Monday, September 8, 2008


Guess how long I slept yesterday-till-today?... I mean Saturday-till-Sunday... Well, whatever number you guess, it's probably more than that. I slept a grand total of (insert drum roll...) 19 consecutive hours! Zomg. Yes, that's right folks, that's not 1, not 2, not 3... not 17, not 18, but 19 whole hours. Well, I've been going out since Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and o wait, Saturday too, for school-related stuff. So it was pretty exhausting going out during the holidays, so when I reached home at 3.30pm++ on Saturday, I decided to sleep. And next thing I knew, It was 9.40am the next day. Now how awesome is that? Well I've amassed a large number of dreams during that period too, there was a flying dream (BEST FREAKING DREAM EVER (don't we all wish for flying dreams...) I was this dragon... and there was this piece of stretchable plastic elastic that I needed to stretch to catch the wind so I can actually glide... and I was crashing in people's homes, and this lady shot at me with a shotgun... and I reached the end and was chased by bigger dragons... and I got caught in this bubble of weird things that the big dragon dude shot out, and it affected me by... somehow but I forgot. Anyway nice dream is nice), a dream about my grandfather (who has gone on to a better place) being awesome, and I remembered another one this morning, but dreams fade kinda fast, so o well. It was fun sleeping so long, you people should try once in awhile. Though there's some side effects to it, namely err... feeling really really hungry for missing a meal, but then again you grow taller from sleeping, so all is well. Well I heard you can grow up to 2cm sleeping, then in the course of the day you shrink back down, so now we know that we should measure our heights in the morning. I was pondering also, what's the use of measuring heights? So we can tower over our peers? I heard taller people succeed more in life, cause people look up to them, literally, so does that mean the extra 2cm in our sleep is beneficial in our working lives? Before the big client meeting, we must all sleep alot so that we can be looked up to by our clients and hopefully secure the deal? Dunno if it works. Sleep is good =)

1 comment:

The Great Pretender said...

What an outrageous dream.
Of course, I personally wish I could fly. I dream about flying too, sometimes.