Friday, March 7, 2008


Yay i shall start writing more on everyday life. In latest news, today's the last day of Term 1 of Year 1 of IB! Woot! Term 1, has been interesting, and eye-opening to say the least. Finally there are girls in the classroom, which has made us guys in ACS(I) more gentlemanly (i presume) and more happy. My class is awesome and interesting, which is better than what i expected previously (right at the start), so yay. I hope the class outing during the hols will not fail like the last two class outings before it, comon guys, we can organise this right.

In other news, my computer hard disk has crashed. When your windows operating system crashes, its okay, you restart and start over or at most reformat your hard disk. When your hard disk head crashes, you're screwed. O well thanks to all the IT friends that i have that has helped to try save the disk, your efforts are much appreciated.

And... let me add a new section to my blogposts - the "noob thing that Dneo did in the day / noob statement of Dneo of the day". Today, or rather yesterday since it's past 12am, two events happened. Firstly, while eating char kuay teow in the school canteen after school yesterday, a piece of noodle went up from my mouth thru my nasal passage and got stuck at the back of my nose. Try as i might, i couldn't get it out. So i left it there and slept on the bus, next thing i knew, it went away, somewhere, i do not question where it went to. It's not my fault that that happened, so its not really the noob thing that i did yesterday, but rather a noob thing that has happened to me. O wells. That's noobcount #1, starting from 6 March 2008.

Secondly, I got stuck in a bus today. Do not ask why. I will explain. To put it plainly, my school is at Dover Road. My house is at Bedok. Looking at these two locations, you would slowly come to realise that one has to travel a long distance (in a singapore context) EVERY-FREAKING-DAY to and fro the two places. My mode of transport to school is a school bus (yes such stuff still exists even for jc students), while i have a myriad of choices on how to get back home. Ranking them in order of practicality, theres walking (not advised), cycling (also not advised), taxi (no money, i'm not a rich kid), bus-mrt-bus (fastest route, but too much hassle walking about so much), bus / bus-bus (if i overshoot my bus-stop) (second best choice - cheap, and really slack cause it's a direct bus route), and finally.... (insert drum roll here).... hitch a ride home from a niceguy (most practical choice, long distance travelled at no cost at fastest time, what more can i ask for?) Looking at my options, i would attempt to hitch a ride on most occations, but i would mostly fail at that, so i would take the next best choice which is the long long bus ride home. What to do for long bus rides? Last time i watched anime on TV Mobile, but now they stopped showing, and the timing is off anyway (now theres only the gurmit singh civil defence show, which frankly is stupid but quite amusing cause its so stupid). I tried reading books, but slept halfway, so using awesome logic, might as well sleep first. Pre-emptive action i call that.

Yea enough of brief history, now back to what happened today. I slept on the bus. I overshot my stop. It went to the interchange. I forgot to get off. No one woke me up =( Bus driver didn't freaking check if everyone got off. He went to park the bus. He got off the bus. I woke up. Darkness surrounded me (i'm lying, it was just evening and it wasn't that dark). At this point in time, my really really intelligent brain decided that i should attempt to get off the bus. I went down to the lower deck, i found no one. The doors weren't open. I went to the bus driver's seat, and pressed the buttons down there to attempt to open the doors, no response. I freaked out. Then my survival instincts kicked in, I SHOULD BREAK DOWN THE DOORS. I went to both the front and back doors, and attempted to pry them open, that didn't work. Just at that point, i spied with my eyes a secret weapon, the EDC (no not the GDC, the EDC). Now people, what is an EDC? It comes with most (or all) bus doors, and should be the best thing ever invented for bus doors. It's..... the Emergency Door Cock. Yea, so i lifed the black covering, and pressed the little red button. Nothing happened. WTF. I pressed harder, the door opened. FREEDOM AT LAST, i ran out of the prison that was the bus, and got knocked down by a passing bus. No wait that wasn't right, i mean 'and i saw a passing bus'. Yea i was in a bus interchange after all. After that nothing much happened, so this story shall be labeled noobcount #2.

The End. Why the heck does have music on its website which i have been playing on loop for the past 1 hour?

Thursday, March 6, 2008


(a note before i start, remember the earlier blogpost about how the stuff written in each post should be linked? i take that back, it shouldn't, and willn't)

All blogs have a shape, but currently this blog is still finding it's shape. The posts are random in nature, the lengths of the posts vary from a single sentence to a freaking long hopeless story, the style of writing however, remains constantly at a very low level. Therefore, from feedback number #1, this blog is fail. I totally agree. Please bear with me as i attempt (but fail) to materialize a shape for this blog of mine, and if i succeed in failing to fix on a shape, then this blog shall be left to rot in the ruins of cyberspace, like the many others of its kind. It was good while it lasted. To me at least.

The following paragraphs will be numerous in number but not that long in length individually, and as a result collectively they will be very long. Regarding feedback number #2 of my posts being too long; me having verbal diarrhoea and the such, you may stop reading anytime you want, pls do continue at your own risk.

Why do i write a blog? From what i heard, blogs serve as many purposes, each person has his own reasons for creating a blog. Some do it to express their views online, only to be caught by the police, or their school, or any other higher authority that has the power to totally own the individual that writes his thoughts without considering the feelings of others. If you do want to flame others, i would suggest you go to image boards and start posting with the name of Anonymous, only to be IP banned from the image board because some bugger from the other side of the world is using your IP and posting banned substances online. For me, the true reason why i write a blog, is to keep a diary of my thoughts over the years. O wait, make that... over the 2-3 weeks thusofar. A blog, is a web log, meaning an online diary, so it should be for you to record stuff that our puny little minds cant remember for the rest of our lives. Also, the secondary reason why i write a blog can be found in the earliest post of this blog (if i haven't accidentally deleted it), TO CHANGE THE WORLD. After reading this post, i hope you the reader will be changed, for the better or for the worst i do not know, but changed nevertheless. Isn't change such a wonderful thing?

Intro - 2
Blogs are bad. They do bad things. For example, this blog right here is sucking away all my time, supposed to be spent researching on Mending Wall, which i will be doing an IOC on later today. Never mind, with my great management of time, the IOC research will be done, sooner or later. Speaking of walls, this blog has created a wall between me and my sister, which i have promptly broken down, and i hope i will not mend in the near future. What do i mean? I mean that because of this blog, i talk less to my sister because i talk more to the computer and to this blog. This should not be happening, therefore i have broken down the wall, and started building one between me and this blog, so that i may distant myself from my blog (now thats wierd). Yay.

Intro - 3
Following feedback number #3, all blogs should be emo. Don't worry it's just a matter of time before this blog falls into the depths of emoness, gothic makeup, wrist slashing, and poetry writing. It started off being on a black background, now that's a start.

Intro - 4
I'm seeing how many intros this can be before it starts being irritating. Let me elaborate on my great time management skills. Relative to everyone else, i take anywhere between 2x to 5x the time they need to complete a task. The most famous tasks are eating, and blog-writing, which i am really really slow at completing. To compensate for my awesome time management skills, i have evolved a perfect sleep pattern. I have mastered sleep. Now what does that mean? It means, i can don't sleep anytime, and therefore also sleep anytime, anywhere, at any situation. Example: on certain days, i waste all my time until i have no more time to sleep, as it is already time to wake up, so i just go to school. To pay back my huge sleep debt, so that the Ah Longs of dreamworld will not come and paint OSlpPSlp on my house front door, i would come home from school that day, and immediately sleep till the next morning. From now on, days that are full of sleepy goodness and nothing else will be labeled as MUDs (Most Unproductive Days).

Main Body
Note the title of this blogpost. It is the written form of a sound. That sound is a representation of a certain emotion, commonly known as happiness. I am a happy guy. Do not be mistaken, though the meanings of the former sentence and of the sentence "I am a gay guy" are one and the same, i am not a gay guy. That settled, i was thinking about this recently. For most of my concious life, if you would ask me to describe myself in one word, i would say "happy-go-lucky". That is one word, made up of three parts. Haha i cheated and used three words instead but link them up with nice little -s so that they become a single word. I am happy, for most part of the time, go, meaning i move foward most of the time, and lucky, extremely so. And because of me attempting to be happy, i have to find jokes in everything, and i succeeded so well that i made a joke out of myself. That is character feedback number #1. Character feedback number #2 is that i make a joke out of everything, which is not a good thing. There are many things one should be serious about, and the more serious something should be, the more of a joke i turn it into. It is my way of escaping from the reality and seriousness of things, for my frail character cannot take too much serious stuff at once.

Go on msn and add k thks

The End. Why do earthworms have five hearts? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

OMG look at the time

Omigosh look at the time. Now thats late, i mean early. Believe it or not, i haven't slept yet. Once again, i was planning to write a long long post, but somehow time doesn't like waiting for me. I guess he got fed up and just went on ahead. O wells, heres a couple of nice jokes my brother told me:

Joke number 1, remember to laugh
"Hey, did you see Chen Weilian's girlfriend?"
"He didn't either."

Joke number 2, the first one wasnt funny -_-"
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"Because it wanted to get to the other side?"
"Nope, because it wanted to get the seeds on the other side."
"Right... okay."
"Did you get it?"
"Of course u didn't get it, the chicken got it."

Once again, my response is "...", which looks like a scary monster face if you have a really good imagination. For those without a good imagination, now does this look like a scary face? ("...")

Speaking of jokes, recently i went to watch Juno, the awesome NC16 movie (yes im 16, sucks to all of you not-yet-16 year olds out there). Some of the jokes in that movie were like the two above, which is suppose to make you go "...". These jokes are awesome jokes, but i don't think enough people appreciate them, that's why they are so angry/scary. I'm not making much sense, i think its due to the lack of sleep. I think i'll go to sleep now... o wait i mean in like 12 hours time, cause school is starting soon. Bye for now.

On a side note, i found my handphone-to-computer wire! Wootlarz, now i can take out all the pictures, and put in all the nice japanese music and anime episodes o_O.

The End. Why do we dream when we sleep, do we not dream enough when we're awake?