Friday, July 25, 2008

Signs - Day 5 of 5

Day 5 of 5
Looking at the stars these past few days, I've grown a certain attachment to them. I just want to reach out and grab them, hording them to myself, so that I alone can enjoy the exclusive beauty. But one must not forget the collegues that one has, they may be out of sight, located in a faraway land, but their aim is the same as mine - to conquer the beauty of the constellations. This was written long ago, in the earlier days, where I thought it would be a fitting end to this short series, but I guess this wouldn't work anymore.

It's the end, it's over. There's nothing more to see, you can go now. Shoo. Away. Show's over, go home. After this whole week of obsessing over signs, I've come to a simple conclusion - they don't mean anything; they are just illusions. What's real is real, the future is not for you to decide, one person can't change the future, unless you're a really rich and/or powerful dude, otherwise the future is decided upon by the many decisions of everyone involved.

People by themselves are seemingly insignificant specks in the larger scheme of things, this is precisely what leads some people to commit killing sprees and murders. They attempt to make a statement to the world, like "Look! I can destroy the hopes and dreams of these few people and change the lives of all their family and friends... Forever!". By commiting such crimes, they create history in a way, like when reading papers the article writers always comment "making this the first/second/third deadliest stabbing/shooting spree in the history of the world/[insert country's name here]. Their names are immortalised in history, and the media fawns over them for awhile, but is it really worth it to throw away your life to make such pointless statements?

Why so serious?
Upon reflection, all these thoughts recently wouldn't make the slightest difference at all, so why waste brain power. I've decided to stop being serious, it doesn't suit me. I'll now revert back to my happy-go-lucky, take things as they come, old self. Here's a joke that I read from a friend's blog, that I'm certain none of you would've read before. I hereby acknowledge his intellectual property rights, but because he probably koped this off from someone/somewhere else, this is all the mention he gets.

Dad: What's this? Why does the principal want to see me?
Son: Apparently I was disrespectful to the teacher during class.
Dad: How many times have I told you to be good in class?
Son: It's not my fault, it's all the teacher's fault.
Dad: Stop pushing the blame to your teacher, what happened?
Son: Okay then, my teacher asked me this: what's 2+3?
Dad: 5.
Son: Then what's 3+2?
Dad: Don't be stupid, I just answered you.
Son: That's exactly what I answered my teacher, but she scolded me. =(

1 comment:

huazzz said...

Lol keeping up with all your 5 posts, I think it's sad that you don't have the motivation to aim further, to reach higher than all others for what you seek to achieve, especially after all that observing. The circumstances may not be ideal, but that dosen't mean that you shouldn't try to be optimistic about achieving your goals. I wish you all the best in making your illusions become reality.