The figurine displays.
anyway, on to the post.
Special double post! Since I'm up at 5am after cleaning up my room and all =D
So, here's a crappy and really horribly late report on AFA day 2 for fags who didn't go and some random guy who was hiking or something .
After the epic concert the previous night, and the lack of anything really awesome to do at AFA, many people decided to not go early on the second day. As noted by juen: "wtf you going there for, cosplay mania??" Therefore sera and dneo decided letz go late lol
Thus it was up to me to arrive early to CAMP FOR FIGMAS. Which I did. Arriving at slightly after 9, it was shocking to find NO ONE LOL. No queue at all compared to Saturday's longasfuck queue. This was good. Thus at 10am I was first in line at the door and READY TO CHIONG. This plan happened to be a success as I got figma Fate and Nanoha within 5 mins of rushing in fuck yes niggas.
After this there was.. nothing much to do besides wait for XM to arrive at 10+, since Dneo decided not to come after inviting him. Pangsehhhh so I went to the MBAA machine to play this guy from sgab, and he was dying against the com in stage 1 (coz being worse than me at stick and sucking at mb is not a good combi) so I played him to save him and conveniently won. This was followed by some stick practice with the awesome machine (it's bugis machine lol) and later I HAVE A CHALLENGER. who is bj0rn the animeblogger. wtf. who i somehow managed to win 5 games in a row. goddamnit vsion's overhead kick changed wtf. but half nanaya rigged at this level so it was succesful pwning crescent LOL.
After I finish I find XM has been looking for me (oops) so i went to find him and show him around a bit. XM's POV on his blog, which I can't remember the link but it's on jonny's so w/e. Whoops. I guess we were both kinda bored, nothing special on that day so I camped the AA machine and watched, until sera came along later and we then proceeded to camp the AA machine and watch some more. awesome.
basically, AFA day 2 was.. do nothing until all the events were over and then start camping the stage for May'n. Because what was happening was that 1) the audience was a lot bigger than Aniki's (sad eh?) and 2) the barriers were further back. In effect, when me and sera got there and went to the front of the queue, that was where the barriers would eventually be. Thus we were unable to get out and this forced poor dneo and xm to not be able to be at the front because dneo is a latefag np.
Aside from this unfortunate incident and afterwards having to stand there for 2 hours and in the process getting paint on my shirt from the barriers (fuck you barriers), our patience was finally rewarded with the appearance of May'n (not gonna talk about the shitty warmup band, ok they arent THAT shitty but meh, ok kudos for trying i guess)
Ok firstly May'n is cute as hell D: setlist can be found everywhere and it's not particularly important. However, when she sang Yousei (surprised me) that version sounded a lot better than the album one, because I think it was a ...remixed one. Or it sounded like one. Anyway all the songs were great, with me and sera going Y NO LIGHTSTICK, FUG. May'n is really much better live than on recording, because her voice is really powerful and on CD you can't really appreciate the emotion and all. So yeah, obviously everyone thought Diamond Crevasse was even more awesome coz of this effect =D And during the last song, Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't Be Late, me and sera decided screw it, why not just be hyped even though no lightstick and fistpumped during the MOTTEKE and TONDEKE ^__^ lolol follow the lead of the May'n fan from Japan who taught the diamond pass people what to do when they were playing recorded versions before she appeared. The audience was a bit more sian than Aniki's concert, but I guess that's expected. ah well. being in the non-vip section and seeing the back of the $68 people all just stoning sucked though, I deserve that spot more than those fags who buy just to say they bought! D: wtf.
So yeah, AFA day 2. Only for the concert, more or less. but that was worth it! I think I already said my thoughts on the whole thing in the first day post, and my opinion's nothing new, so yeah. Just hoping next year they'll improve on this and we can see JAM project =D
scroll down for double post
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