Hai Guys. Happy New Year! It's been a week since Christmas. No shit. And I'm sure many of you ppl have a life and are out partying and stuff, and won't be able to see this until the year 2009, so how's 2009? Is it fun? It's like the xkcd comic where the guy addresses letters to his older self, so here I am addressing this to the 2009 of you ppl.
Okay, after spending the last 2 hours searching 524 pages of xkcd for that one particular comic strip, I have not been able to find it. O wells. But I revisit many cool awesome stuff - like the Cheap GPS, DNE and Snakes on Every Plane. Lol brings back some memories.
Actually it is now 1:40am, and it's already 1/1/2009 and all. I hope everyone remembered the leap second. Guys, remember to tune your imba accurate watch/clock 1 second later to account for slight slowing down of the earth's rotation due to tides and the such. The fireworks for this year's Countdown Party was quite long, O_O. Quite cool lol. But the cloud cover was quite amusing, with clouds covering 1/3 of the left side of the screen while the rest of the sky was clear.
And the tv schedule for Okto's animania continued on as usual. Wtf from 11pm to 12am, there was Basilisk and Casshern Sins. No I wasn't serious enough to watch those anime and celebrate the new year while listening to the ED song of Casshern Sins.
Oh lol, and I ate last year's food for my first ever dinner/supper/meal of 2009. Yosh! Okay, to help everyone get into the mood of 2009, here are some predictions of the coming year. =)
P.S. Something sad happened recently, I'll write about it after this. :'(
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas Again!
Yo guys, it would appear I am more active on this blog recently somehow. Cool. So how did everyone spend their Christmas Day?
Well mine consisted of visiting my grandmum on one side of the family - the one I (or my family if I pon) dont visit every week. There, we somehow decided to play mahjong cause it's fun. 2 hours plus later, I ended up losing 9 credits (10 cents a credit, we play small), my sister lost 11 (haha), my grandmum lost like 3, and my mum won everything. Imba luck I believe. And I have recognized a trend, for the last 3 games of mahjong I played with family and friends, the person to my left always wins big. This is clearly a result of me not feeding the guy to my right, me being un-fed from the prosu + lucky person on my left, and me just generally being gosu and denying the person opposite me from winning. So for my next game, I have decided to sit on my left, if that's possible, and that would result in me definitely winning big. Okay, now I just have to put my plan into action.
The rest of my Christmas Day consisted of slacking at home, rawr. There are some nice Christmas shows shown on TV during the Christmas period, those feel good shows and slice of life shows that you don't normally get a chance to watch.
Hrmm here's a 24-hour later update on the status of the Christmas cards that I sent: I sent an unknown number/amount of cards, and I have thussofar received feedback and acknowledgement of the recievement of... exactly half of the total number of cards I sent out. Hrmm that's not bad, considering it's always been called the snail mail. And I actually received reply mail O_O. Awesome.
Well mine consisted of visiting my grandmum on one side of the family - the one I (or my family if I pon) dont visit every week. There, we somehow decided to play mahjong cause it's fun. 2 hours plus later, I ended up losing 9 credits (10 cents a credit, we play small), my sister lost 11 (haha), my grandmum lost like 3, and my mum won everything. Imba luck I believe. And I have recognized a trend, for the last 3 games of mahjong I played with family and friends, the person to my left always wins big. This is clearly a result of me not feeding the guy to my right, me being un-fed from the prosu + lucky person on my left, and me just generally being gosu and denying the person opposite me from winning. So for my next game, I have decided to sit on my left, if that's possible, and that would result in me definitely winning big. Okay, now I just have to put my plan into action.
The rest of my Christmas Day consisted of slacking at home, rawr. There are some nice Christmas shows shown on TV during the Christmas period, those feel good shows and slice of life shows that you don't normally get a chance to watch.
Hrmm here's a 24-hour later update on the status of the Christmas cards that I sent: I sent an unknown number/amount of cards, and I have thussofar received feedback and acknowledgement of the recievement of... exactly half of the total number of cards I sent out. Hrmm that's not bad, considering it's always been called the snail mail. And I actually received reply mail O_O. Awesome.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas all. By the time this post is posted, it'll be past midnight, and it'll be Christmas Day proper. To all of you out there who celebrate Christmas, I wish you a Merry day.
For this year, I have done something I haven't done before o_O. I sent Christmas cards! Let me see... Most of you non-lurkers who read this blog should have received the mail today, on Christmas Eve. Because the Singapore Post is really quite freaking efficient, they can send next day mail anywhere in singapore everyday.
Okay more on these mysterious letters that suddenly appear in your mailbox - They are sent by me! No shit they have my name on it. The bad handwriting is all mine, except for the very first few words that you see, they are written by my personal secretary aka. my sister, who has awesome handwriting (as compared to mine). If your letter has a lack of words, I'm sorry but I am a man of few words, or rather, dunno what to write lol. The number of stickers in your letter is directly proportional to how much time I am willing to spend to (cut and peel and) paste those stickers. In other words, STICKER SPAM TIEM.
And since it's Christmas, let's talk more Christmasy stuff. Movie-wise, Love Actually is an awesome movie. Yea I know I'm slow, but I didn't get to watch it until like last week or smth. Nice movie as a whole, but Singapore censorship is baskit. Then again, I had a friend to spoiler/discuss the movie during and after the broadcast. As in there are lots of stuff you wouldn't notice/understand until you watch the movie multiple times, and that friend has watched it at least 5 times. Actor-wise/Actresses-wise, Hugh Grant is joke, Professor Snape is a badguy, like Sol Badguy, Keira Knightley has beautifully uneven teeth and she's damn skinny, Elisha Cuthbert IS ALWAYS AWESOME <3, and err... Rowan Akinson is more joke.
More Christmas stuff - I went to watch a Christmas play along Orchard Road on Saturday. It was a naice feel good play, the script is quite good though there are a small number of lines I dont get at all, the cast is awesome, full of likable characters and acted by good looking ppl. Winner of best Female character goes to the Geisha in the show, and Winner of the best Male character also goes to the Geisha in the show. Dont ask how that is possible (ARGHHH HAIRY LEGS IN A KIMONO ARGHHHH, MY EYES ARE BLEEDING). The ninja is also quite likable, surprisingly he has hair zomg. The Hawaii dude has lol joke amount of screentime. The postman aka. Angel Gabriel looks cool. The main character dude whashe name has glasses that have no lens so I had this great urge to poke his eyes out. In general a good way to spend 40-50mins (x2) of your time and get into the Christmas Spirit. In conclusion, one phrase - "It's called Professionalism!"
For this year, I have done something I haven't done before o_O. I sent Christmas cards! Let me see... Most of you non-lurkers who read this blog should have received the mail today, on Christmas Eve. Because the Singapore Post is really quite freaking efficient, they can send next day mail anywhere in singapore everyday.
Okay more on these mysterious letters that suddenly appear in your mailbox - They are sent by me! No shit they have my name on it. The bad handwriting is all mine, except for the very first few words that you see, they are written by my personal secretary aka. my sister, who has awesome handwriting (as compared to mine). If your letter has a lack of words, I'm sorry but I am a man of few words, or rather, dunno what to write lol. The number of stickers in your letter is directly proportional to how much time I am willing to spend to (cut and peel and) paste those stickers. In other words, STICKER SPAM TIEM.
And since it's Christmas, let's talk more Christmasy stuff. Movie-wise, Love Actually is an awesome movie. Yea I know I'm slow, but I didn't get to watch it until like last week or smth. Nice movie as a whole, but Singapore censorship is baskit. Then again, I had a friend to spoiler/discuss the movie during and after the broadcast. As in there are lots of stuff you wouldn't notice/understand until you watch the movie multiple times, and that friend has watched it at least 5 times. Actor-wise/Actresses-wise, Hugh Grant is joke, Professor Snape is a badguy, like Sol Badguy, Keira Knightley has beautifully uneven teeth and she's damn skinny, Elisha Cuthbert IS ALWAYS AWESOME <3, and err... Rowan Akinson is more joke.
More Christmas stuff - I went to watch a Christmas play along Orchard Road on Saturday. It was a naice feel good play, the script is quite good though there are a small number of lines I dont get at all, the cast is awesome, full of likable characters and acted by good looking ppl. Winner of best Female character goes to the Geisha in the show, and Winner of the best Male character also goes to the Geisha in the show. Dont ask how that is possible (ARGHHH HAIRY LEGS IN A KIMONO ARGHHHH, MY EYES ARE BLEEDING). The ninja is also quite likable, surprisingly he has hair zomg. The Hawaii dude has lol joke amount of screentime. The postman aka. Angel Gabriel looks cool. The main character dude whashe name has glasses that have no lens so I had this great urge to poke his eyes out. In general a good way to spend 40-50mins (x2) of your time and get into the Christmas Spirit. In conclusion, one phrase - "It's called Professionalism!"
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Back from the Largest Island Continent on this Planet!
Not like there are many Island Continents. Well, if you define Continents as one of the 7 hugeass masses of dirt around, and define Island as a hugeass mass of dirt with hugerass mass of water surrounding it, then hrmm. North America is stuck to South America so they're both not Islands, Europe, Asia and Africa has a threesome party there, so they're all out, and that leaves Australia and Antartica. Ahh screw it, let's just say I came back from Australia.
And because this post is at 1am here in Singapore, which translates to 4am there in Melbourne, I am really tired. So if you would ask me how's my trip, the first thing I would reply is the weather there is awesome. It's currently summer-ish time in the Southern Hemisphere for all those noob at Geog ppl out there, and Singapore and Melbourne is in the Southern Hemisphere so it should naturally be Summer in Singapore and Melbourne, so ya my logic is working. But their definition of Summer, or rather the beginning of summer, is 12 deg C lowest! Living in the meh weather of Singapore for so long, feeling 16 deg C in the midday and 12 deg C in the night is really a cool feeling. Yea, that's why I don't use air-con in my house for the whole year, just to save the cool feeling of air-con for the end-of-year trip. Yay glad to be back. Will post more on the trip soon, WITH PHOTOS =)))
And because this post is at 1am here in Singapore, which translates to 4am there in Melbourne, I am really tired. So if you would ask me how's my trip, the first thing I would reply is the weather there is awesome. It's currently summer-ish time in the Southern Hemisphere for all those noob at Geog ppl out there, and Singapore and Melbourne is in the Southern Hemisphere so it should naturally be Summer in Singapore and Melbourne, so ya my logic is working. But their definition of Summer, or rather the beginning of summer, is 12 deg C lowest! Living in the meh weather of Singapore for so long, feeling 16 deg C in the midday and 12 deg C in the night is really a cool feeling. Yea, that's why I don't use air-con in my house for the whole year, just to save the cool feeling of air-con for the end-of-year trip. Yay glad to be back. Will post more on the trip soon, WITH PHOTOS =)))
Monday, December 8, 2008
So... it looks like Dneo's parents came back for him after all. Too bad, now he's gone so there's no mahjong set so I can't show off my l33t awesome skillz at it, screw you all it was not luck niggas.
The holidays have passed the 50% mark, and after Chem Olympiad + EE which took out basically the first half, it's only now that it feels like the hols have really started. Which means I still have tons of intended but have not done stuff lying around, such as finishing Heaven's Feel, Tales of the Abyss, Clannad, old animu. And besides games, there's CAS to do, as well as TOK and World Lit (TOK only takes a good day of work however so it's not much of a worry). However, even with this little time I still waste it on... random shit. It's so weird that
oh fuck this shit it's going to sound like I'm rambling on and I am NOT using some dumb lit device to bullshit my way out and say GUYS LOOK IT WAS STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS, english is retarded.
to continue, I would say that there's a lot I'm worried about for next year (why am i actually posting this at 5am I have no idea) and after that due to NS but well i figure the point of this blog , or rather my posts at this blog, is to deliver content that is interesting not in the herrick's convos kind of way but rather in the hahawtf way. Thus if i I wanted to do those I should have left it to another blog, which isn't imbluecauseimplayertwo. So none of you will ever get to read my srsbsns thoughts mwahaha. Anyway moving on to more normal stuff,
So I came back from an afternoon at the arcade, and after finishing dinner I'm like k it's time to go on the interwebs to be trollin' sum nubs amirite. Suddenly, msn fails to connect. And FF gives me DNS error. Uhoh not good. I call Dneo and he says he's fine playing dota. Wtf? My mom hears me going WTF IS HAPPENING HERE and she says hey the tv isn't working too (it was giving out this error about not attached to the cable point). obviously, starhub fucked up majorly here.
LOGICALLY, the correct thing to do after checking it wasn't a local fault (ie check with neighbours) was to call them up and ask why/when would it be fixed/am i getting compensation etc. RIGHT? so i did.
i call the number and i get the automated reply thing. ok no biggie. first one is plz press 1 for english okay press 1
the voice changes to this reaaaalllly singlish sounding woman who sounds like she's also reading off a card because of all these pauses while she thinks of how to pronounce the next word
what the fuck are these promotions i would like one because your shitty service is making me unable to do anything so why are there promotions
at this point i hung up and decided to try again. for the same result. so i continued on the automated service and went broadband > maxonline which again doesn't help me and the recorded message is actually a protip
it went IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS CONNECTING TO THE INTERNET THROUGH A ROUTER CONNECT IT DIRECTLY TO YOUR CABLE MODEM INSTEAD durrr no shit even a primary school kid would know that, come on who the fuck calls starhub to ask about such things
so in the end even after i bathed and called again i was met again with this dumb idiotic telephone message, evidently promotions are srs bsns. i would now stick a pic of promotions guy here but i'm lazy to find one. so screw that. tldr starhub is fucking stupid, maintenance and 2 days later my net screws up? and my xdcc speeds suddenly became slow shit for months, wtf are they doing argh
in other news i am a fat loser with no money and no skill to do anything that would directly or indirectly result in any, or rather no skill to do anything except be a bum but that's a post for another day seeya
10am edit: where the fuck are my kannagi subs GYABO
The holidays have passed the 50% mark, and after Chem Olympiad + EE which took out basically the first half, it's only now that it feels like the hols have really started. Which means I still have tons of intended but have not done stuff lying around, such as finishing Heaven's Feel, Tales of the Abyss, Clannad, old animu. And besides games, there's CAS to do, as well as TOK and World Lit (TOK only takes a good day of work however so it's not much of a worry). However, even with this little time I still waste it on... random shit. It's so weird that
oh fuck this shit it's going to sound like I'm rambling on and I am NOT using some dumb lit device to bullshit my way out and say GUYS LOOK IT WAS STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS, english is retarded.
to continue, I would say that there's a lot I'm worried about for next year (why am i actually posting this at 5am I have no idea) and after that due to NS but well i figure the point of this blog , or rather my posts at this blog, is to deliver content that is interesting not in the herrick's convos kind of way but rather in the hahawtf way. Thus if i I wanted to do those I should have left it to another blog, which isn't imbluecauseimplayertwo. So none of you will ever get to read my srsbsns thoughts mwahaha. Anyway moving on to more normal stuff,
So I came back from an afternoon at the arcade, and after finishing dinner I'm like k it's time to go on the interwebs to be trollin' sum nubs amirite. Suddenly, msn fails to connect. And FF gives me DNS error. Uhoh not good. I call Dneo and he says he's fine playing dota. Wtf? My mom hears me going WTF IS HAPPENING HERE and she says hey the tv isn't working too (it was giving out this error about not attached to the cable point). obviously, starhub fucked up majorly here.
LOGICALLY, the correct thing to do after checking it wasn't a local fault (ie check with neighbours) was to call them up and ask why/when would it be fixed/am i getting compensation etc. RIGHT? so i did.
i call the number and i get the automated reply thing. ok no biggie. first one is plz press 1 for english okay press 1
the voice changes to this reaaaalllly singlish sounding woman who sounds like she's also reading off a card because of all these pauses while she thinks of how to pronounce the next word
what the fuck are these promotions i would like one because your shitty service is making me unable to do anything so why are there promotions
at this point i hung up and decided to try again. for the same result. so i continued on the automated service and went broadband > maxonline which again doesn't help me and the recorded message is actually a protip
it went IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS CONNECTING TO THE INTERNET THROUGH A ROUTER CONNECT IT DIRECTLY TO YOUR CABLE MODEM INSTEAD durrr no shit even a primary school kid would know that, come on who the fuck calls starhub to ask about such things
so in the end even after i bathed and called again i was met again with this dumb idiotic telephone message, evidently promotions are srs bsns. i would now stick a pic of promotions guy here but i'm lazy to find one. so screw that. tldr starhub is fucking stupid, maintenance and 2 days later my net screws up? and my xdcc speeds suddenly became slow shit for months, wtf are they doing argh
in other news i am a fat loser with no money and no skill to do anything that would directly or indirectly result in any, or rather no skill to do anything except be a bum but that's a post for another day seeya
10am edit: where the fuck are my kannagi subs GYABO
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Yo peeps, my plane's in.... 2 hours and 35 minutes time, and I'm still at home. Wtf? Err long story lol, but the situation is that my bags are packed, I'm ready to go~. But my parents are out now, and GG no transport. Oh noes. The art of cutting the timing down VERY fine clearly runs in my family.
Note to whoever who next calls me out of my house, tell me 30 minutes before the time we're suppose to meet, and I'll only be 15 mins later than the actual time. E.G. You want to meet at 1 pm. You call up and tell me the meeting time is at 12.30pm. I'll see you there are 1.15pm. =)
EDIT: Time now is 10.18pm lolol. That's 1 hour and 32 minutes till my plane leaves. So much for Please be there 2 hours before the scheduled time. AND MY PARENTS AREN'T BACK YET. Q_Q I bet they left without me and my sis =(
K peeps, bye to you.
Note to whoever who next calls me out of my house, tell me 30 minutes before the time we're suppose to meet, and I'll only be 15 mins later than the actual time. E.G. You want to meet at 1 pm. You call up and tell me the meeting time is at 12.30pm. I'll see you there are 1.15pm. =)
EDIT: Time now is 10.18pm lolol. That's 1 hour and 32 minutes till my plane leaves. So much for Please be there 2 hours before the scheduled time. AND MY PARENTS AREN'T BACK YET. Q_Q I bet they left without me and my sis =(
K peeps, bye to you.
FORENOTE: For the infinity of you minus 2 people (x = infinity - 2, where x is the number of people I'm referring to) who doesn't get the meaning behind my post title, I'm lazy to explain it, go google it or ask Cherilyn)
Okay, first things first, when I said I was going to post daily, I LIED. Haha. So funny. Not. O wells, I hope you loyal followers have been constantly refreshing the page while waiting for my words of wisdom. If you haven't been doing that, you aren't loyal enough, so go away. Okay, I have created a tier list for the readership of this blog, here's how it goes:
1. Overlord Dneo
2. Chief Minion Cherilyn (who assumes my position and does my tasks for me when I'm slacking)
3. Loyal followers since the beginning of the end. (Last Count: 2.5)
4. Loyal followers since somewhere in the middle (Last Count: 3.5 + maybe 1)
5. People who stumble upon this treasure trove of words because a certain 2.Lfstbote (<-- it's an acronym) went about telling a certain shared group of friends about the existence of this place. (Last Count: 2 + 1 + possibly 2 + possibly more)
6. LURKERS (Uncountable)
Now now, I'm sure after looking at the list above, all of you would like to be promoted to level 1, but that's reserved for Overlord Dneo. However, you can attempt to get promoted to a higher level than you currently are, by various means, of which I am too bored/sian/tired (it's 3.30am wtf?) to list, but they may or may not include SPAMMING TAGBOARD (IN CAPS), posting comments in posts by mah fan-ingly logging into blogger and revealling your true identity, donating a huge sum of money (okay, even a measley amount would do) to Dneo's pocket money fund, find means to provide Dneo with 28 hours in a day, etc.
Okay NEXT.
On thursday, I went to watch the anime movie The Sky Crawlers with a group of mahjong kaki. On the note of the mahjong kaki, "it's all pure beginner's luck I tell you". Okay back to the topic, after mahjonging with my kaki for slightly more than 2 winds worth, we decided it was late enough and we had to leave for the 9.15 movie. The pizza was weird looking, but good. Thanks. After arriving at the cinema counter for the movie not 10 mins before the movie started, we managed to get 2nd from back row seats, yay good job. Time skip. It is now 9.25+afewminutes, we got past the bouncer dude at the entrance of the halls, and was directed to the "second cinema on the right". When we got in, we found our seats koped by a couple. O_O. As the brave leader that I was, leading my company of brave men into the dark unknown of the cinema, I bravely approached the couple and enquired about the current placements of their bums on our seats. The return fire was harsh, but I was not afraid of the enemy, and I pressed on, while my men provided little covering fire from behind. My surprise ally came in the form of a dude seating in a single seat (wtf there's single seats in the cinemas? For sad ronery dudes with no gfs and no companies of men?) behind who said "Yes, this is cinema 4". Okay, so the couple was going to cinema 2, but because of the not-really-optimal placing of signs outside the cinemas, they were confused and went into our hall 4 instead. As a sign of gratitude towards my victorious approach towards the couple of enemies, I was given freedom to choose my seating. Well not really, but I would like to think so. Okay so the movie started, and ended around 2 hours later. Okay tiem for movie review:
Hrmm, no spoilers shall be posted here, just my thoughts and spoiler-free review of the movie. Pre-movie thoughts: There was a booth at AFA08 (refer to older post by guest writer) on the art work and inspiration for the movie that was to be shown soon on cinemas. The title of Sky Crawlers was not that catchy, and I believed stuff like Appleseed and Vexille or even Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea were much more appealing titles. And even after watching the show, I can't really say the use of the word Crawlers is fitting, maybe they're crawling through time, but that's not really right. On browsing the booth and reading random parts of the booth, I found out some trivia about the movie, like the usage of nice Polish architecture and stuff. Second thing about the movie was the review I read on Straits Times Life section, which gave it a 3.5/5 rating. Though quite normally a discerning reader, I still had to be reminded by Johnny that Life section reviews on anime movies are not to be trusted and this reinforced my belief that the movie I was going to watch would be extremely good, as 3.5 should be a total underration, and it was. (On a side note, the last three major movies that I excitedly encouraged my friends to watch turned out to be stuff that was either 1. a waste of money, 2. failplot or 3. ARGHHHH. And their acronyms are respectively DoA, QoS and TMG (Ahahahhahah, the mere mention of the title sends shivers down my spine) This movie spoilt my 0% of good movie recommendation rating).
On to the movie itself, hrmm what to say about it without spoiling...
Artwork - Great
Characters - Memorable (we shall all learn how to fold newspapers)
Pace - Very stone, but quite fitting and brings across the message well
Plot - Awesome.
Hrmm individual comments - Beware the eyes!, look out for the awesome dog (whose name shall either be Bolt or Jinroh (spoiler)), the cat (if I remember correctly there was one), the hamster (o wait i'm thinking of the wrong movie, cancel that), the reverse-trap (Omg I got reversed trapped), the rori (yay for roris), the tsun-dere-tsun-yan-dere, and more. Overall a good movie, and it made me think some bit, as in it made me ponder the questions about life that the movie raised. Recommendation - Go watch it if you're a fan of airplanes, animation, little children, thought provoking movies, or if you just want to spend 2 hours of your life watching the hard work of the people that produced this good movie.
Kk, now on to the third matter of the day. On reading today's (Friday's) papers, I found an article that was quite shocking. A 19-year-old boy was arrested and charged on the offence of being indecent to an 8 year old girl and a 9 year old girl. The newspaper reported that the guy sbs-ed the 8 year old girl and overpowered her, but she escaped and complained to her mommy. Some time later, he once again, at a similar setting of a hdb elevator, took out a knife and threatened the 9 year old girl, and forced her to take off her shirt. Apparently he did not do anything more serious or that would have been reported as well. Okay so what are my thoughts on this matter? He is Dumb. In more ways than one. Everything he's doing is wrong: the target (older plz), the place of attack (less public area plz), the motive (what motive?), or lack of it, the lack of paper bag over the head (at least cover face), the lack of social responsibility (comon, you are scarring these little girls for life, if you just HAD to commit such crimes, at least commit on people or things that won't get scarred for life (like you can always threaten a shopfront mannequin to take off his/her/its shirt)), and... I shall not comment further =x
For more accurate information, go read the papers yourself, and disclaimer: everything I write here should not be taken too seriously nor be taken to be the absolute truth.
Next. As you can see, there are 3 vague ideas and topics covered on today's post. These shall be payback for my lack of posting for which I have already explained at the beginning of this post.
And as a parting note, I shall be going overseas to Melbourne, USA (it's just beside Singapore, China on the world map) from the 6th of Dec to the 14th of Dec. I'll be driving around, and hopefully GET ON A HOT AIR BALLOON WOOTZ, and maybe I'll explore around so that if I go back one day, I can fufill my life's quests of trying out:
1. Surfing without getting eaten by a shark (you can read wayy too many shark attack stories on reader's digest over the years)
2. Bungee Jumping (fufill all my suicidal tendencies without paying the cost of 1x Life.)
3. Parachuting (like bungee jumping, but can fly longer)
4. Hang Gliding (like parachuting, but much longer too =) )
5. SPACE TRAVEL (lolwhat?)
6. Kangaroo riding (WHATT?)
Okay, so one or two of the stuff in the list arent exactly accurate, but whatever. Adios Amingoes, Sore Jya.
Okay, first things first, when I said I was going to post daily, I LIED. Haha. So funny. Not. O wells, I hope you loyal followers have been constantly refreshing the page while waiting for my words of wisdom. If you haven't been doing that, you aren't loyal enough, so go away. Okay, I have created a tier list for the readership of this blog, here's how it goes:
1. Overlord Dneo
2. Chief Minion Cherilyn (who assumes my position and does my tasks for me when I'm slacking)
3. Loyal followers since the beginning of the end. (Last Count: 2.5)
4. Loyal followers since somewhere in the middle (Last Count: 3.5 + maybe 1)
5. People who stumble upon this treasure trove of words because a certain 2.Lfstbote (<-- it's an acronym) went about telling a certain shared group of friends about the existence of this place. (Last Count: 2 + 1 + possibly 2 + possibly more)
6. LURKERS (Uncountable)
Now now, I'm sure after looking at the list above, all of you would like to be promoted to level 1, but that's reserved for Overlord Dneo. However, you can attempt to get promoted to a higher level than you currently are, by various means, of which I am too bored/sian/tired (it's 3.30am wtf?) to list, but they may or may not include SPAMMING TAGBOARD (IN CAPS), posting comments in posts by mah fan-ingly logging into blogger and revealling your true identity, donating a huge sum of money (okay, even a measley amount would do) to Dneo's pocket money fund, find means to provide Dneo with 28 hours in a day, etc.
Okay NEXT.
On thursday, I went to watch the anime movie The Sky Crawlers with a group of mahjong kaki. On the note of the mahjong kaki, "it's all pure beginner's luck I tell you". Okay back to the topic, after mahjonging with my kaki for slightly more than 2 winds worth, we decided it was late enough and we had to leave for the 9.15 movie. The pizza was weird looking, but good. Thanks. After arriving at the cinema counter for the movie not 10 mins before the movie started, we managed to get 2nd from back row seats, yay good job. Time skip. It is now 9.25+afewminutes, we got past the bouncer dude at the entrance of the halls, and was directed to the "second cinema on the right". When we got in, we found our seats koped by a couple. O_O. As the brave leader that I was, leading my company of brave men into the dark unknown of the cinema, I bravely approached the couple and enquired about the current placements of their bums on our seats. The return fire was harsh, but I was not afraid of the enemy, and I pressed on, while my men provided little covering fire from behind. My surprise ally came in the form of a dude seating in a single seat (wtf there's single seats in the cinemas? For sad ronery dudes with no gfs and no companies of men?) behind who said "Yes, this is cinema 4". Okay, so the couple was going to cinema 2, but because of the not-really-optimal placing of signs outside the cinemas, they were confused and went into our hall 4 instead. As a sign of gratitude towards my victorious approach towards the couple of enemies, I was given freedom to choose my seating. Well not really, but I would like to think so. Okay so the movie started, and ended around 2 hours later. Okay tiem for movie review:
Hrmm, no spoilers shall be posted here, just my thoughts and spoiler-free review of the movie. Pre-movie thoughts: There was a booth at AFA08 (refer to older post by guest writer) on the art work and inspiration for the movie that was to be shown soon on cinemas. The title of Sky Crawlers was not that catchy, and I believed stuff like Appleseed and Vexille or even Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea were much more appealing titles. And even after watching the show, I can't really say the use of the word Crawlers is fitting, maybe they're crawling through time, but that's not really right. On browsing the booth and reading random parts of the booth, I found out some trivia about the movie, like the usage of nice Polish architecture and stuff. Second thing about the movie was the review I read on Straits Times Life section, which gave it a 3.5/5 rating. Though quite normally a discerning reader, I still had to be reminded by Johnny that Life section reviews on anime movies are not to be trusted and this reinforced my belief that the movie I was going to watch would be extremely good, as 3.5 should be a total underration, and it was. (On a side note, the last three major movies that I excitedly encouraged my friends to watch turned out to be stuff that was either 1. a waste of money, 2. failplot or 3. ARGHHHH. And their acronyms are respectively DoA, QoS and TMG (Ahahahhahah, the mere mention of the title sends shivers down my spine) This movie spoilt my 0% of good movie recommendation rating).
On to the movie itself, hrmm what to say about it without spoiling...
Artwork - Great
Characters - Memorable (we shall all learn how to fold newspapers)
Pace - Very stone, but quite fitting and brings across the message well
Plot - Awesome.
Hrmm individual comments - Beware the eyes!, look out for the awesome dog (whose name shall either be Bolt or Jinroh (spoiler)), the cat (if I remember correctly there was one), the hamster (o wait i'm thinking of the wrong movie, cancel that), the reverse-trap (Omg I got reversed trapped), the rori (yay for roris), the tsun-dere-tsun-yan-dere, and more. Overall a good movie, and it made me think some bit, as in it made me ponder the questions about life that the movie raised. Recommendation - Go watch it if you're a fan of airplanes, animation, little children, thought provoking movies, or if you just want to spend 2 hours of your life watching the hard work of the people that produced this good movie.
Kk, now on to the third matter of the day. On reading today's (Friday's) papers, I found an article that was quite shocking. A 19-year-old boy was arrested and charged on the offence of being indecent to an 8 year old girl and a 9 year old girl. The newspaper reported that the guy sbs-ed the 8 year old girl and overpowered her, but she escaped and complained to her mommy. Some time later, he once again, at a similar setting of a hdb elevator, took out a knife and threatened the 9 year old girl, and forced her to take off her shirt. Apparently he did not do anything more serious or that would have been reported as well. Okay so what are my thoughts on this matter? He is Dumb. In more ways than one. Everything he's doing is wrong: the target (older plz), the place of attack (less public area plz), the motive (what motive?), or lack of it, the lack of paper bag over the head (at least cover face), the lack of social responsibility (comon, you are scarring these little girls for life, if you just HAD to commit such crimes, at least commit on people or things that won't get scarred for life (like you can always threaten a shopfront mannequin to take off his/her/its shirt)), and... I shall not comment further =x
For more accurate information, go read the papers yourself, and disclaimer: everything I write here should not be taken too seriously nor be taken to be the absolute truth.
Next. As you can see, there are 3 vague ideas and topics covered on today's post. These shall be payback for my lack of posting for which I have already explained at the beginning of this post.
And as a parting note, I shall be going overseas to Melbourne, USA (it's just beside Singapore, China on the world map) from the 6th of Dec to the 14th of Dec. I'll be driving around, and hopefully GET ON A HOT AIR BALLOON WOOTZ, and maybe I'll explore around so that if I go back one day, I can fufill my life's quests of trying out:
1. Surfing without getting eaten by a shark (you can read wayy too many shark attack stories on reader's digest over the years)
2. Bungee Jumping (fufill all my suicidal tendencies without paying the cost of 1x Life.)
3. Parachuting (like bungee jumping, but can fly longer)
4. Hang Gliding (like parachuting, but much longer too =) )
5. SPACE TRAVEL (lolwhat?)
6. Kangaroo riding (WHATT?)
Okay, so one or two of the stuff in the list arent exactly accurate, but whatever. Adios Amingoes, Sore Jya.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Hi to you
Hi to you. It's 2.20am here. Clearly the owner and guest writer of this blog have screwed up internal clocks. @Cherilyn - Nice sleep at 9am and wake up at 12pm.
Okay I'm bored once again, so I've decided to post a post a day, like what I attempted to do last time but failed. And since I'm going on a year-end holiday trip to Melbourne, I shall stop posting once I leave the country, which is somewhere around the 6-7th of December, which is.... 3 days time. Yes that's right. With my awesome planning to be lazy and slack, I shall create the impression that I'm hardworking and posting once a day, but because of certain commitments, such as catching a plane to fly off to a desert country full of kangerooos and err... ex-convicts, I shall be forced to stop posting once a day. =) (note that I never mentioned whether I would continue blogging once a day once I return, so you should not bring that up either)
Okay, and today's first of a few random topics would be... Name Calling. Not like "you nincompoop" and "@&^$*(%*", but rather your real given name. Yes, that one written on your birth cert and I.C., and whatever official identification that you have. Hrmm, for those of you ignorant people who haven't heard of my wonderfully awesome name, and it is not "Dneo, Huhx, Shadowelf, etc", it is Darrell. Okay so what does Darrell mean? I had the opportunity to check a baby name book a few days back, when I went out with my mum and sis to shop. And I don't shop, so I just stared at people frying ice cream parfait (pronounced PAR-FAT(not.), actual pronounciation from the m-w website is... PAR-FAYE, so ya, go impress your friends) and browsed through books at MPH. A small prize for guessing which part of small small Singapore we went to that day. So in the book, under 'Boys A-G', I found Darrell. Yay. It's french in origin, and means beloved (of course), darling (naturally), and.... grove of oak trees (WTF). Okay, great, so I was named after a grove of oak trees. Or rather, I'm named AS a freaking grove of oak trees, good job there. But I like my name, so I'm not complaining =) Then along comes my sis, and I showed her the awesome meanings of my marvelous name. So we checked her name - Sharmaine. It said: (American) refer to Charmaine. Okay no problem, clearly her name is just an american variation of Charmaine. And at Charmaine, it said: (French) refer to Carmen. Err okay, so we went to check Carmen, and it said (Latin) meaning song. Lol, so my sister is named as a american variation of the french variation of the latin word meaning song. And before we could check more stuff, like the meanings of my whole family's names, or (I just thought of it) the meaning of Darrell under 'Girls A-G', we had to go. =( O wells there's always the internet but as you can see I'm too lazy to check, so I'll just wait till I pass by that area the next time.
Well, what's the meaning of your name?
P.S. One objective of this post was so that guest writer's posts do not flood my blog's front page. =(
Okay I'm bored once again, so I've decided to post a post a day, like what I attempted to do last time but failed. And since I'm going on a year-end holiday trip to Melbourne, I shall stop posting once I leave the country, which is somewhere around the 6-7th of December, which is.... 3 days time. Yes that's right. With my awesome planning to be lazy and slack, I shall create the impression that I'm hardworking and posting once a day, but because of certain commitments, such as catching a plane to fly off to a desert country full of kangerooos and err... ex-convicts, I shall be forced to stop posting once a day. =) (note that I never mentioned whether I would continue blogging once a day once I return, so you should not bring that up either)
Okay, and today's first of a few random topics would be... Name Calling. Not like "you nincompoop" and "@&^$*(%*", but rather your real given name. Yes, that one written on your birth cert and I.C., and whatever official identification that you have. Hrmm, for those of you ignorant people who haven't heard of my wonderfully awesome name, and it is not "Dneo, Huhx, Shadowelf, etc", it is Darrell. Okay so what does Darrell mean? I had the opportunity to check a baby name book a few days back, when I went out with my mum and sis to shop. And I don't shop, so I just stared at people frying ice cream parfait (pronounced PAR-FAT(not.), actual pronounciation from the m-w website is... PAR-FAYE, so ya, go impress your friends) and browsed through books at MPH. A small prize for guessing which part of small small Singapore we went to that day. So in the book, under 'Boys A-G', I found Darrell. Yay. It's french in origin, and means beloved (of course), darling (naturally), and.... grove of oak trees (WTF). Okay, great, so I was named after a grove of oak trees. Or rather, I'm named AS a freaking grove of oak trees, good job there. But I like my name, so I'm not complaining =) Then along comes my sis, and I showed her the awesome meanings of my marvelous name. So we checked her name - Sharmaine. It said: (American) refer to Charmaine. Okay no problem, clearly her name is just an american variation of Charmaine. And at Charmaine, it said: (French) refer to Carmen. Err okay, so we went to check Carmen, and it said (Latin) meaning song. Lol, so my sister is named as a american variation of the french variation of the latin word meaning song. And before we could check more stuff, like the meanings of my whole family's names, or (I just thought of it) the meaning of Darrell under 'Girls A-G', we had to go. =( O wells there's always the internet but as you can see I'm too lazy to check, so I'll just wait till I pass by that area the next time.
Well, what's the meaning of your name?
P.S. One objective of this post was so that guest writer's posts do not flood my blog's front page. =(
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
AFA day 2
Pic dump first. As said earlier, no clue wtf is wrong with my focus sighs.
I took this because oh wow it's DtB cosplay. Totemo mezurashii ne. The first time I only saw the Amber, which made me think it was CC in normal wear. Rofl. >_>
The figurine displays.
Too bad I didn't take a good pic, this was pretty cool.
awesome y/n
ugh this turned out so bad, shaky hands ftl
since bandai organised this, there was a gundam exhibition.

i think the archer and the fight there in this pic are awesome shit.
anyway, on to the post.
Special double post! Since I'm up at 5am after cleaning up my room and all =D
So, here's a crappy and really horribly late report on AFA day 2 for fags who didn't go and some random guy who was hiking or something .
After the epic concert the previous night, and the lack of anything really awesome to do at AFA, many people decided to not go early on the second day. As noted by juen: "wtf you going there for, cosplay mania??" Therefore sera and dneo decided letz go late lol
Thus it was up to me to arrive early to CAMP FOR FIGMAS. Which I did. Arriving at slightly after 9, it was shocking to find NO ONE LOL. No queue at all compared to Saturday's longasfuck queue. This was good. Thus at 10am I was first in line at the door and READY TO CHIONG. This plan happened to be a success as I got figma Fate and Nanoha within 5 mins of rushing in fuck yes niggas.
After this there was.. nothing much to do besides wait for XM to arrive at 10+, since Dneo decided not to come after inviting him. Pangsehhhh so I went to the MBAA machine to play this guy from sgab, and he was dying against the com in stage 1 (coz being worse than me at stick and sucking at mb is not a good combi) so I played him to save him and conveniently won. This was followed by some stick practice with the awesome machine (it's bugis machine lol) and later I HAVE A CHALLENGER. who is bj0rn the animeblogger. wtf. who i somehow managed to win 5 games in a row. goddamnit vsion's overhead kick changed wtf. but half nanaya rigged at this level so it was succesful pwning crescent LOL.
After I finish I find XM has been looking for me (oops) so i went to find him and show him around a bit. XM's POV on his blog, which I can't remember the link but it's on jonny's so w/e. Whoops. I guess we were both kinda bored, nothing special on that day so I camped the AA machine and watched, until sera came along later and we then proceeded to camp the AA machine and watch some more. awesome.
basically, AFA day 2 was.. do nothing until all the events were over and then start camping the stage for May'n. Because what was happening was that 1) the audience was a lot bigger than Aniki's (sad eh?) and 2) the barriers were further back. In effect, when me and sera got there and went to the front of the queue, that was where the barriers would eventually be. Thus we were unable to get out and this forced poor dneo and xm to not be able to be at the front because dneo is a latefag np.
Aside from this unfortunate incident and afterwards having to stand there for 2 hours and in the process getting paint on my shirt from the barriers (fuck you barriers), our patience was finally rewarded with the appearance of May'n (not gonna talk about the shitty warmup band, ok they arent THAT shitty but meh, ok kudos for trying i guess)
Ok firstly May'n is cute as hell D: setlist can be found everywhere and it's not particularly important. However, when she sang Yousei (surprised me) that version sounded a lot better than the album one, because I think it was a ...remixed one. Or it sounded like one. Anyway all the songs were great, with me and sera going Y NO LIGHTSTICK, FUG. May'n is really much better live than on recording, because her voice is really powerful and on CD you can't really appreciate the emotion and all. So yeah, obviously everyone thought Diamond Crevasse was even more awesome coz of this effect =D And during the last song, Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't Be Late, me and sera decided screw it, why not just be hyped even though no lightstick and fistpumped during the MOTTEKE and TONDEKE ^__^ lolol follow the lead of the May'n fan from Japan who taught the diamond pass people what to do when they were playing recorded versions before she appeared. The audience was a bit more sian than Aniki's concert, but I guess that's expected. ah well. being in the non-vip section and seeing the back of the $68 people all just stoning sucked though, I deserve that spot more than those fags who buy just to say they bought! D: wtf.
So yeah, AFA day 2. Only for the concert, more or less. but that was worth it! I think I already said my thoughts on the whole thing in the first day post, and my opinion's nothing new, so yeah. Just hoping next year they'll improve on this and we can see JAM project =D
scroll down for double post
The figurine displays.
anyway, on to the post.
Special double post! Since I'm up at 5am after cleaning up my room and all =D
So, here's a crappy and really horribly late report on AFA day 2 for fags who didn't go and some random guy who was hiking or something .
After the epic concert the previous night, and the lack of anything really awesome to do at AFA, many people decided to not go early on the second day. As noted by juen: "wtf you going there for, cosplay mania??" Therefore sera and dneo decided letz go late lol
Thus it was up to me to arrive early to CAMP FOR FIGMAS. Which I did. Arriving at slightly after 9, it was shocking to find NO ONE LOL. No queue at all compared to Saturday's longasfuck queue. This was good. Thus at 10am I was first in line at the door and READY TO CHIONG. This plan happened to be a success as I got figma Fate and Nanoha within 5 mins of rushing in fuck yes niggas.
After this there was.. nothing much to do besides wait for XM to arrive at 10+, since Dneo decided not to come after inviting him. Pangsehhhh so I went to the MBAA machine to play this guy from sgab, and he was dying against the com in stage 1 (coz being worse than me at stick and sucking at mb is not a good combi) so I played him to save him and conveniently won. This was followed by some stick practice with the awesome machine (it's bugis machine lol) and later I HAVE A CHALLENGER. who is bj0rn the animeblogger. wtf. who i somehow managed to win 5 games in a row. goddamnit vsion's overhead kick changed wtf. but half nanaya rigged at this level so it was succesful pwning crescent LOL.
After I finish I find XM has been looking for me (oops) so i went to find him and show him around a bit. XM's POV on his blog, which I can't remember the link but it's on jonny's so w/e. Whoops. I guess we were both kinda bored, nothing special on that day so I camped the AA machine and watched, until sera came along later and we then proceeded to camp the AA machine and watch some more. awesome.
basically, AFA day 2 was.. do nothing until all the events were over and then start camping the stage for May'n. Because what was happening was that 1) the audience was a lot bigger than Aniki's (sad eh?) and 2) the barriers were further back. In effect, when me and sera got there and went to the front of the queue, that was where the barriers would eventually be. Thus we were unable to get out and this forced poor dneo and xm to not be able to be at the front because dneo is a latefag np.
Aside from this unfortunate incident and afterwards having to stand there for 2 hours and in the process getting paint on my shirt from the barriers (fuck you barriers), our patience was finally rewarded with the appearance of May'n (not gonna talk about the shitty warmup band, ok they arent THAT shitty but meh, ok kudos for trying i guess)
Ok firstly May'n is cute as hell D: setlist can be found everywhere and it's not particularly important. However, when she sang Yousei (surprised me) that version sounded a lot better than the album one, because I think it was a ...remixed one. Or it sounded like one. Anyway all the songs were great, with me and sera going Y NO LIGHTSTICK, FUG. May'n is really much better live than on recording, because her voice is really powerful and on CD you can't really appreciate the emotion and all. So yeah, obviously everyone thought Diamond Crevasse was even more awesome coz of this effect =D And during the last song, Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't Be Late, me and sera decided screw it, why not just be hyped even though no lightstick and fistpumped during the MOTTEKE and TONDEKE ^__^ lolol follow the lead of the May'n fan from Japan who taught the diamond pass people what to do when they were playing recorded versions before she appeared. The audience was a bit more sian than Aniki's concert, but I guess that's expected. ah well. being in the non-vip section and seeing the back of the $68 people all just stoning sucked though, I deserve that spot more than those fags who buy just to say they bought! D: wtf.
So yeah, AFA day 2. Only for the concert, more or less. but that was worth it! I think I already said my thoughts on the whole thing in the first day post, and my opinion's nothing new, so yeah. Just hoping next year they'll improve on this and we can see JAM project =D
scroll down for double post
room redecoration
sent a pic of them to sz hopefully he will buy off me =D
i dunno wtf what is wrong with the camera, its really like the focusing is broke or something )): oh well
Shifted the haruhi posters to the other cupboard, put up the really? really! wallscroll (or... cupboard scroll now) and shifted rei poster here.


i think i'll have to rearrange my bookshelf lol, shift stuff to the next shelf and etc etc. i bet this collection is small compared to cleon or herrick's tho D:
the ayumi poster is still around (lol 3d) but i didn't take a pic of it. LOLOL HI IM REITA CHAN
sent a pic of them to sz hopefully he will buy off me =D
i dunno wtf what is wrong with the camera, its really like the focusing is broke or something )): oh well
i think i'll have to rearrange my bookshelf lol, shift stuff to the next shelf and etc etc. i bet this collection is small compared to cleon or herrick's tho D:
the ayumi poster is still around (lol 3d) but i didn't take a pic of it. LOLOL HI IM REITA CHAN
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