, and life goes on. This year will be a special year; it will be the year of some firsts, and of many lasts. How does one strike a balance between reminiscing the past, surviving the present and thinking about the future?
It seems to be a season of change, and I have in the past few weeks seen one person trying to change drastically, and another four trying to change certain major aspects of their life. What caused this change in each of them – this I would never fully understand. It's probably a multitude of factors, and this being the final year of IB should be one major contributing factor in all of the cases. Another factor would be the actions, words, writings and feelings of the people around them. Do you know that you affect the people around you more than you realize? It could be a word, a phrase, an action – the little things in life that you do, that can cause the greatest change in someone else's life.
Living life by the minute
Watching each minute of life pass by
Enjoying the funny moments
Relishing the sad moments
The contrast
Makes the former so much better
I've been feeling melancholic lately, and what has trigged this melancholy? As obvious as it may sound, someone mentioned earlier this year that this will be the last year of any one of us being an ACS student. After this, we'll part ways, go to the various universities of our choice, spread our wings and travel to countries far and wide, and life goes on. This year will be a special year; it will be the year of some firsts, and of many lasts. How does one strike a balance between reminiscing the past, surviving the present and thinking about the future?
It seems to be a season of change, and I have in the past few weeks seen one person trying to change drastically, and another four trying to change certain major aspects of their life. What caused this change in each of them – this I would never fully understand. It's probably a multitude of factors, and this being the final year of IB should be one major contributing factor in all of the cases. Another factor would be the actions, words, writings and feelings of the people around them. Do you know that you affect the people around you more than you realize? It could be a word, a phrase, an action – the little things in life that you do, that can cause the greatest change in someone else's life.
Living life by the minute
Watching each minute of life pass by
Enjoying the funny moments
Relishing the sad moments
The contrast
Makes the former so much better
Monday, February 23, 2009
today i have:
- regained sleep
- done my chem prac
- revised some history
- edited my tok essay
- exercised for 45 mins
- deleted MBAC
- gotten 7 pts for my history test
in 20 minutes my pull up bar will be installed
tonight i shall:
- see if i can get any more ee or wl done
- revise for chem test
- do math worksheets
(except for me dling civilization 2 but... ahh screw it i think it will help me with my history =D)
- regained sleep
- done my chem prac
- revised some history
- edited my tok essay
- exercised for 45 mins
- deleted MBAC
- gotten 7 pts for my history test
in 20 minutes my pull up bar will be installed
tonight i shall:
- see if i can get any more ee or wl done
- revise for chem test
- do math worksheets
(except for me dling civilization 2 but... ahh screw it i think it will help me with my history =D)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
pink is for the cool
no i did not randomly pick a template
yes i previewed it first
if you have any problems with this template leave your name on the tagboard and i'll come troll you
yes i previewed it first
if you have any problems with this template leave your name on the tagboard and i'll come troll you
Hrmm I seem to like spamming blog posts when I'm suppose to be doing work. Anyway its 8am and I am really well rested (slept for 14 hours) and I have the whole day ahead of me, I should be able to progress somewhat today.
I did a personality test 5 mins ago and got an ENFP - the idealist champion & the inspirer, or so they claim. But apparently none of these traits are really shown by me, with like 44% of Extraverted, 62% of Intuitive, 50% of Feeling, and 33% of Perceiving. What type of person are you?
I did a personality test 5 mins ago and got an ENFP - the idealist champion & the inspirer, or so they claim. But apparently none of these traits are really shown by me, with like 44% of Extraverted, 62% of Intuitive, 50% of Feeling, and 33% of Perceiving. What type of person are you?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Morning After
It feels not as bad as I imagined, facing it is overrated, so anti-climatic. It's time to make the unmanageable manageable, the impossible slightly more possible, and hack away at the mountain one rock at a time.
I read a joke last night. It was quite humourous, in a twisted sort of way. I would post it, but that would kinda defeat the purpose of writing it, and it's kinda unsuitable for the internet. Maybe you all or someone else would get to see it one day. One day that will approach way too soon, it's only a short while away. The time taken for the chance meeting of two halfs to form a whole.
There are things you want to know, but you don't want to ask, because asking will just make it so meaningless. Then how do you find the answer? You can guess, but you'll never know. But that's better than nothing. And you wonder: what's the point of saying it if you're not going to say anything more? Isn't it so pissing when someone says I'll tell you something, but suddenly he changes his mind and decides not to tell you instead?
It's happening. When you tell yourself not to think about it, but because you are telling yourself that you inevitably start thinking about it. And when you think about it your mind calculates the possibilities, as it has always done over the years. Hrmm what probability would I give it to be true? 1%? That's too high? Or too low? Hard to say, these things can't really be calculated. Stop doing that, you've already told yourself that the probability is zero. Or a really small percentage chance, negligible by any standards. Except your own. Then raise your standards, you plead to yourself, so that it becomes negligible and we can be done with it. Outwardly you are resigned that the chance tends towards zero, but inwardly you hope against hope that it is true. Please please please let it be true, but who are you talking to? Have you gone insane that you start speaking to yourself? Don't we all do that? Stop side-tracking.
The probability topic and Bayes Theorem and everything about probability we learn in school is a joke, those don't happen in real life. In real life, the chance of you crossing the road and getting over to the other side is 99%, where the remaining 1% is the chance that you'll get hit by a car halfway across. And provided / given that you are hit by a car, the chance of you dying is a further 50%, and the chance of you living is 50%. (note: statistics have an error of 0.5% of the total chance.) This is what really matters. Also, probability can also been seen from another point of view, and in this case, you just keep telling yourself that it's either true or not in the end, so the probability must be 50%. You would do anything just to raise the probability. And then Levin comes up to you and tell you that it can also be seen that the end result has already happened, so the chance of you getting the end result is 100% and everything else is 0%. Somehow I think it's a lot easier to fool your mind into believing the 50-50% bull, rather than believe in this determinism crap. But in the end, whether the chance is 0%, 0.1%, 1%, 50% or 100%, statistics and probability won't be there to save you when shit happens. I really do hope this turns out to be ironic. Won't it be so nice if everything turned out the way you want it to? But that's not life you see, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. I like milk chocolate.
And white is just so much easier on the eyes than black. Why didn't I do this earlier?
Puffy eyes puffy eyes why won't you go away?
you've descended on me so suddenly today.
I hope you aren't here to stay
because I really don't like it this way.
I read a joke last night. It was quite humourous, in a twisted sort of way. I would post it, but that would kinda defeat the purpose of writing it, and it's kinda unsuitable for the internet. Maybe you all or someone else would get to see it one day. One day that will approach way too soon, it's only a short while away. The time taken for the chance meeting of two halfs to form a whole.
There are things you want to know, but you don't want to ask, because asking will just make it so meaningless. Then how do you find the answer? You can guess, but you'll never know. But that's better than nothing. And you wonder: what's the point of saying it if you're not going to say anything more? Isn't it so pissing when someone says I'll tell you something, but suddenly he changes his mind and decides not to tell you instead?
It's happening. When you tell yourself not to think about it, but because you are telling yourself that you inevitably start thinking about it. And when you think about it your mind calculates the possibilities, as it has always done over the years. Hrmm what probability would I give it to be true? 1%? That's too high? Or too low? Hard to say, these things can't really be calculated. Stop doing that, you've already told yourself that the probability is zero. Or a really small percentage chance, negligible by any standards. Except your own. Then raise your standards, you plead to yourself, so that it becomes negligible and we can be done with it. Outwardly you are resigned that the chance tends towards zero, but inwardly you hope against hope that it is true. Please please please let it be true, but who are you talking to? Have you gone insane that you start speaking to yourself? Don't we all do that? Stop side-tracking.
The probability topic and Bayes Theorem and everything about probability we learn in school is a joke, those don't happen in real life. In real life, the chance of you crossing the road and getting over to the other side is 99%, where the remaining 1% is the chance that you'll get hit by a car halfway across. And provided / given that you are hit by a car, the chance of you dying is a further 50%, and the chance of you living is 50%. (note: statistics have an error of 0.5% of the total chance.) This is what really matters. Also, probability can also been seen from another point of view, and in this case, you just keep telling yourself that it's either true or not in the end, so the probability must be 50%. You would do anything just to raise the probability. And then Levin comes up to you and tell you that it can also be seen that the end result has already happened, so the chance of you getting the end result is 100% and everything else is 0%. Somehow I think it's a lot easier to fool your mind into believing the 50-50% bull, rather than believe in this determinism crap. But in the end, whether the chance is 0%, 0.1%, 1%, 50% or 100%, statistics and probability won't be there to save you when shit happens. I really do hope this turns out to be ironic. Won't it be so nice if everything turned out the way you want it to? But that's not life you see, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get. I like milk chocolate.
And white is just so much easier on the eyes than black. Why didn't I do this earlier?
Puffy eyes puffy eyes why won't you go away?
you've descended on me so suddenly today.
I hope you aren't here to stay
because I really don't like it this way.
-verb (used with object)
To remove completely from a system
I'm okay now. Mou daijoubu. Desu Kudasai. Everything turned out fine in the end, just like my sister said they would. Now I should move on to other things.
-verb (used with object)
To remove completely from a system
I'm okay now. Mou daijoubu. Desu Kudasai. Everything turned out fine in the end, just like my sister said they would. Now I should move on to other things.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Deja Vu
Today was the most happening day in a long time, happening in the sense that lots of things happened. Stuff that can be actually remembered 1 month down the road, 1 year, or possibly in 10s of years time. Or maybe not, as I tend to make myself forget the not-exactly-pleasant stuff and my sis constantly complains about my lack of memory and facial recognition and anything that involves memory. That's why I'll write it down here, and even if the metal circuits of my computer decay and melt, or the neurons in my brain cease to make the connections that would allow me to remember these events, these words and record of events will be left floating around in the large web of cyberspace (or until a hacker decides to wipe the storage space of blogger). Hrmm, do I sound emo again? I guess so right. O wells, I'll just let it out and be done with it.
Starting with the fun stuff: We had cake today. CAKU. I like cake, especially sponge cake, and especially not cheesecake; I really can't freaking stand cheesecake. I took three helpings of said cake. =x I bet no one knew that, I'm sorry. But you wouldn't deny a skinny frail boy of his food, would you? Heh. Thanks goes to the not-sofa-but-chair man, otherwise known as monster (by 1 person), for being pro-active in acquiring cake and generous in spreading the cake around. Thanks. Arigatou.
In related news, we threw someone into the pond. To all the teachers who may possibly read this blog, no we didn't do that, I'm just joking. To everyone else, we really did that, I'm not joking. The benefits of being a boarder are few and far between, but being able to change out of a moss-stained soaked school uniform in the shortest time possible is a definitely a plus point of being a scholar. We thought we needed a lot of people, but in the end Mr. Abovementioned and Ezra could double-handedly pull the stunt off. Not that Mr. Birthday-boy provided much resistance, though he could if he wanted to. He played along really well and the stunt was a success. Goodjob guys.
Oh, and the other fun stuff that happened today was the TOK presentation. It was somehow quite amusing, much more than I predicted, expected, or planned. The whole class was here today, as Mr. Koh was off slacking a bit, but I guess he can afford to, being the owning teacher that he is. Oh, and I didn't manage to pay attention to Stanford's prosu presentation because I was busy doing up my powerpoint from last year... I guess it's my loss. But yay! The first mock presentation is over, now I can prepare for Mock ToK Presentations numbers 2 to 15. 'scuse me while I go work on it.
On to serious stuff: Life is made of cycles; the same events happening over and over again, repeatedly, never-ending, continuously, yes you get the idea. Everything is destined, and the stars predict that which will happen, or so that's what determinists and astrologers believe. I find it slightly amusing that though I don’t consciously subscribe to these schools of thoughts, I can't help but find similarities between the past and the present, or rather, multiple past events and events of today. It gives me the sense of déjà vu, not in the actual meaning of that phrase, but just that I find the past actually repeating itself in the present.
I made a girl angry, up till the point that she shouted at me. And for that I am really sorry. (I don't know if she still reads this blog but I'll just say it) I don't remember actually doing anything like this before, excluding instances with my sister, and as far as I can remember, the next closest instance where I made a girl hate me (if only for awhile, o wait, I'm not sure on that) was in primary school because I went all out to win and did something quite despicable. I guess some things don't change, as Jun Yi tells me that that's my largest weakness in fighting games. As for reasons leading up to that event, I shall not disclose much, but it reminds me of events that happened half a year ago, when I was emo (see earlier posts).
I was looking tru my box of trinkets and memories just the other day, and I remembered something I left in there almost exactly a year ago. It was an old Quest, incomplete due to weakness of will, and left behind to collect dust. It wasn’t too late to complete the Quest though, there was still time. It’s been a year, and things have progressed a full circle, or does that count as no progress at all. I completed the Quest today, it’s another thing off my mind, I can finally lay that to rest now. I know my limits, the young child cannot afford to swim in the deep dark ocean, he can only paddle close to the shore, where the shallow water is, and that’s where he will be safe, eternally. Jean could only hope and dream of plundering the nest of golden eggs, for the climb was perilous, and just a slip would result in his downfall, both figuratively and literally. Isn’t it better if he stayed below the tree, enjoying it’s overarching branches and the shade it gives, rather than risking the little he had for the infinite reward so freaking far away?
Dreams are generally categorized as pleasant experiences, a reward for giving your body much needed rest. If the mind is cluttered and confused, the dreams may turn into nightmares, where upon awaking one would be highly thankful that it was only a dream / nightmare. But what if the dream was neither pleasant nor unpleasant, it was just plain factual, events that happened in front of you; while you stand there paralyzed, unable to do anything but watch? This Dream crept up on me, silently, and it showed me an event, and it showed me my reaction to it. I did not expect myself to react like that, but maybe the dream is the way your subconscious communicates with your conscious, and I would subconsciously react like that if the situation really occurred. As the length of the sleep was short, and the environment not entirely peaceful, parts of reality drifted into my dream and mingled with fiction, resulting in this maelstrom of fractured reality and truthful fiction. O wells it’s just a dream, screw that shit.
Oh, and I met Cleon Niger Fggot Wong after school and he showed me the game he created. It’s scary the difference in stuff that IB/JC and Poly people study when we’re the same age. Now’s not the most appropriate time to mule over next best alternatives forgone when making decisions such as let’s join IB lol, there will be a time and place for that after Nov 20 2009.
And on to older stuff that I forgot / slacked and didn’t manage to post over the past few days:
I have new specs. Yay. That was the new look thingy I hinted in the previous post. How many of you actually predicted that? I like it, and whatever you think, comments are freely welcomed but I like my specs and think it’s cool and it fits me so there. Why do I sound insecure? XD. Oh, and because of said specs I am now officially a Jonas-wannabe – Be it as a Jonas brother (courtesy of Uncle Edna), a 6.5 Jonas emulator, or a let’s-match-specs with “Jonas” person. Lolwut.
I watched Breakout the “extreme dance comedy” at the esplanade on Sunday the 15th of February 2009, with my sister. It was only about an hour and 20 minutes long, but considering that it is mostly about people break dancing, and that there were only 10 people in the whole cast of the show, it must have been quite taxing on them. The humour in the show was universal, and language was not much of a barrier to understanding the plot. Korean English is equally awesome as Japanese English – it’s always amusing to hear those two accents, provided you can actually make out what they are saying. I had a relatively good seat, and after discount it was priced at $64.80 (which my sister treated me to because I ran out of money). What was amazing was that seated near us were this group of 8 young kids, aged around 9 to 14, accompanied by three adults. My sister and I both marveled that these kids were so fortunate enough to be able to enjoy such events at such tender ages, luxuries we and prolly most other people didn’t have. Times have changed.
Spot the pattern:
A big sea of delocalized electrons floating, gravitating, homing inside. Joules kilovolts length (m), not often pronounced, quite random. Seriously? This. <-- Understand? Very weird. x_X Yawn zZzZ
And this is Jonny’s version:
"A barbaric captain doesn't eat fish. Generally, he instead jumps knaves, losing momentarily. No one purposely questions, ridicules, steals, tortures, unless very weary." ~ Xerxes, Yellow Zephyr
I still like mine better.
Why do bees hum?
Cause they forgot the words.
Starting with the fun stuff: We had cake today. CAKU. I like cake, especially sponge cake, and especially not cheesecake; I really can't freaking stand cheesecake. I took three helpings of said cake. =x I bet no one knew that, I'm sorry. But you wouldn't deny a skinny frail boy of his food, would you? Heh. Thanks goes to the not-sofa-but-chair man, otherwise known as monster (by 1 person), for being pro-active in acquiring cake and generous in spreading the cake around. Thanks. Arigatou.
In related news, we threw someone into the pond. To all the teachers who may possibly read this blog, no we didn't do that, I'm just joking. To everyone else, we really did that, I'm not joking. The benefits of being a boarder are few and far between, but being able to change out of a moss-stained soaked school uniform in the shortest time possible is a definitely a plus point of being a scholar. We thought we needed a lot of people, but in the end Mr. Abovementioned and Ezra could double-handedly pull the stunt off. Not that Mr. Birthday-boy provided much resistance, though he could if he wanted to. He played along really well and the stunt was a success. Goodjob guys.
Oh, and the other fun stuff that happened today was the TOK presentation. It was somehow quite amusing, much more than I predicted, expected, or planned. The whole class was here today, as Mr. Koh was off slacking a bit, but I guess he can afford to, being the owning teacher that he is. Oh, and I didn't manage to pay attention to Stanford's prosu presentation because I was busy doing up my powerpoint from last year... I guess it's my loss. But yay! The first mock presentation is over, now I can prepare for Mock ToK Presentations numbers 2 to 15. 'scuse me while I go work on it.
On to serious stuff: Life is made of cycles; the same events happening over and over again, repeatedly, never-ending, continuously, yes you get the idea. Everything is destined, and the stars predict that which will happen, or so that's what determinists and astrologers believe. I find it slightly amusing that though I don’t consciously subscribe to these schools of thoughts, I can't help but find similarities between the past and the present, or rather, multiple past events and events of today. It gives me the sense of déjà vu, not in the actual meaning of that phrase, but just that I find the past actually repeating itself in the present.
I made a girl angry, up till the point that she shouted at me. And for that I am really sorry. (I don't know if she still reads this blog but I'll just say it) I don't remember actually doing anything like this before, excluding instances with my sister, and as far as I can remember, the next closest instance where I made a girl hate me (if only for awhile, o wait, I'm not sure on that) was in primary school because I went all out to win and did something quite despicable. I guess some things don't change, as Jun Yi tells me that that's my largest weakness in fighting games. As for reasons leading up to that event, I shall not disclose much, but it reminds me of events that happened half a year ago, when I was emo (see earlier posts).
I was looking tru my box of trinkets and memories just the other day, and I remembered something I left in there almost exactly a year ago. It was an old Quest, incomplete due to weakness of will, and left behind to collect dust. It wasn’t too late to complete the Quest though, there was still time. It’s been a year, and things have progressed a full circle, or does that count as no progress at all. I completed the Quest today, it’s another thing off my mind, I can finally lay that to rest now. I know my limits, the young child cannot afford to swim in the deep dark ocean, he can only paddle close to the shore, where the shallow water is, and that’s where he will be safe, eternally. Jean could only hope and dream of plundering the nest of golden eggs, for the climb was perilous, and just a slip would result in his downfall, both figuratively and literally. Isn’t it better if he stayed below the tree, enjoying it’s overarching branches and the shade it gives, rather than risking the little he had for the infinite reward so freaking far away?
Dreams are generally categorized as pleasant experiences, a reward for giving your body much needed rest. If the mind is cluttered and confused, the dreams may turn into nightmares, where upon awaking one would be highly thankful that it was only a dream / nightmare. But what if the dream was neither pleasant nor unpleasant, it was just plain factual, events that happened in front of you; while you stand there paralyzed, unable to do anything but watch? This Dream crept up on me, silently, and it showed me an event, and it showed me my reaction to it. I did not expect myself to react like that, but maybe the dream is the way your subconscious communicates with your conscious, and I would subconsciously react like that if the situation really occurred. As the length of the sleep was short, and the environment not entirely peaceful, parts of reality drifted into my dream and mingled with fiction, resulting in this maelstrom of fractured reality and truthful fiction. O wells it’s just a dream, screw that shit.
Oh, and I met Cleon Niger Fggot Wong after school and he showed me the game he created. It’s scary the difference in stuff that IB/JC and Poly people study when we’re the same age. Now’s not the most appropriate time to mule over next best alternatives forgone when making decisions such as let’s join IB lol, there will be a time and place for that after Nov 20 2009.
And on to older stuff that I forgot / slacked and didn’t manage to post over the past few days:
I have new specs. Yay. That was the new look thingy I hinted in the previous post. How many of you actually predicted that? I like it, and whatever you think, comments are freely welcomed but I like my specs and think it’s cool and it fits me so there. Why do I sound insecure? XD. Oh, and because of said specs I am now officially a Jonas-wannabe – Be it as a Jonas brother (courtesy of Uncle Edna), a 6.5 Jonas emulator, or a let’s-match-specs with “Jonas” person. Lolwut.
I watched Breakout the “extreme dance comedy” at the esplanade on Sunday the 15th of February 2009, with my sister. It was only about an hour and 20 minutes long, but considering that it is mostly about people break dancing, and that there were only 10 people in the whole cast of the show, it must have been quite taxing on them. The humour in the show was universal, and language was not much of a barrier to understanding the plot. Korean English is equally awesome as Japanese English – it’s always amusing to hear those two accents, provided you can actually make out what they are saying. I had a relatively good seat, and after discount it was priced at $64.80 (which my sister treated me to because I ran out of money). What was amazing was that seated near us were this group of 8 young kids, aged around 9 to 14, accompanied by three adults. My sister and I both marveled that these kids were so fortunate enough to be able to enjoy such events at such tender ages, luxuries we and prolly most other people didn’t have. Times have changed.
Spot the pattern:
A big sea of delocalized electrons floating, gravitating, homing inside. Joules kilovolts length (m), not often pronounced, quite random. Seriously? This. <-- Understand? Very weird. x_X Yawn zZzZ
And this is Jonny’s version:
"A barbaric captain doesn't eat fish. Generally, he instead jumps knaves, losing momentarily. No one purposely questions, ridicules, steals, tortures, unless very weary." ~ Xerxes, Yellow Zephyr
I still like mine better.
Why do bees hum?
Cause they forgot the words.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Yay! Friday the 13th has just passed and it's now the 14th of February, otherwise known as Valentine's Day, or Friendship Day (for people without a valentine). Happy Valentine's Day people, I hope you have fun professing your <3 to your <3ed ones, or lamenting your lack of a partner. For those people at my age that are still single, don't worry, it's a tough year this year academic-wise so it's better to spend your time on studies. Or that's what everyone's saying.
It's been the new year (both english and chinese calendars) for awhile already, but I haven't been able to start everything afresh. The slacking attitude from the year-end hols has been bugging me a lot, and my sleeping patterns just crashed over the last few weeks. Lol nothing to worry about anymore, I hope everything will change by next week. Next week is the week where I get my deadlines met, I change the way I view the world, and the world changes the way it views me. =)
Gotta go now, I have an ee to do. I'll most definitely be posting more stuff real soon.
It's been the new year (both english and chinese calendars) for awhile already, but I haven't been able to start everything afresh. The slacking attitude from the year-end hols has been bugging me a lot, and my sleeping patterns just crashed over the last few weeks. Lol nothing to worry about anymore, I hope everything will change by next week. Next week is the week where I get my deadlines met, I change the way I view the world, and the world changes the way it views me. =)
Gotta go now, I have an ee to do. I'll most definitely be posting more stuff real soon.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
kimi ni mune kyun (kyun~)
"ecchi no koto wo shichattemasu" lol nagisa
anyway happy cny to all you people who read this blog (current count: more or less none), have fun with your tok and ee and world lit
i've been thinking about going back to a srs blog where i write properly and about srs bsns instead of continuing to leech off dneo like this as you can see but i figure why do so again when it's 1) not very interesting 2) makes people go y u emo la all the time 3) is unlike me (although thats just cause its more fun to be retarded) and i think people would go into shock if i wrote like that NO WAY SHINJIRARENAI although actually i dont see whats wrong with srs cherilyn
so here you go
dneo update plz im still waiting for ur melb pictures
Hottoshitari Gyuttoshitari Hattoshitari Doki Doki
anyway happy cny to all you people who read this blog (current count: more or less none), have fun with your tok and ee and world lit
i've been thinking about going back to a srs blog where i write properly and about srs bsns instead of continuing to leech off dneo like this as you can see but i figure why do so again when it's 1) not very interesting 2) makes people go y u emo la all the time 3) is unlike me (although thats just cause its more fun to be retarded) and i think people would go into shock if i wrote like that NO WAY SHINJIRARENAI although actually i dont see whats wrong with srs cherilyn
so here you go
dneo update plz im still waiting for ur melb pictures
Hottoshitari Gyuttoshitari Hattoshitari Doki Doki
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
kubo is a coal guy
ponned school to watch ggxxac tougeki 08 finals (just kidding, i was really sick lol), may ocv is epic win but i swear he luckboxed opponents screwing up, he was on 1hp so many times lol ): and n-otoko looks damn beng ahaha
okay i shall stop blogging emo shit now because its bad for my online personality amirite. matte iku yo iku yo HEEEEEEE
(tok and work time)
Monday, January 12, 2009
妖精と呼ぶ わたしはそれに応える
感じないから こころの重さ
だから この空を飛べたんだ
あなたを知って 愛にふるえて 戸惑うわたしの羽が
むき出して 雨に濡れて 生命(いのち)呼び覚ました
Fly away (わたしを呼んで), for another day (あなたの声で)
好きだと言って それ以上今は言わないで
I'm here I'm here,
Here's where I live, now I sing in the silence.
Right here, there's no fear.
暖かい場所 慕いあい夢見る場所
心の闇 照らす波動を集め
そして わたしは飛び立とう
あなたの元へ 遥か地上へ ムチのように打つ雨よ
この想い 報われず 泡になり消えても平気
Believe in me. (あなたの光 涙のそばに)
ただあるがまま I'M LOVING YOU
解かれるため 結んだ髪がきれいだね 滴でにじんでく
あなたに出会って 愛されるため ずっとひとりでいたんだ
過去と未来 結ぶ銀河の夕暮れを あなたと見たいから
妖精と呼ぶ わたしはそれに応える
感じないから こころの重さ
だから この空を飛べたんだ
あなたを知って 愛にふるえて 戸惑うわたしの羽が
むき出して 雨に濡れて 生命(いのち)呼び覚ました
Fly away (わたしを呼んで), for another day (あなたの声で)
好きだと言って それ以上今は言わないで
I'm here I'm here,
Here's where I live, now I sing in the silence.
Right here, there's no fear.
暖かい場所 慕いあい夢見る場所
心の闇 照らす波動を集め
そして わたしは飛び立とう
あなたの元へ 遥か地上へ ムチのように打つ雨よ
この想い 報われず 泡になり消えても平気
Believe in me. (あなたの光 涙のそばに)
ただあるがまま I'M LOVING YOU
解かれるため 結んだ髪がきれいだね 滴でにじんでく
あなたに出会って 愛されるため ずっとひとりでいたんだ
過去と未来 結ぶ銀河の夕暮れを あなたと見たいから
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Today marks the day where three major events of my life happened. I shall go through them one by one.
Firstly, we got back our IB results yesterday. Well, I was mightily afraid that I was one of the 12 of 316 people who took Mandarin B SL who got 6 points, but my fears were unfounded. I was kinda depressed throughout the speech and all, as I was resigned to the fate that I was one of the lousy people who got 6 points. This wave of negative emotion continued even after I was assured of my 7 points, not that it is anything to be proud of, and I still have two very important Chinese teachers to thank. Hrmm, I won't be able to get used to this for awhile, but that marks the end of me compulsorily studying Chinese in my life. My life. The thing everyone has only one of. Yea that. What an anti-climatic sort-of-satisfactory ending to my tumultous history of studying Chinese -
1. Quite Good at Chinese in lower Primary School
2. Chinese Remedial in Tao Nan School (the standard of chinese at p6 IS FREAKING HIGH)
3. Higher MT at secondary level till sec 3 (how did I ever get in?)
4. Acheiving B4/C5 (omg I can't believe I forgot) at Sec 3 MT O levels
5. Dropping to normal MT at Sec 4 but deciding not to retake the Os
6. Then to Mandarin B SL in IB
7. With a grade 7.
That aside, the principal's speech and honour roll of top students was probably one of the most inspirational and mugger-inducing event ever in my life. Though I went through a similar one a year back, when we were all at the start of the year 5, the event this time round somehow felt different, more... how do I put it, it was more relevant to me. I could daresay that most of us at the start of year 5 still feel a little detached from the reality of IB and all, but now this really concerns us. From the question on my MSN of "omg we broke the 40 marks barrier, now what we do?", I got the replies of lets qq more, get started mugging, and play less. I guess this effectively sums up what year 6 IB life is about. Have fun guys, I'll see you all on the stage next year, I promise. (Doesn't this sound familiar?)
Second thing on the agenda for this morning: Less than 5 hours ago, I sent my older brother (yes I do have an older brother who is 8 years older) off to Perth to continue his Cadet Pilot studies and training. He'll be off for about 10 months to a year, and in that time I'll be able to kope his room. It's not his first time off overseas on an extended period of time, with him doing a semester (read: 6 months) of university in France. I guess in this global world where we are all global citizens, everyone's connected. We have invented/created/forged/made/constructed a highly complex method/system of communication that involves multiple handphones with both Singapore and Australian phone lines, and of course the webcam and Skype. Not to mention email and msn (lol I'm always online). And snail mail for those hopeless romantics who can stand reading letters 2 months after they're sent. The send-off at the airport was a surprisingly dry event, with various factors contributing to the lack of moisture. Such as the presence of my brother's gang of buddies, whom after 6-8 years they still keep in contact regularly. Hrmm, if I'm not wrong, I wrote something before/after the France trip on this blog awhile ago... O wells I wish my brother well, being a pilot is a darn cool occupation.
And for the final event, today marks the week aniversary of the passing of my dearest dog Jade (JJ). On the 31st of December 2008, while everyone was readying themselves for the countdown, and while I was at one of my favourite hangouts, I received the news that one of my dogs would not be stepping feet (she has 4 of them) into the house again. Ever. She was sick two days before that, and our whole family sent her to a dog hospital. She got a drip there, it was quite cool. That night, when I was preparing to leave, I took one last look at her and that was to be my last. I never saw her again after that. I heard she was terribly sick, and her passing can be seen as a relievement of the pain she was enduring. Well, I speak far too much, her story is one which I'll go into detail another time.
It takes a shocking event to change a person like me and I guess we all don't treasure the things we have till they are gone (I still have to say this no matter how cliche it may sound). Sorry guys for not providing much humour nor entertainment in this post, everyone needs to get serious once in awhile.
Firstly, we got back our IB results yesterday. Well, I was mightily afraid that I was one of the 12 of 316 people who took Mandarin B SL who got 6 points, but my fears were unfounded. I was kinda depressed throughout the speech and all, as I was resigned to the fate that I was one of the lousy people who got 6 points. This wave of negative emotion continued even after I was assured of my 7 points, not that it is anything to be proud of, and I still have two very important Chinese teachers to thank. Hrmm, I won't be able to get used to this for awhile, but that marks the end of me compulsorily studying Chinese in my life. My life. The thing everyone has only one of. Yea that. What an anti-climatic sort-of-satisfactory ending to my tumultous history of studying Chinese -
1. Quite Good at Chinese in lower Primary School
2. Chinese Remedial in Tao Nan School (the standard of chinese at p6 IS FREAKING HIGH)
3. Higher MT at secondary level till sec 3 (how did I ever get in?)
4. Acheiving B4/C5 (omg I can't believe I forgot) at Sec 3 MT O levels
5. Dropping to normal MT at Sec 4 but deciding not to retake the Os
6. Then to Mandarin B SL in IB
7. With a grade 7.
That aside, the principal's speech and honour roll of top students was probably one of the most inspirational and mugger-inducing event ever in my life. Though I went through a similar one a year back, when we were all at the start of the year 5, the event this time round somehow felt different, more... how do I put it, it was more relevant to me. I could daresay that most of us at the start of year 5 still feel a little detached from the reality of IB and all, but now this really concerns us. From the question on my MSN of "omg we broke the 40 marks barrier, now what we do?", I got the replies of lets qq more, get started mugging, and play less. I guess this effectively sums up what year 6 IB life is about. Have fun guys, I'll see you all on the stage next year, I promise. (Doesn't this sound familiar?)
Second thing on the agenda for this morning: Less than 5 hours ago, I sent my older brother (yes I do have an older brother who is 8 years older) off to Perth to continue his Cadet Pilot studies and training. He'll be off for about 10 months to a year, and in that time I'll be able to kope his room. It's not his first time off overseas on an extended period of time, with him doing a semester (read: 6 months) of university in France. I guess in this global world where we are all global citizens, everyone's connected. We have invented/created/forged/made/constructed a highly complex method/system of communication that involves multiple handphones with both Singapore and Australian phone lines, and of course the webcam and Skype. Not to mention email and msn (lol I'm always online). And snail mail for those hopeless romantics who can stand reading letters 2 months after they're sent. The send-off at the airport was a surprisingly dry event, with various factors contributing to the lack of moisture. Such as the presence of my brother's gang of buddies, whom after 6-8 years they still keep in contact regularly. Hrmm, if I'm not wrong, I wrote something before/after the France trip on this blog awhile ago... O wells I wish my brother well, being a pilot is a darn cool occupation.
And for the final event, today marks the week aniversary of the passing of my dearest dog Jade (JJ). On the 31st of December 2008, while everyone was readying themselves for the countdown, and while I was at one of my favourite hangouts, I received the news that one of my dogs would not be stepping feet (she has 4 of them) into the house again. Ever. She was sick two days before that, and our whole family sent her to a dog hospital. She got a drip there, it was quite cool. That night, when I was preparing to leave, I took one last look at her and that was to be my last. I never saw her again after that. I heard she was terribly sick, and her passing can be seen as a relievement of the pain she was enduring. Well, I speak far too much, her story is one which I'll go into detail another time.
It takes a shocking event to change a person like me and I guess we all don't treasure the things we have till they are gone (I still have to say this no matter how cliche it may sound). Sorry guys for not providing much humour nor entertainment in this post, everyone needs to get serious once in awhile.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
oh my gah school started ): how sucky is this. i have
a) yet to finish bebop
b) yet to finish f/sn (at the exciting part too! dark sakuraaaa)
c) yet to finish clannad
d) yet to finish tota
okay at least i finished gun/diebuster which was a very very good series with one of the best endings ever (baawwwwwwww) so fuckyes.
so much work to doooooooo Q________Q
3 gigs of touhou remix + some more that i have to encode to mp3 :D 1 day play time
a) yet to finish bebop
b) yet to finish f/sn (at the exciting part too! dark sakuraaaa)
c) yet to finish clannad
d) yet to finish tota
okay at least i finished gun/diebuster which was a very very good series with one of the best endings ever (baawwwwwwww) so fuckyes.
so much work to doooooooo Q________Q
3 gigs of touhou remix + some more that i have to encode to mp3 :D 1 day play time
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