Or lack of it
Sleep is important. Really. Cause without it, our minds can't function at their fullest. We're reduced to short sentences. As long ones are too hard to. Construct. I pity those people with genetic insomnia (not sure if this is the correct term), who can't sleep even if they want to. They stay awake, zombie-like, until they collapse and die of exhaustion. Maybe this is the role and function of diseases and illnesses and all manner of bad things - they make us realise the importance and goodness of what we already have and take for granted.
I did some basic calculations - 5 hours sleep at home + 4 hours sleep on bus to school + 6 hours sleep on bus back home + 2 hours sleep on free period/morning before assembly = 17 hours of sleep. That's from... Sunday morning/after till now, thursday night. It's a new record I think, not that I'm proud of it (actually I'm abit, but that's not the point). Anyways, various excuses can be given for the general lack of sleep, with three most likely excuses standing out from the rest of the crowd.
1. Homework - I spent first 3 nights staying up to do the homework but end up not doing anything.
2. Anticipation - of the massive event that will happen at the end of this week, or rather, that starts in a few hours time and ends on saturday night.
3. Daily anticipation - of the day. Enough said.
Implications of lack of sleep
Here are some possible after-effects of a massively-sleep-deprived person, based on a real-case-example.
1. High, feelings of hyperactivity that seem opposite of how your body feels.
2. Emo, general mood swings for no apparent reason.
3. To quote loosely from a figure of authority, "It's is no point staying up for 2 hours, which causes your next day's 24 hours to be very unproductive". The general idea of the quote is there, and it makes much sense. Now time for that to get into my head.
4. Inefficient use of time, similar to point 3, when your body gets not enough sleep, you tend to spend more time achieving the same effects. Like spending 30 minutes reading 1 page of timeline and 1 page of a play. Also, overshooting the bus stop results in 30-40mins extra of low-quality sleep on the bus, and 30-40 less time to spend at home.
5. The image that you present to the people around you is important. If you present yourself as a sleep deprived fella, what will others think of you (and your time management skills)?
6. Brain shutdown, happened once before during a camp. Scary stuff. Note to self: Do not brain shutdown ever again.
7. Death. Spoken not from experience, but the possibility is always there. The loan sharks of sleep that you owe a debt to may very well get violent and cause destruction.
Sleep is good.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Due to the concealment ^of a broken thermometer,
the lab(2) will be closed till further notice. for
Thanks to some idiot. This time its definitely unambiguously an idiot.
Do not enter AT ALL.Hg can volatise, Who knows where
the mercury is.
Yours sincerely,
irate technicians
p.s. to the culprit, if you stole the bulb of mercury, pls for your own sake bag it up, bag it up again and throw it away. If you took it to play a prank on someone, pls be sensible; mercury is toxic. If you left it in the lab sink or elsewhere, please leave a note here to tell me where it is.
The above was a notice posted on the door of chemistry lab 1 today. My heart goes out to the irate techinicians who have a hard time handling students who do things they musn't. If you have any information on this matter, please go report this to proper authorities so that the culprit(s) dont do anything stupidier than what they have already done.
Due to the concealment ^of a broken thermometer,
the lab
Do not enter AT ALL.
the mercury is.
Yours sincerely,
irate technicians
p.s. to the culprit, if you stole the bulb of mercury, pls for your own sake bag it up, bag it up again and throw it away. If you took it to play a prank on someone, pls be sensible; mercury is toxic. If you left it in the lab sink or elsewhere, please leave a note here to tell me where it is.
The above was a notice posted on the door of chemistry lab 1 today. My heart goes out to the irate techinicians who have a hard time handling students who do things they musn't. If you have any information on this matter, please go report this to proper authorities so that the culprit(s) dont do anything stupidier than what they have already done.
Chains of Reference
And because no man is an island, we all have to ask other people for help once in awhile. Here's a chain of reference:
Responses to the question "Do you know html?"
uh really really basic yes
get jarrell seah
not really
ask kyle
a bit why?
The chain could be longer, but I guess sooner or later I'd have asked someone who knows the answer. One of the three people above answered my simple question on html, thanks to him =)
Note: backhoured so that it is behind the epic post.
Responses to the question "Do you know html?"
uh really really basic yes
get jarrell seah
not really
ask kyle
a bit why?
The chain could be longer, but I guess sooner or later I'd have asked someone who knows the answer. One of the three people above answered my simple question on html, thanks to him =)
Note: backhoured so that it is behind the epic post.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Today, a random event happened.
The bus number 14 that I take home everyday - I take either that or bus number 196 - broke down. Well it was surprising, as all random events tend to be, and a very little slight tiny bit scary. How scary can a bus break down be? you ask. Well, the bus travelled till just before the highway, then it started to resonate. Reminds me of chocolate fondue, but that's not the point. The bus was making wierd noises, and the resonance was more than what it usually is. Then the bus driver switched off the engine. As usual, a kay-poh or kia-su singaporean hurriedly went down from the second floor of the bus, to check on what was happening or to zhao from danger. The rest of us just slacked around, I read a book, JY attempted to sleep. I helped a relatively old lady open a bottle of fruit juice, I felt happy. So what's the scary part? Err.. You know when something different happens, then you start wondering what could have happened. Like for example what would happen if the bus suddenly caught fire and started flaming. You know, like how trolls flame message boards. No really, I actually imagined the worst case scenario, like what would my last thoughts be if the bus suddenly blew up. (The answer to: "What would my last thoughts be if the bus blew up?" is "I was thinking of what would my last thoughts be if the bus blew up", talk about irony) Or how to escape from the bus the quickest if it caught fire. I was mentally prepared to break a window (Fun!) and jump out (not that fun but fun enough) or something, or rush over people in an attempt to zhao from the bus because I'm a selfish bastard who looks out for myself first. But nothing interesting happened =( After a short while, the bus driver dude came up to call all of us slacking people on second level of the bus to get off. And so we did. They refunded our paid fare, and on top of that gave us a free ride ticket. It's been so long since I actually made use of a bus ticket, you know those small rectangular ones, which I used to fold cranes and stuff with. So I was thinking about it, we paid nothing to travel on the bus from school to that before-highway bus stop, had a cool experience vibrating in a resonating bus, and had a free ride ticket too. What more could you ask for? The ticket expiry date was 28/8/2008, nice number too. (I wonder if on the 29/8/2008 if you give a bus driver the free ride ticket, would he check the expiry date and reject the tix?) (Also, what happens if a bus conductor asks for your bus card, as proof that you've paid your fare, when you've used your free ticket and thus did not need to tap your EZ-link card... Then he go checks with the bus driver and the bus driver is an old man who has amnesia who forgot that you used a free ride ticket. And that means you will be caught for cheating on bus fare, and if you're wearing school uniform you'll be publicly shamed, and forced to pay $200+- (wassit this amount?)) So I didn't use the ticket, and paid normally for my next fare. Then overslept all the way. As usual.
Btw, it's three more days till my O_O cake arrives. Wait for it.
As a note, I'm keep posting too late and keep having to backdate the time of the posting to 11:59pm on the previous day. Maybe this is due to my screwed up biological clock, or bad habit of procrastination which means my time period of most productivity is after 12am. Anyways, all posts at 11:59pm are backdated, and are probably posted anytime between 1am and 4.30am the next day. Also, I'm getting more random, my thoughts aren't coherent, and I'm just touch-and-go-ing on too many small topics. This should be due to the problem of my lack of sleep recently, which I hope to solve by paying back the sleep debt soon. I hope the loan sharks of sleep don't start harrassing me. Night.
The bus number 14 that I take home everyday - I take either that or bus number 196 - broke down. Well it was surprising, as all random events tend to be, and a very little slight tiny bit scary. How scary can a bus break down be? you ask. Well, the bus travelled till just before the highway, then it started to resonate. Reminds me of chocolate fondue, but that's not the point. The bus was making wierd noises, and the resonance was more than what it usually is. Then the bus driver switched off the engine. As usual, a kay-poh or kia-su singaporean hurriedly went down from the second floor of the bus, to check on what was happening or to zhao from danger. The rest of us just slacked around, I read a book, JY attempted to sleep. I helped a relatively old lady open a bottle of fruit juice, I felt happy. So what's the scary part? Err.. You know when something different happens, then you start wondering what could have happened. Like for example what would happen if the bus suddenly caught fire and started flaming. You know, like how trolls flame message boards. No really, I actually imagined the worst case scenario, like what would my last thoughts be if the bus suddenly blew up. (The answer to: "What would my last thoughts be if the bus blew up?" is "I was thinking of what would my last thoughts be if the bus blew up", talk about irony) Or how to escape from the bus the quickest if it caught fire. I was mentally prepared to break a window (Fun!) and jump out (not that fun but fun enough) or something, or rush over people in an attempt to zhao from the bus because I'm a selfish bastard who looks out for myself first. But nothing interesting happened =( After a short while, the bus driver dude came up to call all of us slacking people on second level of the bus to get off. And so we did. They refunded our paid fare, and on top of that gave us a free ride ticket. It's been so long since I actually made use of a bus ticket, you know those small rectangular ones, which I used to fold cranes and stuff with. So I was thinking about it, we paid nothing to travel on the bus from school to that before-highway bus stop, had a cool experience vibrating in a resonating bus, and had a free ride ticket too. What more could you ask for? The ticket expiry date was 28/8/2008, nice number too. (I wonder if on the 29/8/2008 if you give a bus driver the free ride ticket, would he check the expiry date and reject the tix?) (Also, what happens if a bus conductor asks for your bus card, as proof that you've paid your fare, when you've used your free ticket and thus did not need to tap your EZ-link card... Then he go checks with the bus driver and the bus driver is an old man who has amnesia who forgot that you used a free ride ticket. And that means you will be caught for cheating on bus fare, and if you're wearing school uniform you'll be publicly shamed, and forced to pay $200+- (wassit this amount?)) So I didn't use the ticket, and paid normally for my next fare. Then overslept all the way. As usual.
Btw, it's three more days till my O_O cake arrives. Wait for it.
As a note, I'm keep posting too late and keep having to backdate the time of the posting to 11:59pm on the previous day. Maybe this is due to my screwed up biological clock, or bad habit of procrastination which means my time period of most productivity is after 12am. Anyways, all posts at 11:59pm are backdated, and are probably posted anytime between 1am and 4.30am the next day. Also, I'm getting more random, my thoughts aren't coherent, and I'm just touch-and-go-ing on too many small topics. This should be due to the problem of my lack of sleep recently, which I hope to solve by paying back the sleep debt soon. I hope the loan sharks of sleep don't start harrassing me. Night.
Monday, July 28, 2008
>_< It's amazing how much you can portray with words, but what's even more amazing is how much you can portray with symbols. A picture paints a thousand words, but a symbol made from a few keys on the keyboard can mean so much more than a thousand words worth of feelings and emotions. Like O_O for example, it means shocked, awed, and all the synonyms of that emotion. It may also mean you have large round eyes O_O, or that you're spectacled. Well, four more days, and O_O will arrive. Wait for it. o_O
Some random thoughts on Change. Change is ever present, around us, and in us. With no change, we can't better ourselves, yet we also won't be able to "worsen" (for lack of a better opposite to the word better). However, if we choose not to change, while everyone around us change for the better, aren't we relatively being worst off? Well everything's relative, just like how you call random strangers "brother" and "sister", or maybe "auntie" and "uncle"; they are your relatives.
Anyways, I live in this same house my whole life. It is a nice house. However, recently, a few weeks back, the large tree in front of the house was cut down, apparently because it was old and decaying and it was a danger to society. One morning, before dawn, walking out of the whitish gate, and subconciously acknowledging the tree's presence, the next thing I knew, when I came back from school in the afternoon-evening, the tree was gone, off to the big forest in the sky. Normally I would feel very sentimental over anything that was there for a long time, and is suddenly gone, especially for living objects. However, even though this tree was a living object, and it has been there since forever, when it was taken away I didn't really feel a thing. I guess I'm not as sentimental as I used to be. Well sometime during these past few days, someone or somebody planted a new plant in the spot where the tree used to be. It's sort of a shrub, or a palm, or something like that. I wonder if I will grow to like it like I used to like the tree.
>_< It's amazing how much you can portray with words, but what's even more amazing is how much you can portray with symbols. A picture paints a thousand words, but a symbol made from a few keys on the keyboard can mean so much more than a thousand words worth of feelings and emotions. Like O_O for example, it means shocked, awed, and all the synonyms of that emotion. It may also mean you have large round eyes O_O, or that you're spectacled. Well, four more days, and O_O will arrive. Wait for it. o_O
Some random thoughts on Change. Change is ever present, around us, and in us. With no change, we can't better ourselves, yet we also won't be able to "worsen" (for lack of a better opposite to the word better). However, if we choose not to change, while everyone around us change for the better, aren't we relatively being worst off? Well everything's relative, just like how you call random strangers "brother" and "sister", or maybe "auntie" and "uncle"; they are your relatives.
Anyways, I live in this same house my whole life. It is a nice house. However, recently, a few weeks back, the large tree in front of the house was cut down, apparently because it was old and decaying and it was a danger to society. One morning, before dawn, walking out of the whitish gate, and subconciously acknowledging the tree's presence, the next thing I knew, when I came back from school in the afternoon-evening, the tree was gone, off to the big forest in the sky. Normally I would feel very sentimental over anything that was there for a long time, and is suddenly gone, especially for living objects. However, even though this tree was a living object, and it has been there since forever, when it was taken away I didn't really feel a thing. I guess I'm not as sentimental as I used to be. Well sometime during these past few days, someone or somebody planted a new plant in the spot where the tree used to be. It's sort of a shrub, or a palm, or something like that. I wonder if I will grow to like it like I used to like the tree.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Truth on Crimes of Passion
Crimes of Passion
One of the crimes of passion was not realizing the passion in time. Another was not seeing the world as it was. Also, some crimes of passion are actual crimes.
Ned realised that keeping the truth from Chuck is alot like living in a prison. Actually, he realise living in a prison is alot worst than some stupid metaphor about truth.
- because I'm too lazy to write a post, I'll just quote from Pushing Daisies. Everything above is the work of the brilliant minds behind the scripts of Pushing Daisies. And today's episode was abit TOK-ish, with the characters questioning what is truth. They agreed that truth is subjective, as one guy managed to convince himself that his doll girlfriend was alive. To the world the doll may just be any doll, but to that guy the doll was the best thing that ever happened to him.
What do you think when you see someone type moe.edu.sg... o_O?
One of the crimes of passion was not realizing the passion in time. Another was not seeing the world as it was. Also, some crimes of passion are actual crimes.
Ned realised that keeping the truth from Chuck is alot like living in a prison. Actually, he realise living in a prison is alot worst than some stupid metaphor about truth.
- because I'm too lazy to write a post, I'll just quote from Pushing Daisies. Everything above is the work of the brilliant minds behind the scripts of Pushing Daisies. And today's episode was abit TOK-ish, with the characters questioning what is truth. They agreed that truth is subjective, as one guy managed to convince himself that his doll girlfriend was alive. To the world the doll may just be any doll, but to that guy the doll was the best thing that ever happened to him.
What do you think when you see someone type moe.edu.sg... o_O?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
What do you call those feelings you get for a short while when you go about your daily life? As in, if you were walking along east coast park at night, and you see two bicycles coming towards you. What's the first action you want to do instinctively? Yep, I feel like knocking the riders off, just sticking ur arm out and letting momentum and gravity do their work. Hehe. I think it's leftover residual primitive actions that you want to perform but your new and improved developed brain tells you that it is wrong to do such stuff. Your instincts tell you - It's not fair, why are those people moving faster than me on bikes, they should be knocked off. Or, hey it's something moving, lets wack it. What do you think when you see a really tall guy? If you were me, first thoughts are "Whoa.", second thoughts are "the higher they are, the harder they fall".
On today's newspapers Life section I found pictures of some paintings done by some chinese dude. The pictures were awesome, natually this also means the paintings were awesome. Also, paintings go for riducolously huge amounts of money, so I'd rather just take a picture of it and enjoy it at my own free time. Well, today's abovementioned paintings invoked certain emotions within me. One particular painting was of a mountain scene, and it showed a group of houses built into the mountain side, surrounded by rocks and snow, with a full moon shining above. From the painting I saw the strength of the human spirit, able to overcome most environments, and how humans band together naturally.
"Nature's beauty is eternal, unlike humans, whose beauty will fade with age." - Chinese painter Liu Gui.
What do you call those feelings you get for a short while when you go about your daily life? As in, if you were walking along east coast park at night, and you see two bicycles coming towards you. What's the first action you want to do instinctively? Yep, I feel like knocking the riders off, just sticking ur arm out and letting momentum and gravity do their work. Hehe. I think it's leftover residual primitive actions that you want to perform but your new and improved developed brain tells you that it is wrong to do such stuff. Your instincts tell you - It's not fair, why are those people moving faster than me on bikes, they should be knocked off. Or, hey it's something moving, lets wack it. What do you think when you see a really tall guy? If you were me, first thoughts are "Whoa.", second thoughts are "the higher they are, the harder they fall".
On today's newspapers Life section I found pictures of some paintings done by some chinese dude. The pictures were awesome, natually this also means the paintings were awesome. Also, paintings go for riducolously huge amounts of money, so I'd rather just take a picture of it and enjoy it at my own free time. Well, today's abovementioned paintings invoked certain emotions within me. One particular painting was of a mountain scene, and it showed a group of houses built into the mountain side, surrounded by rocks and snow, with a full moon shining above. From the painting I saw the strength of the human spirit, able to overcome most environments, and how humans band together naturally.
"Nature's beauty is eternal, unlike humans, whose beauty will fade with age." - Chinese painter Liu Gui.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Signs - Day 5 of 5
Day 5 of 5
Looking at the stars these past few days, I've grown a certain attachment to them. I just want to reach out and grab them, hording them to myself, so that I alone can enjoy the exclusive beauty. But one must not forget the collegues that one has, they may be out of sight, located in a faraway land, but their aim is the same as mine - to conquer the beauty of the constellations. This was written long ago, in the earlier days, where I thought it would be a fitting end to this short series, but I guess this wouldn't work anymore.
It's the end, it's over. There's nothing more to see, you can go now. Shoo. Away. Show's over, go home. After this whole week of obsessing over signs, I've come to a simple conclusion - they don't mean anything; they are just illusions. What's real is real, the future is not for you to decide, one person can't change the future, unless you're a really rich and/or powerful dude, otherwise the future is decided upon by the many decisions of everyone involved.
People by themselves are seemingly insignificant specks in the larger scheme of things, this is precisely what leads some people to commit killing sprees and murders. They attempt to make a statement to the world, like "Look! I can destroy the hopes and dreams of these few people and change the lives of all their family and friends... Forever!". By commiting such crimes, they create history in a way, like when reading papers the article writers always comment "making this the first/second/third deadliest stabbing/shooting spree in the history of the world/[insert country's name here]. Their names are immortalised in history, and the media fawns over them for awhile, but is it really worth it to throw away your life to make such pointless statements?
Why so serious?
Upon reflection, all these thoughts recently wouldn't make the slightest difference at all, so why waste brain power. I've decided to stop being serious, it doesn't suit me. I'll now revert back to my happy-go-lucky, take things as they come, old self. Here's a joke that I read from a friend's blog, that I'm certain none of you would've read before. I hereby acknowledge his intellectual property rights, but because he probably koped this off from someone/somewhere else, this is all the mention he gets.
Dad: What's this? Why does the principal want to see me?
Son: Apparently I was disrespectful to the teacher during class.
Dad: How many times have I told you to be good in class?
Son: It's not my fault, it's all the teacher's fault.
Dad: Stop pushing the blame to your teacher, what happened?
Son: Okay then, my teacher asked me this: what's 2+3?
Dad: 5.
Son: Then what's 3+2?
Dad: Don't be stupid, I just answered you.
Son: That's exactly what I answered my teacher, but she scolded me. =(
Looking at the stars these past few days, I've grown a certain attachment to them. I just want to reach out and grab them, hording them to myself, so that I alone can enjoy the exclusive beauty. But one must not forget the collegues that one has, they may be out of sight, located in a faraway land, but their aim is the same as mine - to conquer the beauty of the constellations. This was written long ago, in the earlier days, where I thought it would be a fitting end to this short series, but I guess this wouldn't work anymore.
It's the end, it's over. There's nothing more to see, you can go now. Shoo. Away. Show's over, go home. After this whole week of obsessing over signs, I've come to a simple conclusion - they don't mean anything; they are just illusions. What's real is real, the future is not for you to decide, one person can't change the future, unless you're a really rich and/or powerful dude, otherwise the future is decided upon by the many decisions of everyone involved.
People by themselves are seemingly insignificant specks in the larger scheme of things, this is precisely what leads some people to commit killing sprees and murders. They attempt to make a statement to the world, like "Look! I can destroy the hopes and dreams of these few people and change the lives of all their family and friends... Forever!". By commiting such crimes, they create history in a way, like when reading papers the article writers always comment "making this the first/second/third deadliest stabbing/shooting spree in the history of the world/[insert country's name here]. Their names are immortalised in history, and the media fawns over them for awhile, but is it really worth it to throw away your life to make such pointless statements?
Why so serious?
Upon reflection, all these thoughts recently wouldn't make the slightest difference at all, so why waste brain power. I've decided to stop being serious, it doesn't suit me. I'll now revert back to my happy-go-lucky, take things as they come, old self. Here's a joke that I read from a friend's blog, that I'm certain none of you would've read before. I hereby acknowledge his intellectual property rights, but because he probably koped this off from someone/somewhere else, this is all the mention he gets.
Dad: What's this? Why does the principal want to see me?
Son: Apparently I was disrespectful to the teacher during class.
Dad: How many times have I told you to be good in class?
Son: It's not my fault, it's all the teacher's fault.
Dad: Stop pushing the blame to your teacher, what happened?
Son: Okay then, my teacher asked me this: what's 2+3?
Dad: 5.
Son: Then what's 3+2?
Dad: Don't be stupid, I just answered you.
Son: That's exactly what I answered my teacher, but she scolded me. =(
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Signs - Day 3 of 5
Day 3 of 5
Another day, another night. Time passes too quickly, but who cares when you've got enough rest, and there are no lessons for school today. The signs are promising, but promising what, that is the question. Change is overrated, the status quo is the best. That can be applied to many areas, as to specifically which areas, that's for you to find out. If you're happy and contented now, why push for change, where the change could be both for the better or for the worst. How much of a gambler are you? Would you risk ur life savings for a 50% chance of doubling it, and a 50% chance of losing it all? What about 60%-40%, or even 90%-10%? Responsibility and Committment are good for building character, but would you take on more weight on your shoulders just because you can? Just because you're searching for your limit? The weight feels good now, but that's because it's only a sample, a trailer of what's to come. It's like sampling army rations on a school field trip, the food tastes nice, but we all know how bad it'll taste later on, or we'll grow to like it even more, either of two extremes. I have two more days on this quest, to collect all the information, and to choose which reward I want at the end. I hope this'll turn out well. For once.
The beauty of a pact, of knowing that at any point in time, the person you made a pact with will be striving to achieve the goals of the pact, unless they forgot about it, which is a different case altogether. The friend has updated me, his quest is complete, his reward collected. The illness is all in the mind, and with the completion comes a catharsis, the illness is gone. His future decided, his past reconciled with his present, his present self contented. So is this the point where the pact ends, where once two walked now one will walk alone? Maybe I am slow, but didn't the tortise win the race? But didn't a million other tortises in a million other races lost to the million other hares because they were slow, just too slow?
PTM stands for PostTranslational Modification, I kid you not, as wikipedia has defined it so, and truth is the defined as the consensus of the masses, in other words, truth is defined as what wikipedia says, according to the wikipedia article on truth. In other context, PTM refers to Parent-Teacher-Mediation. They mediate on the next best course of action to solve the long-standing problem that they both face - student/children. From the PTM, I, aka the problem, have come to realise more about myself.
1. I have the potential, untapped raw power, that when tapped can be harnessed to horses and driven around the world.
2. Sleep is good, always.
3. Practice is good too, especially for math.
4. EE + TOK = 3
5. If you think you're short of time now, wait till year 6 *snigger snigger*
6. There are many emotions you can make other people feel, that you'll feel hurt for causing. Anger, sadness, dislike, distress, fear, pain, hate, grief. But what about Disappointment?
Here's a quote -
"I love you! Marry me <3"
Another day, another night. Time passes too quickly, but who cares when you've got enough rest, and there are no lessons for school today. The signs are promising, but promising what, that is the question. Change is overrated, the status quo is the best. That can be applied to many areas, as to specifically which areas, that's for you to find out. If you're happy and contented now, why push for change, where the change could be both for the better or for the worst. How much of a gambler are you? Would you risk ur life savings for a 50% chance of doubling it, and a 50% chance of losing it all? What about 60%-40%, or even 90%-10%? Responsibility and Committment are good for building character, but would you take on more weight on your shoulders just because you can? Just because you're searching for your limit? The weight feels good now, but that's because it's only a sample, a trailer of what's to come. It's like sampling army rations on a school field trip, the food tastes nice, but we all know how bad it'll taste later on, or we'll grow to like it even more, either of two extremes. I have two more days on this quest, to collect all the information, and to choose which reward I want at the end. I hope this'll turn out well. For once.
The beauty of a pact, of knowing that at any point in time, the person you made a pact with will be striving to achieve the goals of the pact, unless they forgot about it, which is a different case altogether. The friend has updated me, his quest is complete, his reward collected. The illness is all in the mind, and with the completion comes a catharsis, the illness is gone. His future decided, his past reconciled with his present, his present self contented. So is this the point where the pact ends, where once two walked now one will walk alone? Maybe I am slow, but didn't the tortise win the race? But didn't a million other tortises in a million other races lost to the million other hares because they were slow, just too slow?
PTM stands for PostTranslational Modification, I kid you not, as wikipedia has defined it so, and truth is the defined as the consensus of the masses, in other words, truth is defined as what wikipedia says, according to the wikipedia article on truth. In other context, PTM refers to Parent-Teacher-Mediation. They mediate on the next best course of action to solve the long-standing problem that they both face - student/children. From the PTM, I, aka the problem, have come to realise more about myself.
1. I have the potential, untapped raw power, that when tapped can be harnessed to horses and driven around the world.
2. Sleep is good, always.
3. Practice is good too, especially for math.
4. EE + TOK = 3
5. If you think you're short of time now, wait till year 6 *snigger snigger*
6. There are many emotions you can make other people feel, that you'll feel hurt for causing. Anger, sadness, dislike, distress, fear, pain, hate, grief. But what about Disappointment?
Here's a quote -
"I love you! Marry me <3"
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Signs - Day 2 of 5
Day 2 of 5
And there goes the second day, or night, whichever it is. The stars are out again in their full glory, shining from light years away. They looked exactly the same as yesterday, as 24 hours is but a blink in the eye of the cosmos. When a dark cloud passes over the sky, we all know that the stars are still there, just hidden behind the cloud. But do you know that even in the midday sky, the stars are still there, with their faint brilliance completely outshone by the sun? Anyways, the skies around me have cleared temporarily, a short respite is granted, I can once again observe the beauty of the endless void. Looking at the signs, what can I say? They hint at much, yet if interpreted wrongly the consequences would be devastating, resulting in many years of bad luck and unhappiness. News have been coming in from all over, there are a few who have already constructed their own interpretation; they are a step ahead. Once again, the conclusion for today is nothing, an excuse for more time, to enjoy the beauty of the moment of the present, to hope that the signs won't change for the worst.
And what about my friend's side of the story, what has he found out? The stars are a long, long distance away, but they seem to be moving even further away; the distance keeps increasing. From the expanding universe theory, everything is moving away from each other. It is akin to points on a balloon, when inflated further, the points will all move away from each other. It seems that even the stars are moving away from us, isn't it sad? I guess the planet is a lonely place to live in, made lonelier every passing second.
And on a lighter note, here's the first of many recipes to come.
Recipe - Frozen Durian Ice Cream
Serves 2
1 Durian (stolen, plucked, skinned, de-husked)
1. Procure multiple durian seeds.
2. Place said multiple durian seeds into a container.
3. Place said container into the freezer compartment of a fridge. (Open the door, place the container in, close the door)
4. Wait till frozen.
5. Take out and enjoy
The freezer would have frozen the seeds. The durian meat would have come from the seeds. The Ice would have come from the water content in the seeds. The Cream would be the texture of a high-quality durian seed - creamy. =)
And there goes the second day, or night, whichever it is. The stars are out again in their full glory, shining from light years away. They looked exactly the same as yesterday, as 24 hours is but a blink in the eye of the cosmos. When a dark cloud passes over the sky, we all know that the stars are still there, just hidden behind the cloud. But do you know that even in the midday sky, the stars are still there, with their faint brilliance completely outshone by the sun? Anyways, the skies around me have cleared temporarily, a short respite is granted, I can once again observe the beauty of the endless void. Looking at the signs, what can I say? They hint at much, yet if interpreted wrongly the consequences would be devastating, resulting in many years of bad luck and unhappiness. News have been coming in from all over, there are a few who have already constructed their own interpretation; they are a step ahead. Once again, the conclusion for today is nothing, an excuse for more time, to enjoy the beauty of the moment of the present, to hope that the signs won't change for the worst.
And what about my friend's side of the story, what has he found out? The stars are a long, long distance away, but they seem to be moving even further away; the distance keeps increasing. From the expanding universe theory, everything is moving away from each other. It is akin to points on a balloon, when inflated further, the points will all move away from each other. It seems that even the stars are moving away from us, isn't it sad? I guess the planet is a lonely place to live in, made lonelier every passing second.
And on a lighter note, here's the first of many recipes to come.
Recipe - Frozen Durian Ice Cream
Serves 2
1 Durian (stolen, plucked, skinned, de-husked)
1. Procure multiple durian seeds.
2. Place said multiple durian seeds into a container.
3. Place said container into the freezer compartment of a fridge. (Open the door, place the container in, close the door)
4. Wait till frozen.
5. Take out and enjoy
The freezer would have frozen the seeds. The durian meat would have come from the seeds. The Ice would have come from the water content in the seeds. The Cream would be the texture of a high-quality durian seed - creamy. =)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Signs - Day 1 of 5
I've made a pact with an old level 3 friend of mine - that is to observe the signs. We have decided not to be swayed by external or internal factors, but instead objectively observe, comprehend, and interpret the signs around us. We will empty our minds of clutter, rid ourselves of emotion, and focus only on the necessary. These signs have only recently just come about, but they have a deep meaning within them, a meaning we wish to seek. For with this meaning in hand, we can predict the future, we can adapt to what which may come ahead, we can control our future. For those who have watched the plot-less character-developmentless (as many would have testify) Final Destination movies, the signs are everywhere around us, and we have to identify and interpret them for maximum results.
Day 1 of 5
A week we have given ourselves, but since it's a five day work week, 5 days it shall be. Five days to re-examine the signs, and decide on our fates. Today, I had a revelation. The signs were good, the constellations were in place, but all too soon did the brightest star fall out of the sky, obscured by a passing dark cloud that wouldn't go away. I expected this to happen, knew that it would be the case, but didn't know how to handle it at that time. Well I've thought it through since then, and figured out my next course of action - passiveness it will be. I shall keep still and wait, as I've four more days left. However, it's predicted to be rainy the next few days, and the clouds may obscure the bright night sky. Well the night is always darkest before the dawn, so may the light of the dawn shine through the dark clouds, and clear them away, so that I can once again enjoy the constellations. As for my friend, I wish him the best of luck, we're 1/5 through this, and when this is done he should be well again.
He who believes that the light of the day will chase away the darkness of night would do well to keep in mind that in 12 hours time, the darkness of night will triumph yet again over the light, in an endless battle for supremacy.
To cheat on my one-post-daily rule, I've backdated this from 1.39am to 11.59pm. =)
I've made a pact with an old level 3 friend of mine - that is to observe the signs. We have decided not to be swayed by external or internal factors, but instead objectively observe, comprehend, and interpret the signs around us. We will empty our minds of clutter, rid ourselves of emotion, and focus only on the necessary. These signs have only recently just come about, but they have a deep meaning within them, a meaning we wish to seek. For with this meaning in hand, we can predict the future, we can adapt to what which may come ahead, we can control our future. For those who have watched the plot-less character-developmentless (as many would have testify) Final Destination movies, the signs are everywhere around us, and we have to identify and interpret them for maximum results.
Day 1 of 5
A week we have given ourselves, but since it's a five day work week, 5 days it shall be. Five days to re-examine the signs, and decide on our fates. Today, I had a revelation. The signs were good, the constellations were in place, but all too soon did the brightest star fall out of the sky, obscured by a passing dark cloud that wouldn't go away. I expected this to happen, knew that it would be the case, but didn't know how to handle it at that time. Well I've thought it through since then, and figured out my next course of action - passiveness it will be. I shall keep still and wait, as I've four more days left. However, it's predicted to be rainy the next few days, and the clouds may obscure the bright night sky. Well the night is always darkest before the dawn, so may the light of the dawn shine through the dark clouds, and clear them away, so that I can once again enjoy the constellations. As for my friend, I wish him the best of luck, we're 1/5 through this, and when this is done he should be well again.
He who believes that the light of the day will chase away the darkness of night would do well to keep in mind that in 12 hours time, the darkness of night will triumph yet again over the light, in an endless battle for supremacy.
To cheat on my one-post-daily rule, I've backdated this from 1.39am to 11.59pm. =)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I've decided to write a short post, cause all my longer posts stop making sense. Here are some recommendations:
1. Watch Pushing Daisies on Channel 5 on Sunday 10.30pm. It is funny.
2. Watch Prison Break on Channel 5 on Monday 10pm. It is awesome.
3. If you haven't watch anime, start watching. And please do not start watching Naruto or Bleach. I've warned you.
4. Save the world. Stop warming it up by polluting it with carbon emissions. In other words, try to stop breathing one breath for every 5 breaths you breathe. Try to use less plastic bags cause they are bad. And err, dont eat beans cause they'll make you release methane into the air, and we all know methane is bad. Cows are bad too, cause they have 4 stomaches, and produce 4x of gas.
Next post preview: Signs
1. Watch Pushing Daisies on Channel 5 on Sunday 10.30pm. It is funny.
2. Watch Prison Break on Channel 5 on Monday 10pm. It is awesome.
3. If you haven't watch anime, start watching. And please do not start watching Naruto or Bleach. I've warned you.
4. Save the world. Stop warming it up by polluting it with carbon emissions. In other words, try to stop breathing one breath for every 5 breaths you breathe. Try to use less plastic bags cause they are bad. And err, dont eat beans cause they'll make you release methane into the air, and we all know methane is bad. Cows are bad too, cause they have 4 stomaches, and produce 4x of gas.
Next post preview: Signs
Saturday, July 19, 2008
At the 11th Hour
It's still Saturday, although only 10 minutes of it is left. What an eventful day it has been.
The Walk Home
Leaving the house at 6.45am, and returning at around 8.30pm, I've spent more than 12 hours outside of home on this Saturday, of which 6 hours can be claimed for Service hours, contributing to the target of 150 CAS hours needed for an IB diploma.
It is long past 7pm, and the sun has set. The shadows have lengthened, till they cover this half of the earth in darkness. It is raining, refreshing droplets of water that falls from the heavens in the sky to cool the earth. At the bus stop closest to my house, the surroundings seem surreal. The light is of a yellowish hue, a result of the non-fluorescent street lamps that abound throughout this small nation. Other countries do not have such luxuries; they make do with the occasional functioning public lighting post along long stretches of roads. The sounds of the raindrops hitting everything around me is loud and distracting, drowning out other man-made noises, I can’t hear myself think. The atmosphere is peaceful, as though Mother Nature is showing that she still reigns over us legions of men. I look around - there are few people walking about. Who would be stupid enough to be wandering around in the rain? This reminds me of when I was overseas, where the streets are often devoid of people. I don’t think I can live in a world with only myself, I’ll go mad. The rain is harmless, it is just water droplets falling from above, they don’t hurt when they hit you, and yet we are afraid of them. Sure enough we get wet, but then again what goes up must come down, and what gets wet will dry off sooner or later. Such unfounded fears - that is the mark of the flawed race of mankind. I take out my umbrella, the one that is always in my bag. It is good to keep a portable umbrella in your bag; you never know when you may need it. I trudge through the damp streets, up the flight of 88 stairs, and onwards to my house. This has been a time of contemplation, of reflection, of experiencing life, for which I am thankful.
The Dark Knight
I watched batman today with an unlikely group of acquaintances. These include a Singaporean boy from America, and a teacher that has never taught me, and friends from multiple classes. Here are some points I realize about the movie (nothing much of a spoiler ahead):
1. They used the same idea as my earlier post on the emotionless boy, who resorts to using chance in the form of a flipped coin to make choices. The image of a coin flying in the air, spinning around and around, and landing to decide the outcome of two possibilities is still a powerful one.
2. “Slaughter: It cannot be spelled without laughter” I first saw this phrase from a 4chan post on the anime Higurashi. The movie made the same reference.
3. No matter where you go watch this movie, it is worth it. I paid $9.50 for 2 hours and 30 mins of awesome, definitely worth it.
4. Conway Wickliffe is a special effects technician that lost his life on the set of the movie.
5. Overall I thought the movie was of quite a good standard, except that the plot seemed to end at at least three different points in the show.
The Walk Home
Leaving the house at 6.45am, and returning at around 8.30pm, I've spent more than 12 hours outside of home on this Saturday, of which 6 hours can be claimed for Service hours, contributing to the target of 150 CAS hours needed for an IB diploma.
It is long past 7pm, and the sun has set. The shadows have lengthened, till they cover this half of the earth in darkness. It is raining, refreshing droplets of water that falls from the heavens in the sky to cool the earth. At the bus stop closest to my house, the surroundings seem surreal. The light is of a yellowish hue, a result of the non-fluorescent street lamps that abound throughout this small nation. Other countries do not have such luxuries; they make do with the occasional functioning public lighting post along long stretches of roads. The sounds of the raindrops hitting everything around me is loud and distracting, drowning out other man-made noises, I can’t hear myself think. The atmosphere is peaceful, as though Mother Nature is showing that she still reigns over us legions of men. I look around - there are few people walking about. Who would be stupid enough to be wandering around in the rain? This reminds me of when I was overseas, where the streets are often devoid of people. I don’t think I can live in a world with only myself, I’ll go mad. The rain is harmless, it is just water droplets falling from above, they don’t hurt when they hit you, and yet we are afraid of them. Sure enough we get wet, but then again what goes up must come down, and what gets wet will dry off sooner or later. Such unfounded fears - that is the mark of the flawed race of mankind. I take out my umbrella, the one that is always in my bag. It is good to keep a portable umbrella in your bag; you never know when you may need it. I trudge through the damp streets, up the flight of 88 stairs, and onwards to my house. This has been a time of contemplation, of reflection, of experiencing life, for which I am thankful.
The Dark Knight
I watched batman today with an unlikely group of acquaintances. These include a Singaporean boy from America, and a teacher that has never taught me, and friends from multiple classes. Here are some points I realize about the movie (nothing much of a spoiler ahead):
1. They used the same idea as my earlier post on the emotionless boy, who resorts to using chance in the form of a flipped coin to make choices. The image of a coin flying in the air, spinning around and around, and landing to decide the outcome of two possibilities is still a powerful one.
2. “Slaughter: It cannot be spelled without laughter” I first saw this phrase from a 4chan post on the anime Higurashi. The movie made the same reference.
3. No matter where you go watch this movie, it is worth it. I paid $9.50 for 2 hours and 30 mins of awesome, definitely worth it.
4. Conway Wickliffe is a special effects technician that lost his life on the set of the movie.
5. Overall I thought the movie was of quite a good standard, except that the plot seemed to end at at least three different points in the show.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Run, Random thing I like, Riddle
This blog is like a run, you start off fast, then tire as you go along, then slow down to a crawl, and finally you start walking. You may even stop, and just give up. Well, the sprint's over, writing long posts is both bad on the eyes of the readers, and it takes up too much time of mine. Let's start walking... Speaking of which, I signed up for NIKE's 10km run on August 31st. It's 10km. I am soo going to die. But I'll be running with some of my classmates, so everything will be okay. I hope.
I like animes. Though I don't understand Japanese, save for a few common phrases, I still like them. There's always subs. Hrmm, this season's animes are said to be not that interesting, with the best rated anime by a certain blog being one of those less hyped about shows. O well there's always surprises in the anime world. As for the genres of animes I watch, they tend to include everything, except for yaoi and really fail shows. So far, I've watched probably only around 20 series and quite a number of ongoing series, amounting to roughly 240+160 episodes, which is 200 hours worth of anime watching. That seems alot, but is actually quite little compared to other people. Hrmm I have been wondering, since I recently found out that certain animes and mangas are practically the same thing, with the mangas being superior to the animes as not everything can be animated (an example of film/animation vs book is the harry potter series, where the book had situations and settings that had no role in the plot, and thus were too expensive and time consuming to act out), would be it more efficient to read the manga instead? But then again, my reading time is quite long, and I take forever to read mangas online, so maybe it's just wiser to watch the animes. You can listen to voice actors and actresses too as an added bonus.
Imagine you are an MRT train driver operating from Bedok to Dover.
0. Before Bedok, you had 7 passengers on board. They were the ones who were too tired to get off, so they camped overnight since yesterday.
1. At Bedok MRT station, you pick up 18 passengers because it is a busy old town, with lots of good food. One of the passengers is a schoolboy studying in a school in Dover.
2. At Kembangan, a lone schoolboy studying at a school in Buona Vista came in, and recognized the schoolboy-studying-in-a-school-in-Dover as his primary school classmate, but didn’t feel like saying hi.
3. Passing along Eunos, you pick up 2 passengers and let down 7. What a let down.
4. At Paya Lebar, the schoolboy-studying-in-a-school-in-Dover looked up from his psp and recognized the schoolboy-studying-in-a-school-in-Buona-Vista, but was too lazy to say hi.
5. At Aljunied, a woman with her crossbred dog went in, otherwise known as a Golden Bull Poodle, illuminating the carriage.
6. At Kallang, a group of dragon boaters from a 14 seater dragon boat came in, carrying their boat on their shoulders, they took up the whole of carriage 4.
7. At Lavender, a sweet smelling girl walked into carriage 5, and her perfume was so strong that 4 of the closest dragon boaters were enticed into walking into carriage 5, releasing their support on the boat, which fell and created a dent on the floor.
8. At Bugis, you picked up multiple groups of arcade players numbering 31 in total, and a pregnant woman. The dent became deeper.
9. At City Hall, no one likes the red line so no one leaves your train, but you pick up 13 more blue-collar workers, and 2 old men. The dent became a tiny hole.
10. At Raffles Place, 2 workers forgot their briefcases, so they went down, while 4 people decided the red line wasn’t so bad after all, and left your train for redder pastures. The tiny hole grew larger.
11. At Tanjong Pagar, the awkwardness between the schoolboys were finally too great to handle, so the Buona-Vista schoolboy decided to leave the train to take the next one, which was 8 mins later. The small hole started leaking passengers out of the train (they accidentally walk into the hole, falling through the floor of the carriage and into the tracks below), at the rate of one person between each stop.
12. At Outram interchange, some of the arcade players started a fight in carriage 2, so you kick them all off, even those who were not involved.
13. At Tiong Bahru, three single mothers came in, with their 9 children in tow (don’t stop at 2). One of the child slips and falls into the gap between the trains, but was unnoticed by all.
14. At Redhill, the pregnant woman gives birth to triplets in your train, assisted by one of the blue-collar worker who happens to be studying medicine part-time.
15. At Queenstown, 8 people came in, and 5 left.
16. At Commonwealth, one commuter decides that wealth should be shared by all and decides to rob the 2 old men, leaving one cashless and another one dead from a heart attacked caused by the excitement. At the stop, two police officers dashed into the train to capture him, but he ran out instead and the doors closed, locking the police officers inside and him outside. The hole widens, now leaking 2 passengers per in-between-stops.
17. At Buona Vista, the Golden Bull Poodle bit the sweet smelling girl, for smelling too sweet. She screamed in pain while writhing on the floor, but the announcement of “If you see any suspicious articles or persons, please inform the train staff or call εννεα εννεα εννεα” drowned out her cries. The surrounding people pretended not to notice her flailing away on the floor, while enjoying their death metal music while touching their iPod Touches. She turned gangrenous and died a short while later.
18. At Dover, the train derails, caused by the multiple bodies below the floor of carriage 4, and also due to the fact that the Dover mrt doors open on the wrong side, flinging 6 random people out from the front of the train, and 2 out from the back, leaving the rest of the people inside to burn until chao tah (pronounced Kris-Pee).
Now on to the riddle:
a) How many charred bodies are there in the train?
b) How many people fell onto the track?
c) Where does the train driver stay?
a) Anyone guessed 45 or 46? No. It is 48.
b) 9 + 6 + 2 = 17
c) You don’t know? Well, I don’t know either, but it depends. Go find a map, and mark out where you stay, then mark out where your school is (put your workplace if you are not studying). Now, estimate the distance between your home and your school on the map (lets say 30cm). Now to properly use a map, find the conversion ratio between distance on map and real distance, then divide the distance by the ratio (e.g. ratio is 1cm: 10 000cm, so you divide 30cm by 10 000 to get 0.003cm). Starting from the point of your home, move 5 home-to-school/workplace distances (e.g. 0.015cm) up north-east, then find the district of that point on the map. That would be where the train driver stays. I’m serious.
I like animes. Though I don't understand Japanese, save for a few common phrases, I still like them. There's always subs. Hrmm, this season's animes are said to be not that interesting, with the best rated anime by a certain blog being one of those less hyped about shows. O well there's always surprises in the anime world. As for the genres of animes I watch, they tend to include everything, except for yaoi and really fail shows. So far, I've watched probably only around 20 series and quite a number of ongoing series, amounting to roughly 240+160 episodes, which is 200 hours worth of anime watching. That seems alot, but is actually quite little compared to other people. Hrmm I have been wondering, since I recently found out that certain animes and mangas are practically the same thing, with the mangas being superior to the animes as not everything can be animated (an example of film/animation vs book is the harry potter series, where the book had situations and settings that had no role in the plot, and thus were too expensive and time consuming to act out), would be it more efficient to read the manga instead? But then again, my reading time is quite long, and I take forever to read mangas online, so maybe it's just wiser to watch the animes. You can listen to voice actors and actresses too as an added bonus.
Imagine you are an MRT train driver operating from Bedok to Dover.
0. Before Bedok, you had 7 passengers on board. They were the ones who were too tired to get off, so they camped overnight since yesterday.
1. At Bedok MRT station, you pick up 18 passengers because it is a busy old town, with lots of good food. One of the passengers is a schoolboy studying in a school in Dover.
2. At Kembangan, a lone schoolboy studying at a school in Buona Vista came in, and recognized the schoolboy-studying-in-a-school-in-Dover as his primary school classmate, but didn’t feel like saying hi.
3. Passing along Eunos, you pick up 2 passengers and let down 7. What a let down.
4. At Paya Lebar, the schoolboy-studying-in-a-school-in-Dover looked up from his psp and recognized the schoolboy-studying-in-a-school-in-Buona-Vista, but was too lazy to say hi.
5. At Aljunied, a woman with her crossbred dog went in, otherwise known as a Golden Bull Poodle, illuminating the carriage.
6. At Kallang, a group of dragon boaters from a 14 seater dragon boat came in, carrying their boat on their shoulders, they took up the whole of carriage 4.
7. At Lavender, a sweet smelling girl walked into carriage 5, and her perfume was so strong that 4 of the closest dragon boaters were enticed into walking into carriage 5, releasing their support on the boat, which fell and created a dent on the floor.
8. At Bugis, you picked up multiple groups of arcade players numbering 31 in total, and a pregnant woman. The dent became deeper.
9. At City Hall, no one likes the red line so no one leaves your train, but you pick up 13 more blue-collar workers, and 2 old men. The dent became a tiny hole.
10. At Raffles Place, 2 workers forgot their briefcases, so they went down, while 4 people decided the red line wasn’t so bad after all, and left your train for redder pastures. The tiny hole grew larger.
11. At Tanjong Pagar, the awkwardness between the schoolboys were finally too great to handle, so the Buona-Vista schoolboy decided to leave the train to take the next one, which was 8 mins later. The small hole started leaking passengers out of the train (they accidentally walk into the hole, falling through the floor of the carriage and into the tracks below), at the rate of one person between each stop.
12. At Outram interchange, some of the arcade players started a fight in carriage 2, so you kick them all off, even those who were not involved.
13. At Tiong Bahru, three single mothers came in, with their 9 children in tow (don’t stop at 2). One of the child slips and falls into the gap between the trains, but was unnoticed by all.
14. At Redhill, the pregnant woman gives birth to triplets in your train, assisted by one of the blue-collar worker who happens to be studying medicine part-time.
15. At Queenstown, 8 people came in, and 5 left.
16. At Commonwealth, one commuter decides that wealth should be shared by all and decides to rob the 2 old men, leaving one cashless and another one dead from a heart attacked caused by the excitement. At the stop, two police officers dashed into the train to capture him, but he ran out instead and the doors closed, locking the police officers inside and him outside. The hole widens, now leaking 2 passengers per in-between-stops.
17. At Buona Vista, the Golden Bull Poodle bit the sweet smelling girl, for smelling too sweet. She screamed in pain while writhing on the floor, but the announcement of “If you see any suspicious articles or persons, please inform the train staff or call εννεα εννεα εννεα” drowned out her cries. The surrounding people pretended not to notice her flailing away on the floor, while enjoying their death metal music while touching their iPod Touches. She turned gangrenous and died a short while later.
18. At Dover, the train derails, caused by the multiple bodies below the floor of carriage 4, and also due to the fact that the Dover mrt doors open on the wrong side, flinging 6 random people out from the front of the train, and 2 out from the back, leaving the rest of the people inside to burn until chao tah (pronounced Kris-Pee).
Now on to the riddle:
a) How many charred bodies are there in the train?
b) How many people fell onto the track?
c) Where does the train driver stay?
a) Anyone guessed 45 or 46? No. It is 48.
b) 9 + 6 + 2 = 17
c) You don’t know? Well, I don’t know either, but it depends. Go find a map, and mark out where you stay, then mark out where your school is (put your workplace if you are not studying). Now, estimate the distance between your home and your school on the map (lets say 30cm). Now to properly use a map, find the conversion ratio between distance on map and real distance, then divide the distance by the ratio (e.g. ratio is 1cm: 10 000cm, so you divide 30cm by 10 000 to get 0.003cm). Starting from the point of your home, move 5 home-to-school/workplace distances (e.g. 0.015cm) up north-east, then find the district of that point on the map. That would be where the train driver stays. I’m serious.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A bad day
What's a blog without a periodic rant? O wait, I just checked its meaning online, it needs anger, which I'm too tired to have, so this shall just be a long disjointed paragraph that attempts at being a rant but failing. For fun, I'll put the next paragraph in black so people who do not want to read wouldn't need to.
Dammit I am seriously very tired today. Last night, stayed up to do my work, but slacked at awesome videos in youtube until 4+ am. Then was too tired to sleep on my bed, so I lay on the couch and slept. Set my alarm, and it went off, but it didn't wake me up. So I woke up 5 mins after the usual time the school bus comes. Rushed to get ready, but the school bus came and left already, so I had to take public transport. Zombie-mode, 1 hour of sleep, homework left undone, and a 1 hour long travel time on the public transport system. On the Mrt, found no seat, so slacked at a corner, then my side of the train doors opened, people came in, I moved abit to let them in, and some dude koped my corner. Went to the center of the train carriage, no seats, stood there looking sleepy and stupid. Rested my head on my arm while holding the support rings above. Finally got a seat, rested only a while before Dover came. Took a bus from dover, jam on the road along the way. So tired that I dozed off while seating on the bus, and "fainted" onto some random ACJC student to my right, jolted awake, embarassed, but too tired to actually care. Reached school just on time, no time for catnap before assembly. School starts, yet another long, long, loong day at school. Yea. Felt sick in school, blowed nose throughout classes. Finished my supply of tissue, finished friend number 1's supply of tissue, and at the end of school finished friend number 2's supply of tissue too. I'm like a tissue monster, consuming tissues and losing 90% of my body water content along the way. However, there's still hope. I found something to pull me along the way, to lift me up when I'm down, to drop me suddenly after lifting me up when I'm down. Look foward to it. Anyway, back home now, still got runny nose, I wonder if my dog will get sick from human illnesses. One of my dogs sneezes sometimes, it looks and sounds quite cute.
Went to the library today to return my mum's book that is due today. Since I was there already, no harm walking inside. Nice atmosphere there, in a library. Calm, peaceful, knowledgeable environment. Borrowed a Terry Pratchet book, apparently it's one of the newer TP books around, saw it in a border's bookstore catalogue after that. Found a random Trilogy series to borrow, about a dude becoming a dragon. Three books of it, seemed decent, so borrowed them. Fat books they are, dunno how long it will take for me to read them all. Anyways, libraries are cool, all you people should try going to the library to soak up the calming atmosphere once in a while, it'll do you good.
Levels of relationships
Randomly decided to create my own levels of relationships to describe easily with numerals how one person's relationship with another person is. Here it is:
Level 0: Strangers
Level 1: Acquaintances
Level 2: Friends
Level 3: Close Friends
Level 4: More than Friends
Level 5: Dating
Level 6: Dating level 2 (you need to gain enough experience to achieve this level)
Level 7: Engagement
Level 8: Marriage
Level 9: Children
Level 10: Till death does us part
Level 10.2: Till death does the other one of us
Level ???: It's complicated.
Alternate ending - Bad End: Divorce either immediately after level 8 or after level 9, which would then result in more trouble over who would take custody of the children.
Well where are you at?
Dammit I am seriously very tired today. Last night, stayed up to do my work, but slacked at awesome videos in youtube until 4+ am. Then was too tired to sleep on my bed, so I lay on the couch and slept. Set my alarm, and it went off, but it didn't wake me up. So I woke up 5 mins after the usual time the school bus comes. Rushed to get ready, but the school bus came and left already, so I had to take public transport. Zombie-mode, 1 hour of sleep, homework left undone, and a 1 hour long travel time on the public transport system. On the Mrt, found no seat, so slacked at a corner, then my side of the train doors opened, people came in, I moved abit to let them in, and some dude koped my corner. Went to the center of the train carriage, no seats, stood there looking sleepy and stupid. Rested my head on my arm while holding the support rings above. Finally got a seat, rested only a while before Dover came. Took a bus from dover, jam on the road along the way. So tired that I dozed off while seating on the bus, and "fainted" onto some random ACJC student to my right, jolted awake, embarassed, but too tired to actually care. Reached school just on time, no time for catnap before assembly. School starts, yet another long, long, loong day at school. Yea. Felt sick in school, blowed nose throughout classes. Finished my supply of tissue, finished friend number 1's supply of tissue, and at the end of school finished friend number 2's supply of tissue too. I'm like a tissue monster, consuming tissues and losing 90% of my body water content along the way. However, there's still hope. I found something to pull me along the way, to lift me up when I'm down, to drop me suddenly after lifting me up when I'm down. Look foward to it. Anyway, back home now, still got runny nose, I wonder if my dog will get sick from human illnesses. One of my dogs sneezes sometimes, it looks and sounds quite cute.
Went to the library today to return my mum's book that is due today. Since I was there already, no harm walking inside. Nice atmosphere there, in a library. Calm, peaceful, knowledgeable environment. Borrowed a Terry Pratchet book, apparently it's one of the newer TP books around, saw it in a border's bookstore catalogue after that. Found a random Trilogy series to borrow, about a dude becoming a dragon. Three books of it, seemed decent, so borrowed them. Fat books they are, dunno how long it will take for me to read them all. Anyways, libraries are cool, all you people should try going to the library to soak up the calming atmosphere once in a while, it'll do you good.
Levels of relationships
Randomly decided to create my own levels of relationships to describe easily with numerals how one person's relationship with another person is. Here it is:
Level 0: Strangers
Level 1: Acquaintances
Level 2: Friends
Level 3: Close Friends
Level 4: More than Friends
Level 5: Dating
Level 6: Dating level 2 (you need to gain enough experience to achieve this level)
Level 7: Engagement
Level 8: Marriage
Level 9: Children
Level 10: Till death does us part
Level 10.2: Till death does the other one of us
Level ???: It's complicated.
Alternate ending - Bad End: Divorce either immediately after level 8 or after level 9, which would then result in more trouble over who would take custody of the children.
Well where are you at?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A Missed Day
There, my first missed daily post only 3 days after the rebirth. Well, it was a Most Unproductive Day (MUD) so it can't be helped. I slept from the time I reached home till 1 hour before school, so I didn't manage to do anything at all. =(
A Day of Accomplishments
Yesterday was a day of accomplishments. Accomplishments not for me, but for a bunch of young adults, who have just completed probably their last period of extended education of their lives. It is ironic that for a day where I accomplished nothing, I was witness to the accomplishments of many. In case you haven't figured it out, I attended the commencement ceremony of my brother, who until recently is studying in NUS. I saw some of the brightest minds in Singapore, professors whose nationalities include British, Indian and Singaporean. The graduates were mostly Singaporean, with a number of overseas scholars. I spotted a number of China scholars, and only a few Vietnamese, Thai, Indian and Middle Eastern ones. The atmosphere at the place is vibrant, that of people enjoying the fruits of their success. Some people study for knowledge, some study as it is their interest, and yet some study for the achievement and accomplishment of it, and they all look forward to this day, the day of their triumph.
In such a large and competitive world, a degree with honors does not do much to distinguish you from the few millions of people with degrees out there, but it still has its uses. It will certainly help you in job applications, as not all of the few million people are applying for that one job, and it may help you get a partner, assuming your partner is particular about such qualifications. But then again, it is just a piece of paper, easily forged by the countless forgers of our time. What matters is the knowledge that the piece of paper signifies, it represents that the person has spent more than 5% of their lives studying. The road to a proper education is long and seems hard, but I have just been witness to a close relative of mine completing it with apparent ease. When respect is due, respect shall be given. Though his accomplishments may seem mediocre compared with the best minds of society, I am proud of my brother being a graduate with second upper honors. Congratulations.
Speaking of achievements, the Olympics are around the corner. What do you think when you watch the Olympics on the television? To attempt to sound formal and eloquent, which I am not, here is what I think. When I watch the Olympics on tv, I feel a sense of awe as these people represent the limit of the human spirit. The boundaries of the human body are tested every four years, at the gathering of the best from around the world. To know that you are watching the best, seeing history as it is being written in front of your eyes, isn’t that a bit inspiring? Anyways, the articles on the Olympics in the newspaper are interesting and informative. For those that follow those articles, the one about pressure a few days ago is especially inspiring. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kPNjkGf4vM go see this video, the spectacular dive in the middle of the video is the one RIGHT after the dive shown at the start. And if you follow the first link in related videos to the face smash video, the most awesome comment below is “no blood no foul”. No blood… no foul. Simple. If you were wondering, he had stitches for his head wound, and he’s gay, and he’s HIV positive. Yea.
Short note: I spoke to an old friend on the MRT recently, and I realize though some things change, some things will not. Connections and friendships made in the period of one’s younger days can last the test of several years of time. Well I noticed, the top students from each class in year 5… a lot of them come from a certain year 4 class last year. My low-average score of 32 would place me around the bottom of everyone in that year 4 class. I should be ashamed of my marks.
“The time taken for diamond to turn into graphite can be compared to the time taken for an army of snails to march to the Beijing Olympic Games from Singapore.” – quoted very loosely from a figure of authority on chemistry
A Day of Accomplishments
Yesterday was a day of accomplishments. Accomplishments not for me, but for a bunch of young adults, who have just completed probably their last period of extended education of their lives. It is ironic that for a day where I accomplished nothing, I was witness to the accomplishments of many. In case you haven't figured it out, I attended the commencement ceremony of my brother, who until recently is studying in NUS. I saw some of the brightest minds in Singapore, professors whose nationalities include British, Indian and Singaporean. The graduates were mostly Singaporean, with a number of overseas scholars. I spotted a number of China scholars, and only a few Vietnamese, Thai, Indian and Middle Eastern ones. The atmosphere at the place is vibrant, that of people enjoying the fruits of their success. Some people study for knowledge, some study as it is their interest, and yet some study for the achievement and accomplishment of it, and they all look forward to this day, the day of their triumph.
In such a large and competitive world, a degree with honors does not do much to distinguish you from the few millions of people with degrees out there, but it still has its uses. It will certainly help you in job applications, as not all of the few million people are applying for that one job, and it may help you get a partner, assuming your partner is particular about such qualifications. But then again, it is just a piece of paper, easily forged by the countless forgers of our time. What matters is the knowledge that the piece of paper signifies, it represents that the person has spent more than 5% of their lives studying. The road to a proper education is long and seems hard, but I have just been witness to a close relative of mine completing it with apparent ease. When respect is due, respect shall be given. Though his accomplishments may seem mediocre compared with the best minds of society, I am proud of my brother being a graduate with second upper honors. Congratulations.
Speaking of achievements, the Olympics are around the corner. What do you think when you watch the Olympics on the television? To attempt to sound formal and eloquent, which I am not, here is what I think. When I watch the Olympics on tv, I feel a sense of awe as these people represent the limit of the human spirit. The boundaries of the human body are tested every four years, at the gathering of the best from around the world. To know that you are watching the best, seeing history as it is being written in front of your eyes, isn’t that a bit inspiring? Anyways, the articles on the Olympics in the newspaper are interesting and informative. For those that follow those articles, the one about pressure a few days ago is especially inspiring. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kPNjkGf4vM go see this video, the spectacular dive in the middle of the video is the one RIGHT after the dive shown at the start. And if you follow the first link in related videos to the face smash video, the most awesome comment below is “no blood no foul”. No blood… no foul. Simple. If you were wondering, he had stitches for his head wound, and he’s gay, and he’s HIV positive. Yea.
Short note: I spoke to an old friend on the MRT recently, and I realize though some things change, some things will not. Connections and friendships made in the period of one’s younger days can last the test of several years of time. Well I noticed, the top students from each class in year 5… a lot of them come from a certain year 4 class last year. My low-average score of 32 would place me around the bottom of everyone in that year 4 class. I should be ashamed of my marks.
“The time taken for diamond to turn into graphite can be compared to the time taken for an army of snails to march to the Beijing Olympic Games from Singapore.” – quoted very loosely from a figure of authority on chemistry
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thoughts: Work, Play, Life
In the blink of an eye, we are now around the middle of term three. Exam results are back, fears have been confirmed, confidence has been shattered, other fears have been dispelled. Four days after the release of results, comparisons have been made, top students have been announced, them hogging the limelight, while the lower mortals below can only blend in with the crowd. When comparing your own results with other peoples, the first question is with whom should you compare your results - your closest friends, your classmates or perhaps only the best? The second question would be how fair would it be to compare yourself with these people? They may take different subject combinations, they may have had different teachers, but what if there is ceteris paribus, everything else is kept constant, the only difference is the points between you and the guy just like you, would that mean you are the inferior person? In the meritocratic society of Singapore, maybe only the score matters, for it is with numbers that parents can confidently boast about their children's achievements. Then again, maybe these two question shouldnt have arised in the first place, as the best comparison is with yourself. You know your capabilities, you know yourself, you know how well you can do, or maybe you don't, those are just illusions set by your ego to deceive yourself and this test will reveal your true self to you. Who knows what we are all capable of, the limits of men are bounded only by the restrictions we place upon ourselves. To break your own limit, a limit break, would that be the best that we all hope to strive towards? Who knows?
I have been watching more movies recently, on the big screen that is. Get Smart... The Incredible Hulk... Wanted... Hancock... Hrmm, whats the point of watching movies on the big screen anyway? In this technological age, I'm sure there are other ways to watch the movie, if legality is not part of the issue. Well, the big screen has... a big screen, and loud sounds, and the satisfaction that you are paying the creator of the movie for his hard work (think 22 years). Well there's also friends. We all watch movies with our friends, so we can talk about the references and jokes in the movies after that. There is a certain connection from being in the same dark room with your friends for a couple of hours, staring into the moving light. Maybe these feelings are all just the same but upgraded emotions from our primitive days, where spending hours sitting together without fighting is a huge achievement in its own right. Anyways, for those four movies mentioned above, they are all nice movies, though some reviews have said otherwise. My standard for watching shows isn't high at all, I would like to believe that I can appreciate the works of art presented before me, unless the shows are really crap. Also, the latest movie I watched has just brought new meaning into one phrase I commonly use --- Good Job.
The question of Life. Who am I? We are all humans, grouped into groups for convinience. There's the 50-50 split of gender, and then theres race, nationality, age, maritial status, school and more. Of those mentioned above, which is the best distinction? I would say age. Age is the record of how much of your limited life you have used up to gain exp in this life, and roughly how much more you have left. People of the same age can more oftenly relate to each other, rather than simply by gender, or race. Walking past people in a street, I pass another human male, I take no notice, I pass another Chinese, or another Singaporean, they dont matter. Then I pass a person of similar age to myself, and I sense a connection, we have lived in the same time peiod, borned mere years or months apart. We have both survived in this world till now, and happen to pass each other in the street. To quote somewhere, bonus points for whoever that knows where I got this from: "It's okay if we never meet again, I'm lucky you were here just for awhile."
But I digress. The main point that I wanted to write for Life is about Gep. These three innocent letters, put together in this order, creates numerous connotations and stereotypes when hurled at a person. I would not go into detail on what a Gep is, but today I was given a chance to reflect on what it means. A certain person was given a chance to make an announcement, and he did it in his usual flair and style. I instinctively cringed, as anyone would do when they see or hear other people seemingly attempting to embarass themselves. And then I heard unflattering comments and snide remarks from behind me. Call me bias, but I would tolerate such impolite behaviour if the person speaking was not my friend. Their attitudes and intolerance for anything out of the ordinary is what makes them just part of the general crowd. I don't know what they want, but if every single announcement for the rest of the year would be made in a monotonous voice, maybe they would be happy. It's no wonder why there's no one in their class that are Gep. Labels are meant to distinguish groups of people from each other, and they sure do a good job from separating the different people from the crowd. These labels will stick on us for a long time, whether we like it or not, but maybe, just maybe, we'll be the ones having the last laugh.
Next Post Preview: No blood no foul.
In the blink of an eye, we are now around the middle of term three. Exam results are back, fears have been confirmed, confidence has been shattered, other fears have been dispelled. Four days after the release of results, comparisons have been made, top students have been announced, them hogging the limelight, while the lower mortals below can only blend in with the crowd. When comparing your own results with other peoples, the first question is with whom should you compare your results - your closest friends, your classmates or perhaps only the best? The second question would be how fair would it be to compare yourself with these people? They may take different subject combinations, they may have had different teachers, but what if there is ceteris paribus, everything else is kept constant, the only difference is the points between you and the guy just like you, would that mean you are the inferior person? In the meritocratic society of Singapore, maybe only the score matters, for it is with numbers that parents can confidently boast about their children's achievements. Then again, maybe these two question shouldnt have arised in the first place, as the best comparison is with yourself. You know your capabilities, you know yourself, you know how well you can do, or maybe you don't, those are just illusions set by your ego to deceive yourself and this test will reveal your true self to you. Who knows what we are all capable of, the limits of men are bounded only by the restrictions we place upon ourselves. To break your own limit, a limit break, would that be the best that we all hope to strive towards? Who knows?
I have been watching more movies recently, on the big screen that is. Get Smart... The Incredible Hulk... Wanted... Hancock... Hrmm, whats the point of watching movies on the big screen anyway? In this technological age, I'm sure there are other ways to watch the movie, if legality is not part of the issue. Well, the big screen has... a big screen, and loud sounds, and the satisfaction that you are paying the creator of the movie for his hard work (think 22 years). Well there's also friends. We all watch movies with our friends, so we can talk about the references and jokes in the movies after that. There is a certain connection from being in the same dark room with your friends for a couple of hours, staring into the moving light. Maybe these feelings are all just the same but upgraded emotions from our primitive days, where spending hours sitting together without fighting is a huge achievement in its own right. Anyways, for those four movies mentioned above, they are all nice movies, though some reviews have said otherwise. My standard for watching shows isn't high at all, I would like to believe that I can appreciate the works of art presented before me, unless the shows are really crap. Also, the latest movie I watched has just brought new meaning into one phrase I commonly use --- Good Job.
The question of Life. Who am I? We are all humans, grouped into groups for convinience. There's the 50-50 split of gender, and then theres race, nationality, age, maritial status, school and more. Of those mentioned above, which is the best distinction? I would say age. Age is the record of how much of your limited life you have used up to gain exp in this life, and roughly how much more you have left. People of the same age can more oftenly relate to each other, rather than simply by gender, or race. Walking past people in a street, I pass another human male, I take no notice, I pass another Chinese, or another Singaporean, they dont matter. Then I pass a person of similar age to myself, and I sense a connection, we have lived in the same time peiod, borned mere years or months apart. We have both survived in this world till now, and happen to pass each other in the street. To quote somewhere, bonus points for whoever that knows where I got this from: "It's okay if we never meet again, I'm lucky you were here just for awhile."
But I digress. The main point that I wanted to write for Life is about Gep. These three innocent letters, put together in this order, creates numerous connotations and stereotypes when hurled at a person. I would not go into detail on what a Gep is, but today I was given a chance to reflect on what it means. A certain person was given a chance to make an announcement, and he did it in his usual flair and style. I instinctively cringed, as anyone would do when they see or hear other people seemingly attempting to embarass themselves. And then I heard unflattering comments and snide remarks from behind me. Call me bias, but I would tolerate such impolite behaviour if the person speaking was not my friend. Their attitudes and intolerance for anything out of the ordinary is what makes them just part of the general crowd. I don't know what they want, but if every single announcement for the rest of the year would be made in a monotonous voice, maybe they would be happy. It's no wonder why there's no one in their class that are Gep. Labels are meant to distinguish groups of people from each other, and they sure do a good job from separating the different people from the crowd. These labels will stick on us for a long time, whether we like it or not, but maybe, just maybe, we'll be the ones having the last laugh.
Next Post Preview: No blood no foul.
Dreams: Airplanes and Death
I regained conciousness, my mind still groggy from the unconcious state it was previously in. I took in my surroundings, I was in a spacious room, with a large bed, my belongings strewn around me. I got up, and walked out of the unfamiliar room. From outside, the room seemed smaller than it was before. That's weird.
Outside the room, my whole immediate family was there, including some cousins and relatives. Strange, why wasnt my dad at work? All these inconsistencies did not seem to matter at that point.
Time passed, and i found out that i was in an aircraft. How? This was because my entire world had just spun one full round, similar to a viking ship on those fun fairs, but instead of swinging from front to back, i went from side to side, making one full round. Just then, the captain of the aircraft announced over the PA system that the engines had failed, and we would be crashing into the sea soon. We started to lose altitude. Following emergency procedure, we rushed to wear our life vests, hoping that the inflatable yellow jackets would protect our lives.
Sadness, the emotion in its full force, overcame me. The realization had hit me, I would be losing my family, i would be losing my own life, and i would lose possession of all my belongings. My family, who were beside me just a moment ago, now seemed far far away. I tried to collect some of my belongings, hoping that they will survive the crash along with me, but someone stopped me. "It's no use" the person said. In desperation, I took out my handphone, and called a friend. I needed someone to talk to, even if it was for a short while. The phone connected, and I managed to say "Tell everyone I'm going to die, and I'll miss you all", before it was time. Time to jump off the doomed aircraft into the deep blue sea, time to face reality and death. Then I woke up.
I was relieved, I wasnt dead, as far as i could tell, it was all just a dream. But dreams are said to be the subconcious mind trying its best to communicate with the concious one, and from dreams we can find out new things about ourselves. From this dream, I fear death, and I fear the loss of everything I hold close to me.
This post is a recount of my dream yesterday, some of the information in it is of course made up, as it helps the story to flow, and some information omitted, those that are not for public viewing. As we all know how dreams are, they are generally random situations and scenes stiched together that makes a little sense, but still they give us the same emotions as real life events. Emotions are characterised by changes in chemicals in the body, and I was full of the "sad" chemical when i woke up. Anyway, i heard that if you recount your bad dreams, which are not neccessarily nightmares, to people, the dream would not recur. May this dream not recur to me.
Outside the room, my whole immediate family was there, including some cousins and relatives. Strange, why wasnt my dad at work? All these inconsistencies did not seem to matter at that point.
Time passed, and i found out that i was in an aircraft. How? This was because my entire world had just spun one full round, similar to a viking ship on those fun fairs, but instead of swinging from front to back, i went from side to side, making one full round. Just then, the captain of the aircraft announced over the PA system that the engines had failed, and we would be crashing into the sea soon. We started to lose altitude. Following emergency procedure, we rushed to wear our life vests, hoping that the inflatable yellow jackets would protect our lives.
Sadness, the emotion in its full force, overcame me. The realization had hit me, I would be losing my family, i would be losing my own life, and i would lose possession of all my belongings. My family, who were beside me just a moment ago, now seemed far far away. I tried to collect some of my belongings, hoping that they will survive the crash along with me, but someone stopped me. "It's no use" the person said. In desperation, I took out my handphone, and called a friend. I needed someone to talk to, even if it was for a short while. The phone connected, and I managed to say "Tell everyone I'm going to die, and I'll miss you all", before it was time. Time to jump off the doomed aircraft into the deep blue sea, time to face reality and death. Then I woke up.
I was relieved, I wasnt dead, as far as i could tell, it was all just a dream. But dreams are said to be the subconcious mind trying its best to communicate with the concious one, and from dreams we can find out new things about ourselves. From this dream, I fear death, and I fear the loss of everything I hold close to me.
This post is a recount of my dream yesterday, some of the information in it is of course made up, as it helps the story to flow, and some information omitted, those that are not for public viewing. As we all know how dreams are, they are generally random situations and scenes stiched together that makes a little sense, but still they give us the same emotions as real life events. Emotions are characterised by changes in chemicals in the body, and I was full of the "sad" chemical when i woke up. Anyway, i heard that if you recount your bad dreams, which are not neccessarily nightmares, to people, the dream would not recur. May this dream not recur to me.
News: The End, The Rebirth
The End
This is the end of my blog as you know it. I've decided, upon reading some of my earlier posts, that my blog is too random, to the point where it sucks. My posts are sporadic, the topics and themes are not linked, and the general effort shown is mediocre. So as of now, the old blog is dead.
The Rebirth
And from the ashes of the dying flames the phoenix will rise again, reborned anew, the same bird as from before, but different. It will grow to reclaim its former glory, and even more, constantly striving to achieve new heights. It will soar on to the highest clouds, but not higher as the oxygen content would be too low. (Damn i hate it when the paragraph starts out nicely and dramatic then end stupidly. Note to self: stop this stupid habit)
And my blog shall be reborned. This blog shall be a test of my perseverance, I shall attempt to update daily, missing a post only when circumstances do not allow me to do so (such as Most Unproductive Days). I shall have proper categories for each post, starting with: "Anime", "Dreams", "Scenes", "News" and "Random/Others". I would do away with "The End" at the end of each post, as that gets stale after awhile.
A tag board and other more interesting stuff should be up when i can figure out how blogger works.
and to wrap this post up, here is a riddle:
The beginning of Eternity,
The end of Time and Space,
The beginning of every end,
The end of every race.
What am I?
A big bonus to the person who can tell me where i first heard this riddle from.
This is the end of my blog as you know it. I've decided, upon reading some of my earlier posts, that my blog is too random, to the point where it sucks. My posts are sporadic, the topics and themes are not linked, and the general effort shown is mediocre. So as of now, the old blog is dead.
The Rebirth
And from the ashes of the dying flames the phoenix will rise again, reborned anew, the same bird as from before, but different. It will grow to reclaim its former glory, and even more, constantly striving to achieve new heights. It will soar on to the highest clouds, but not higher as the oxygen content would be too low. (Damn i hate it when the paragraph starts out nicely and dramatic then end stupidly. Note to self: stop this stupid habit)
And my blog shall be reborned. This blog shall be a test of my perseverance, I shall attempt to update daily, missing a post only when circumstances do not allow me to do so (such as Most Unproductive Days). I shall have proper categories for each post, starting with: "Anime", "Dreams", "Scenes", "News" and "Random/Others". I would do away with "The End" at the end of each post, as that gets stale after awhile.
A tag board and other more interesting stuff should be up when i can figure out how blogger works.
and to wrap this post up, here is a riddle:
The beginning of Eternity,
The end of Time and Space,
The beginning of every end,
The end of every race.
What am I?
A big bonus to the person who can tell me where i first heard this riddle from.
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