Hai Guys. Happy New Year! It's been a week since Christmas. No shit. And I'm sure many of you ppl have a life and are out partying and stuff, and won't be able to see this until the year 2009, so how's 2009? Is it fun? It's like the xkcd comic where the guy addresses letters to his older self, so here I am addressing this to the 2009 of you ppl.
Okay, after spending the last 2 hours searching 524 pages of xkcd for that one particular comic strip, I have not been able to find it. O wells. But I revisit many cool awesome stuff - like the Cheap GPS, DNE and Snakes on Every Plane. Lol brings back some memories.
Actually it is now 1:40am, and it's already 1/1/2009 and all. I hope everyone remembered the leap second. Guys, remember to tune your imba accurate watch/clock 1 second later to account for slight slowing down of the earth's rotation due to tides and the such. The fireworks for this year's Countdown Party was quite long, O_O. Quite cool lol. But the cloud cover was quite amusing, with clouds covering 1/3 of the left side of the screen while the rest of the sky was clear.
And the tv schedule for Okto's animania continued on as usual. Wtf from 11pm to 12am, there was Basilisk and Casshern Sins. No I wasn't serious enough to watch those anime and celebrate the new year while listening to the ED song of Casshern Sins.
Oh lol, and I ate last year's food for my first ever dinner/supper/meal of 2009. Yosh! Okay, to help everyone get into the mood of 2009, here are some predictions of the coming year. =)
P.S. Something sad happened recently, I'll write about it after this. :'(
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas Again!
Yo guys, it would appear I am more active on this blog recently somehow. Cool. So how did everyone spend their Christmas Day?
Well mine consisted of visiting my grandmum on one side of the family - the one I (or my family if I pon) dont visit every week. There, we somehow decided to play mahjong cause it's fun. 2 hours plus later, I ended up losing 9 credits (10 cents a credit, we play small), my sister lost 11 (haha), my grandmum lost like 3, and my mum won everything. Imba luck I believe. And I have recognized a trend, for the last 3 games of mahjong I played with family and friends, the person to my left always wins big. This is clearly a result of me not feeding the guy to my right, me being un-fed from the prosu + lucky person on my left, and me just generally being gosu and denying the person opposite me from winning. So for my next game, I have decided to sit on my left, if that's possible, and that would result in me definitely winning big. Okay, now I just have to put my plan into action.
The rest of my Christmas Day consisted of slacking at home, rawr. There are some nice Christmas shows shown on TV during the Christmas period, those feel good shows and slice of life shows that you don't normally get a chance to watch.
Hrmm here's a 24-hour later update on the status of the Christmas cards that I sent: I sent an unknown number/amount of cards, and I have thussofar received feedback and acknowledgement of the recievement of... exactly half of the total number of cards I sent out. Hrmm that's not bad, considering it's always been called the snail mail. And I actually received reply mail O_O. Awesome.
Well mine consisted of visiting my grandmum on one side of the family - the one I (or my family if I pon) dont visit every week. There, we somehow decided to play mahjong cause it's fun. 2 hours plus later, I ended up losing 9 credits (10 cents a credit, we play small), my sister lost 11 (haha), my grandmum lost like 3, and my mum won everything. Imba luck I believe. And I have recognized a trend, for the last 3 games of mahjong I played with family and friends, the person to my left always wins big. This is clearly a result of me not feeding the guy to my right, me being un-fed from the prosu + lucky person on my left, and me just generally being gosu and denying the person opposite me from winning. So for my next game, I have decided to sit on my left, if that's possible, and that would result in me definitely winning big. Okay, now I just have to put my plan into action.
The rest of my Christmas Day consisted of slacking at home, rawr. There are some nice Christmas shows shown on TV during the Christmas period, those feel good shows and slice of life shows that you don't normally get a chance to watch.
Hrmm here's a 24-hour later update on the status of the Christmas cards that I sent: I sent an unknown number/amount of cards, and I have thussofar received feedback and acknowledgement of the recievement of... exactly half of the total number of cards I sent out. Hrmm that's not bad, considering it's always been called the snail mail. And I actually received reply mail O_O. Awesome.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas all. By the time this post is posted, it'll be past midnight, and it'll be Christmas Day proper. To all of you out there who celebrate Christmas, I wish you a Merry day.
For this year, I have done something I haven't done before o_O. I sent Christmas cards! Let me see... Most of you non-lurkers who read this blog should have received the mail today, on Christmas Eve. Because the Singapore Post is really quite freaking efficient, they can send next day mail anywhere in singapore everyday.
Okay more on these mysterious letters that suddenly appear in your mailbox - They are sent by me! No shit they have my name on it. The bad handwriting is all mine, except for the very first few words that you see, they are written by my personal secretary aka. my sister, who has awesome handwriting (as compared to mine). If your letter has a lack of words, I'm sorry but I am a man of few words, or rather, dunno what to write lol. The number of stickers in your letter is directly proportional to how much time I am willing to spend to (cut and peel and) paste those stickers. In other words, STICKER SPAM TIEM.
And since it's Christmas, let's talk more Christmasy stuff. Movie-wise, Love Actually is an awesome movie. Yea I know I'm slow, but I didn't get to watch it until like last week or smth. Nice movie as a whole, but Singapore censorship is baskit. Then again, I had a friend to spoiler/discuss the movie during and after the broadcast. As in there are lots of stuff you wouldn't notice/understand until you watch the movie multiple times, and that friend has watched it at least 5 times. Actor-wise/Actresses-wise, Hugh Grant is joke, Professor Snape is a badguy, like Sol Badguy, Keira Knightley has beautifully uneven teeth and she's damn skinny, Elisha Cuthbert IS ALWAYS AWESOME <3, and err... Rowan Akinson is more joke.
More Christmas stuff - I went to watch a Christmas play along Orchard Road on Saturday. It was a naice feel good play, the script is quite good though there are a small number of lines I dont get at all, the cast is awesome, full of likable characters and acted by good looking ppl. Winner of best Female character goes to the Geisha in the show, and Winner of the best Male character also goes to the Geisha in the show. Dont ask how that is possible (ARGHHH HAIRY LEGS IN A KIMONO ARGHHHH, MY EYES ARE BLEEDING). The ninja is also quite likable, surprisingly he has hair zomg. The Hawaii dude has lol joke amount of screentime. The postman aka. Angel Gabriel looks cool. The main character dude whashe name has glasses that have no lens so I had this great urge to poke his eyes out. In general a good way to spend 40-50mins (x2) of your time and get into the Christmas Spirit. In conclusion, one phrase - "It's called Professionalism!"
For this year, I have done something I haven't done before o_O. I sent Christmas cards! Let me see... Most of you non-lurkers who read this blog should have received the mail today, on Christmas Eve. Because the Singapore Post is really quite freaking efficient, they can send next day mail anywhere in singapore everyday.
Okay more on these mysterious letters that suddenly appear in your mailbox - They are sent by me! No shit they have my name on it. The bad handwriting is all mine, except for the very first few words that you see, they are written by my personal secretary aka. my sister, who has awesome handwriting (as compared to mine). If your letter has a lack of words, I'm sorry but I am a man of few words, or rather, dunno what to write lol. The number of stickers in your letter is directly proportional to how much time I am willing to spend to (cut and peel and) paste those stickers. In other words, STICKER SPAM TIEM.
And since it's Christmas, let's talk more Christmasy stuff. Movie-wise, Love Actually is an awesome movie. Yea I know I'm slow, but I didn't get to watch it until like last week or smth. Nice movie as a whole, but Singapore censorship is baskit. Then again, I had a friend to spoiler/discuss the movie during and after the broadcast. As in there are lots of stuff you wouldn't notice/understand until you watch the movie multiple times, and that friend has watched it at least 5 times. Actor-wise/Actresses-wise, Hugh Grant is joke, Professor Snape is a badguy, like Sol Badguy, Keira Knightley has beautifully uneven teeth and she's damn skinny, Elisha Cuthbert IS ALWAYS AWESOME <3, and err... Rowan Akinson is more joke.
More Christmas stuff - I went to watch a Christmas play along Orchard Road on Saturday. It was a naice feel good play, the script is quite good though there are a small number of lines I dont get at all, the cast is awesome, full of likable characters and acted by good looking ppl. Winner of best Female character goes to the Geisha in the show, and Winner of the best Male character also goes to the Geisha in the show. Dont ask how that is possible (ARGHHH HAIRY LEGS IN A KIMONO ARGHHHH, MY EYES ARE BLEEDING). The ninja is also quite likable, surprisingly he has hair zomg. The Hawaii dude has lol joke amount of screentime. The postman aka. Angel Gabriel looks cool. The main character dude whashe name has glasses that have no lens so I had this great urge to poke his eyes out. In general a good way to spend 40-50mins (x2) of your time and get into the Christmas Spirit. In conclusion, one phrase - "It's called Professionalism!"
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Back from the Largest Island Continent on this Planet!
Not like there are many Island Continents. Well, if you define Continents as one of the 7 hugeass masses of dirt around, and define Island as a hugeass mass of dirt with hugerass mass of water surrounding it, then hrmm. North America is stuck to South America so they're both not Islands, Europe, Asia and Africa has a threesome party there, so they're all out, and that leaves Australia and Antartica. Ahh screw it, let's just say I came back from Australia.
And because this post is at 1am here in Singapore, which translates to 4am there in Melbourne, I am really tired. So if you would ask me how's my trip, the first thing I would reply is the weather there is awesome. It's currently summer-ish time in the Southern Hemisphere for all those noob at Geog ppl out there, and Singapore and Melbourne is in the Southern Hemisphere so it should naturally be Summer in Singapore and Melbourne, so ya my logic is working. But their definition of Summer, or rather the beginning of summer, is 12 deg C lowest! Living in the meh weather of Singapore for so long, feeling 16 deg C in the midday and 12 deg C in the night is really a cool feeling. Yea, that's why I don't use air-con in my house for the whole year, just to save the cool feeling of air-con for the end-of-year trip. Yay glad to be back. Will post more on the trip soon, WITH PHOTOS =)))
And because this post is at 1am here in Singapore, which translates to 4am there in Melbourne, I am really tired. So if you would ask me how's my trip, the first thing I would reply is the weather there is awesome. It's currently summer-ish time in the Southern Hemisphere for all those noob at Geog ppl out there, and Singapore and Melbourne is in the Southern Hemisphere so it should naturally be Summer in Singapore and Melbourne, so ya my logic is working. But their definition of Summer, or rather the beginning of summer, is 12 deg C lowest! Living in the meh weather of Singapore for so long, feeling 16 deg C in the midday and 12 deg C in the night is really a cool feeling. Yea, that's why I don't use air-con in my house for the whole year, just to save the cool feeling of air-con for the end-of-year trip. Yay glad to be back. Will post more on the trip soon, WITH PHOTOS =)))
Monday, December 8, 2008
So... it looks like Dneo's parents came back for him after all. Too bad, now he's gone so there's no mahjong set so I can't show off my l33t awesome skillz at it, screw you all it was not luck niggas.
The holidays have passed the 50% mark, and after Chem Olympiad + EE which took out basically the first half, it's only now that it feels like the hols have really started. Which means I still have tons of intended but have not done stuff lying around, such as finishing Heaven's Feel, Tales of the Abyss, Clannad, old animu. And besides games, there's CAS to do, as well as TOK and World Lit (TOK only takes a good day of work however so it's not much of a worry). However, even with this little time I still waste it on... random shit. It's so weird that
oh fuck this shit it's going to sound like I'm rambling on and I am NOT using some dumb lit device to bullshit my way out and say GUYS LOOK IT WAS STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS, english is retarded.
to continue, I would say that there's a lot I'm worried about for next year (why am i actually posting this at 5am I have no idea) and after that due to NS but well i figure the point of this blog , or rather my posts at this blog, is to deliver content that is interesting not in the herrick's convos kind of way but rather in the hahawtf way. Thus if i I wanted to do those I should have left it to another blog, which isn't imbluecauseimplayertwo. So none of you will ever get to read my srsbsns thoughts mwahaha. Anyway moving on to more normal stuff,
So I came back from an afternoon at the arcade, and after finishing dinner I'm like k it's time to go on the interwebs to be trollin' sum nubs amirite. Suddenly, msn fails to connect. And FF gives me DNS error. Uhoh not good. I call Dneo and he says he's fine playing dota. Wtf? My mom hears me going WTF IS HAPPENING HERE and she says hey the tv isn't working too (it was giving out this error about not attached to the cable point). obviously, starhub fucked up majorly here.
LOGICALLY, the correct thing to do after checking it wasn't a local fault (ie check with neighbours) was to call them up and ask why/when would it be fixed/am i getting compensation etc. RIGHT? so i did.
i call the number and i get the automated reply thing. ok no biggie. first one is plz press 1 for english okay press 1
the voice changes to this reaaaalllly singlish sounding woman who sounds like she's also reading off a card because of all these pauses while she thinks of how to pronounce the next word
what the fuck are these promotions i would like one because your shitty service is making me unable to do anything so why are there promotions
at this point i hung up and decided to try again. for the same result. so i continued on the automated service and went broadband > maxonline which again doesn't help me and the recorded message is actually a protip
it went IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS CONNECTING TO THE INTERNET THROUGH A ROUTER CONNECT IT DIRECTLY TO YOUR CABLE MODEM INSTEAD durrr no shit even a primary school kid would know that, come on who the fuck calls starhub to ask about such things
so in the end even after i bathed and called again i was met again with this dumb idiotic telephone message, evidently promotions are srs bsns. i would now stick a pic of promotions guy here but i'm lazy to find one. so screw that. tldr starhub is fucking stupid, maintenance and 2 days later my net screws up? and my xdcc speeds suddenly became slow shit for months, wtf are they doing argh
in other news i am a fat loser with no money and no skill to do anything that would directly or indirectly result in any, or rather no skill to do anything except be a bum but that's a post for another day seeya
10am edit: where the fuck are my kannagi subs GYABO
The holidays have passed the 50% mark, and after Chem Olympiad + EE which took out basically the first half, it's only now that it feels like the hols have really started. Which means I still have tons of intended but have not done stuff lying around, such as finishing Heaven's Feel, Tales of the Abyss, Clannad, old animu. And besides games, there's CAS to do, as well as TOK and World Lit (TOK only takes a good day of work however so it's not much of a worry). However, even with this little time I still waste it on... random shit. It's so weird that
oh fuck this shit it's going to sound like I'm rambling on and I am NOT using some dumb lit device to bullshit my way out and say GUYS LOOK IT WAS STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS, english is retarded.
to continue, I would say that there's a lot I'm worried about for next year (why am i actually posting this at 5am I have no idea) and after that due to NS but well i figure the point of this blog , or rather my posts at this blog, is to deliver content that is interesting not in the herrick's convos kind of way but rather in the hahawtf way. Thus if i I wanted to do those I should have left it to another blog, which isn't imbluecauseimplayertwo. So none of you will ever get to read my srsbsns thoughts mwahaha. Anyway moving on to more normal stuff,
So I came back from an afternoon at the arcade, and after finishing dinner I'm like k it's time to go on the interwebs to be trollin' sum nubs amirite. Suddenly, msn fails to connect. And FF gives me DNS error. Uhoh not good. I call Dneo and he says he's fine playing dota. Wtf? My mom hears me going WTF IS HAPPENING HERE and she says hey the tv isn't working too (it was giving out this error about not attached to the cable point). obviously, starhub fucked up majorly here.
LOGICALLY, the correct thing to do after checking it wasn't a local fault (ie check with neighbours) was to call them up and ask why/when would it be fixed/am i getting compensation etc. RIGHT? so i did.
i call the number and i get the automated reply thing. ok no biggie. first one is plz press 1 for english okay press 1
the voice changes to this reaaaalllly singlish sounding woman who sounds like she's also reading off a card because of all these pauses while she thinks of how to pronounce the next word
what the fuck are these promotions i would like one because your shitty service is making me unable to do anything so why are there promotions
at this point i hung up and decided to try again. for the same result. so i continued on the automated service and went broadband > maxonline which again doesn't help me and the recorded message is actually a protip
it went IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS CONNECTING TO THE INTERNET THROUGH A ROUTER CONNECT IT DIRECTLY TO YOUR CABLE MODEM INSTEAD durrr no shit even a primary school kid would know that, come on who the fuck calls starhub to ask about such things
so in the end even after i bathed and called again i was met again with this dumb idiotic telephone message, evidently promotions are srs bsns. i would now stick a pic of promotions guy here but i'm lazy to find one. so screw that. tldr starhub is fucking stupid, maintenance and 2 days later my net screws up? and my xdcc speeds suddenly became slow shit for months, wtf are they doing argh
in other news i am a fat loser with no money and no skill to do anything that would directly or indirectly result in any, or rather no skill to do anything except be a bum but that's a post for another day seeya
10am edit: where the fuck are my kannagi subs GYABO
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Yo peeps, my plane's in.... 2 hours and 35 minutes time, and I'm still at home. Wtf? Err long story lol, but the situation is that my bags are packed, I'm ready to go~. But my parents are out now, and GG no transport. Oh noes. The art of cutting the timing down VERY fine clearly runs in my family.
Note to whoever who next calls me out of my house, tell me 30 minutes before the time we're suppose to meet, and I'll only be 15 mins later than the actual time. E.G. You want to meet at 1 pm. You call up and tell me the meeting time is at 12.30pm. I'll see you there are 1.15pm. =)
EDIT: Time now is 10.18pm lolol. That's 1 hour and 32 minutes till my plane leaves. So much for Please be there 2 hours before the scheduled time. AND MY PARENTS AREN'T BACK YET. Q_Q I bet they left without me and my sis =(
K peeps, bye to you.
Note to whoever who next calls me out of my house, tell me 30 minutes before the time we're suppose to meet, and I'll only be 15 mins later than the actual time. E.G. You want to meet at 1 pm. You call up and tell me the meeting time is at 12.30pm. I'll see you there are 1.15pm. =)
EDIT: Time now is 10.18pm lolol. That's 1 hour and 32 minutes till my plane leaves. So much for Please be there 2 hours before the scheduled time. AND MY PARENTS AREN'T BACK YET. Q_Q I bet they left without me and my sis =(
K peeps, bye to you.
FORENOTE: For the infinity of you minus 2 people (x = infinity - 2, where x is the number of people I'm referring to) who doesn't get the meaning behind my post title, I'm lazy to explain it, go google it or ask Cherilyn)
Okay, first things first, when I said I was going to post daily, I LIED. Haha. So funny. Not. O wells, I hope you loyal followers have been constantly refreshing the page while waiting for my words of wisdom. If you haven't been doing that, you aren't loyal enough, so go away. Okay, I have created a tier list for the readership of this blog, here's how it goes:
1. Overlord Dneo
2. Chief Minion Cherilyn (who assumes my position and does my tasks for me when I'm slacking)
3. Loyal followers since the beginning of the end. (Last Count: 2.5)
4. Loyal followers since somewhere in the middle (Last Count: 3.5 + maybe 1)
5. People who stumble upon this treasure trove of words because a certain 2.Lfstbote (<-- it's an acronym) went about telling a certain shared group of friends about the existence of this place. (Last Count: 2 + 1 + possibly 2 + possibly more)
6. LURKERS (Uncountable)
Now now, I'm sure after looking at the list above, all of you would like to be promoted to level 1, but that's reserved for Overlord Dneo. However, you can attempt to get promoted to a higher level than you currently are, by various means, of which I am too bored/sian/tired (it's 3.30am wtf?) to list, but they may or may not include SPAMMING TAGBOARD (IN CAPS), posting comments in posts by mah fan-ingly logging into blogger and revealling your true identity, donating a huge sum of money (okay, even a measley amount would do) to Dneo's pocket money fund, find means to provide Dneo with 28 hours in a day, etc.
Okay NEXT.
On thursday, I went to watch the anime movie The Sky Crawlers with a group of mahjong kaki. On the note of the mahjong kaki, "it's all pure beginner's luck I tell you". Okay back to the topic, after mahjonging with my kaki for slightly more than 2 winds worth, we decided it was late enough and we had to leave for the 9.15 movie. The pizza was weird looking, but good. Thanks. After arriving at the cinema counter for the movie not 10 mins before the movie started, we managed to get 2nd from back row seats, yay good job. Time skip. It is now 9.25+afewminutes, we got past the bouncer dude at the entrance of the halls, and was directed to the "second cinema on the right". When we got in, we found our seats koped by a couple. O_O. As the brave leader that I was, leading my company of brave men into the dark unknown of the cinema, I bravely approached the couple and enquired about the current placements of their bums on our seats. The return fire was harsh, but I was not afraid of the enemy, and I pressed on, while my men provided little covering fire from behind. My surprise ally came in the form of a dude seating in a single seat (wtf there's single seats in the cinemas? For sad ronery dudes with no gfs and no companies of men?) behind who said "Yes, this is cinema 4". Okay, so the couple was going to cinema 2, but because of the not-really-optimal placing of signs outside the cinemas, they were confused and went into our hall 4 instead. As a sign of gratitude towards my victorious approach towards the couple of enemies, I was given freedom to choose my seating. Well not really, but I would like to think so. Okay so the movie started, and ended around 2 hours later. Okay tiem for movie review:
Hrmm, no spoilers shall be posted here, just my thoughts and spoiler-free review of the movie. Pre-movie thoughts: There was a booth at AFA08 (refer to older post by guest writer) on the art work and inspiration for the movie that was to be shown soon on cinemas. The title of Sky Crawlers was not that catchy, and I believed stuff like Appleseed and Vexille or even Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea were much more appealing titles. And even after watching the show, I can't really say the use of the word Crawlers is fitting, maybe they're crawling through time, but that's not really right. On browsing the booth and reading random parts of the booth, I found out some trivia about the movie, like the usage of nice Polish architecture and stuff. Second thing about the movie was the review I read on Straits Times Life section, which gave it a 3.5/5 rating. Though quite normally a discerning reader, I still had to be reminded by Johnny that Life section reviews on anime movies are not to be trusted and this reinforced my belief that the movie I was going to watch would be extremely good, as 3.5 should be a total underration, and it was. (On a side note, the last three major movies that I excitedly encouraged my friends to watch turned out to be stuff that was either 1. a waste of money, 2. failplot or 3. ARGHHHH. And their acronyms are respectively DoA, QoS and TMG (Ahahahhahah, the mere mention of the title sends shivers down my spine) This movie spoilt my 0% of good movie recommendation rating).
On to the movie itself, hrmm what to say about it without spoiling...
Artwork - Great
Characters - Memorable (we shall all learn how to fold newspapers)
Pace - Very stone, but quite fitting and brings across the message well
Plot - Awesome.
Hrmm individual comments - Beware the eyes!, look out for the awesome dog (whose name shall either be Bolt or Jinroh (spoiler)), the cat (if I remember correctly there was one), the hamster (o wait i'm thinking of the wrong movie, cancel that), the reverse-trap (Omg I got reversed trapped), the rori (yay for roris), the tsun-dere-tsun-yan-dere, and more. Overall a good movie, and it made me think some bit, as in it made me ponder the questions about life that the movie raised. Recommendation - Go watch it if you're a fan of airplanes, animation, little children, thought provoking movies, or if you just want to spend 2 hours of your life watching the hard work of the people that produced this good movie.
Kk, now on to the third matter of the day. On reading today's (Friday's) papers, I found an article that was quite shocking. A 19-year-old boy was arrested and charged on the offence of being indecent to an 8 year old girl and a 9 year old girl. The newspaper reported that the guy sbs-ed the 8 year old girl and overpowered her, but she escaped and complained to her mommy. Some time later, he once again, at a similar setting of a hdb elevator, took out a knife and threatened the 9 year old girl, and forced her to take off her shirt. Apparently he did not do anything more serious or that would have been reported as well. Okay so what are my thoughts on this matter? He is Dumb. In more ways than one. Everything he's doing is wrong: the target (older plz), the place of attack (less public area plz), the motive (what motive?), or lack of it, the lack of paper bag over the head (at least cover face), the lack of social responsibility (comon, you are scarring these little girls for life, if you just HAD to commit such crimes, at least commit on people or things that won't get scarred for life (like you can always threaten a shopfront mannequin to take off his/her/its shirt)), and... I shall not comment further =x
For more accurate information, go read the papers yourself, and disclaimer: everything I write here should not be taken too seriously nor be taken to be the absolute truth.
Next. As you can see, there are 3 vague ideas and topics covered on today's post. These shall be payback for my lack of posting for which I have already explained at the beginning of this post.
And as a parting note, I shall be going overseas to Melbourne, USA (it's just beside Singapore, China on the world map) from the 6th of Dec to the 14th of Dec. I'll be driving around, and hopefully GET ON A HOT AIR BALLOON WOOTZ, and maybe I'll explore around so that if I go back one day, I can fufill my life's quests of trying out:
1. Surfing without getting eaten by a shark (you can read wayy too many shark attack stories on reader's digest over the years)
2. Bungee Jumping (fufill all my suicidal tendencies without paying the cost of 1x Life.)
3. Parachuting (like bungee jumping, but can fly longer)
4. Hang Gliding (like parachuting, but much longer too =) )
5. SPACE TRAVEL (lolwhat?)
6. Kangaroo riding (WHATT?)
Okay, so one or two of the stuff in the list arent exactly accurate, but whatever. Adios Amingoes, Sore Jya.
Okay, first things first, when I said I was going to post daily, I LIED. Haha. So funny. Not. O wells, I hope you loyal followers have been constantly refreshing the page while waiting for my words of wisdom. If you haven't been doing that, you aren't loyal enough, so go away. Okay, I have created a tier list for the readership of this blog, here's how it goes:
1. Overlord Dneo
2. Chief Minion Cherilyn (who assumes my position and does my tasks for me when I'm slacking)
3. Loyal followers since the beginning of the end. (Last Count: 2.5)
4. Loyal followers since somewhere in the middle (Last Count: 3.5 + maybe 1)
5. People who stumble upon this treasure trove of words because a certain 2.Lfstbote (<-- it's an acronym) went about telling a certain shared group of friends about the existence of this place. (Last Count: 2 + 1 + possibly 2 + possibly more)
6. LURKERS (Uncountable)
Now now, I'm sure after looking at the list above, all of you would like to be promoted to level 1, but that's reserved for Overlord Dneo. However, you can attempt to get promoted to a higher level than you currently are, by various means, of which I am too bored/sian/tired (it's 3.30am wtf?) to list, but they may or may not include SPAMMING TAGBOARD (IN CAPS), posting comments in posts by mah fan-ingly logging into blogger and revealling your true identity, donating a huge sum of money (okay, even a measley amount would do) to Dneo's pocket money fund, find means to provide Dneo with 28 hours in a day, etc.
Okay NEXT.
On thursday, I went to watch the anime movie The Sky Crawlers with a group of mahjong kaki. On the note of the mahjong kaki, "it's all pure beginner's luck I tell you". Okay back to the topic, after mahjonging with my kaki for slightly more than 2 winds worth, we decided it was late enough and we had to leave for the 9.15 movie. The pizza was weird looking, but good. Thanks. After arriving at the cinema counter for the movie not 10 mins before the movie started, we managed to get 2nd from back row seats, yay good job. Time skip. It is now 9.25+afewminutes, we got past the bouncer dude at the entrance of the halls, and was directed to the "second cinema on the right". When we got in, we found our seats koped by a couple. O_O. As the brave leader that I was, leading my company of brave men into the dark unknown of the cinema, I bravely approached the couple and enquired about the current placements of their bums on our seats. The return fire was harsh, but I was not afraid of the enemy, and I pressed on, while my men provided little covering fire from behind. My surprise ally came in the form of a dude seating in a single seat (wtf there's single seats in the cinemas? For sad ronery dudes with no gfs and no companies of men?) behind who said "Yes, this is cinema 4". Okay, so the couple was going to cinema 2, but because of the not-really-optimal placing of signs outside the cinemas, they were confused and went into our hall 4 instead. As a sign of gratitude towards my victorious approach towards the couple of enemies, I was given freedom to choose my seating. Well not really, but I would like to think so. Okay so the movie started, and ended around 2 hours later. Okay tiem for movie review:
Hrmm, no spoilers shall be posted here, just my thoughts and spoiler-free review of the movie. Pre-movie thoughts: There was a booth at AFA08 (refer to older post by guest writer) on the art work and inspiration for the movie that was to be shown soon on cinemas. The title of Sky Crawlers was not that catchy, and I believed stuff like Appleseed and Vexille or even Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea were much more appealing titles. And even after watching the show, I can't really say the use of the word Crawlers is fitting, maybe they're crawling through time, but that's not really right. On browsing the booth and reading random parts of the booth, I found out some trivia about the movie, like the usage of nice Polish architecture and stuff. Second thing about the movie was the review I read on Straits Times Life section, which gave it a 3.5/5 rating. Though quite normally a discerning reader, I still had to be reminded by Johnny that Life section reviews on anime movies are not to be trusted and this reinforced my belief that the movie I was going to watch would be extremely good, as 3.5 should be a total underration, and it was. (On a side note, the last three major movies that I excitedly encouraged my friends to watch turned out to be stuff that was either 1. a waste of money, 2. failplot or 3. ARGHHHH. And their acronyms are respectively DoA, QoS and TMG (Ahahahhahah, the mere mention of the title sends shivers down my spine) This movie spoilt my 0% of good movie recommendation rating).
On to the movie itself, hrmm what to say about it without spoiling...
Artwork - Great
Characters - Memorable (we shall all learn how to fold newspapers)
Pace - Very stone, but quite fitting and brings across the message well
Plot - Awesome.
Hrmm individual comments - Beware the eyes!, look out for the awesome dog (whose name shall either be Bolt or Jinroh (spoiler)), the cat (if I remember correctly there was one), the hamster (o wait i'm thinking of the wrong movie, cancel that), the reverse-trap (Omg I got reversed trapped), the rori (yay for roris), the tsun-dere-tsun-yan-dere, and more. Overall a good movie, and it made me think some bit, as in it made me ponder the questions about life that the movie raised. Recommendation - Go watch it if you're a fan of airplanes, animation, little children, thought provoking movies, or if you just want to spend 2 hours of your life watching the hard work of the people that produced this good movie.
Kk, now on to the third matter of the day. On reading today's (Friday's) papers, I found an article that was quite shocking. A 19-year-old boy was arrested and charged on the offence of being indecent to an 8 year old girl and a 9 year old girl. The newspaper reported that the guy sbs-ed the 8 year old girl and overpowered her, but she escaped and complained to her mommy. Some time later, he once again, at a similar setting of a hdb elevator, took out a knife and threatened the 9 year old girl, and forced her to take off her shirt. Apparently he did not do anything more serious or that would have been reported as well. Okay so what are my thoughts on this matter? He is Dumb. In more ways than one. Everything he's doing is wrong: the target (older plz), the place of attack (less public area plz), the motive (what motive?), or lack of it, the lack of paper bag over the head (at least cover face), the lack of social responsibility (comon, you are scarring these little girls for life, if you just HAD to commit such crimes, at least commit on people or things that won't get scarred for life (like you can always threaten a shopfront mannequin to take off his/her/its shirt)), and... I shall not comment further =x
For more accurate information, go read the papers yourself, and disclaimer: everything I write here should not be taken too seriously nor be taken to be the absolute truth.
Next. As you can see, there are 3 vague ideas and topics covered on today's post. These shall be payback for my lack of posting for which I have already explained at the beginning of this post.
And as a parting note, I shall be going overseas to Melbourne, USA (it's just beside Singapore, China on the world map) from the 6th of Dec to the 14th of Dec. I'll be driving around, and hopefully GET ON A HOT AIR BALLOON WOOTZ, and maybe I'll explore around so that if I go back one day, I can fufill my life's quests of trying out:
1. Surfing without getting eaten by a shark (you can read wayy too many shark attack stories on reader's digest over the years)
2. Bungee Jumping (fufill all my suicidal tendencies without paying the cost of 1x Life.)
3. Parachuting (like bungee jumping, but can fly longer)
4. Hang Gliding (like parachuting, but much longer too =) )
5. SPACE TRAVEL (lolwhat?)
6. Kangaroo riding (WHATT?)
Okay, so one or two of the stuff in the list arent exactly accurate, but whatever. Adios Amingoes, Sore Jya.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Hi to you
Hi to you. It's 2.20am here. Clearly the owner and guest writer of this blog have screwed up internal clocks. @Cherilyn - Nice sleep at 9am and wake up at 12pm.
Okay I'm bored once again, so I've decided to post a post a day, like what I attempted to do last time but failed. And since I'm going on a year-end holiday trip to Melbourne, I shall stop posting once I leave the country, which is somewhere around the 6-7th of December, which is.... 3 days time. Yes that's right. With my awesome planning to be lazy and slack, I shall create the impression that I'm hardworking and posting once a day, but because of certain commitments, such as catching a plane to fly off to a desert country full of kangerooos and err... ex-convicts, I shall be forced to stop posting once a day. =) (note that I never mentioned whether I would continue blogging once a day once I return, so you should not bring that up either)
Okay, and today's first of a few random topics would be... Name Calling. Not like "you nincompoop" and "@&^$*(%*", but rather your real given name. Yes, that one written on your birth cert and I.C., and whatever official identification that you have. Hrmm, for those of you ignorant people who haven't heard of my wonderfully awesome name, and it is not "Dneo, Huhx, Shadowelf, etc", it is Darrell. Okay so what does Darrell mean? I had the opportunity to check a baby name book a few days back, when I went out with my mum and sis to shop. And I don't shop, so I just stared at people frying ice cream parfait (pronounced PAR-FAT(not.), actual pronounciation from the m-w website is... PAR-FAYE, so ya, go impress your friends) and browsed through books at MPH. A small prize for guessing which part of small small Singapore we went to that day. So in the book, under 'Boys A-G', I found Darrell. Yay. It's french in origin, and means beloved (of course), darling (naturally), and.... grove of oak trees (WTF). Okay, great, so I was named after a grove of oak trees. Or rather, I'm named AS a freaking grove of oak trees, good job there. But I like my name, so I'm not complaining =) Then along comes my sis, and I showed her the awesome meanings of my marvelous name. So we checked her name - Sharmaine. It said: (American) refer to Charmaine. Okay no problem, clearly her name is just an american variation of Charmaine. And at Charmaine, it said: (French) refer to Carmen. Err okay, so we went to check Carmen, and it said (Latin) meaning song. Lol, so my sister is named as a american variation of the french variation of the latin word meaning song. And before we could check more stuff, like the meanings of my whole family's names, or (I just thought of it) the meaning of Darrell under 'Girls A-G', we had to go. =( O wells there's always the internet but as you can see I'm too lazy to check, so I'll just wait till I pass by that area the next time.
Well, what's the meaning of your name?
P.S. One objective of this post was so that guest writer's posts do not flood my blog's front page. =(
Okay I'm bored once again, so I've decided to post a post a day, like what I attempted to do last time but failed. And since I'm going on a year-end holiday trip to Melbourne, I shall stop posting once I leave the country, which is somewhere around the 6-7th of December, which is.... 3 days time. Yes that's right. With my awesome planning to be lazy and slack, I shall create the impression that I'm hardworking and posting once a day, but because of certain commitments, such as catching a plane to fly off to a desert country full of kangerooos and err... ex-convicts, I shall be forced to stop posting once a day. =) (note that I never mentioned whether I would continue blogging once a day once I return, so you should not bring that up either)
Okay, and today's first of a few random topics would be... Name Calling. Not like "you nincompoop" and "@&^$*(%*", but rather your real given name. Yes, that one written on your birth cert and I.C., and whatever official identification that you have. Hrmm, for those of you ignorant people who haven't heard of my wonderfully awesome name, and it is not "Dneo, Huhx, Shadowelf, etc", it is Darrell. Okay so what does Darrell mean? I had the opportunity to check a baby name book a few days back, when I went out with my mum and sis to shop. And I don't shop, so I just stared at people frying ice cream parfait (pronounced PAR-FAT(not.), actual pronounciation from the m-w website is... PAR-FAYE, so ya, go impress your friends) and browsed through books at MPH. A small prize for guessing which part of small small Singapore we went to that day. So in the book, under 'Boys A-G', I found Darrell. Yay. It's french in origin, and means beloved (of course), darling (naturally), and.... grove of oak trees (WTF). Okay, great, so I was named after a grove of oak trees. Or rather, I'm named AS a freaking grove of oak trees, good job there. But I like my name, so I'm not complaining =) Then along comes my sis, and I showed her the awesome meanings of my marvelous name. So we checked her name - Sharmaine. It said: (American) refer to Charmaine. Okay no problem, clearly her name is just an american variation of Charmaine. And at Charmaine, it said: (French) refer to Carmen. Err okay, so we went to check Carmen, and it said (Latin) meaning song. Lol, so my sister is named as a american variation of the french variation of the latin word meaning song. And before we could check more stuff, like the meanings of my whole family's names, or (I just thought of it) the meaning of Darrell under 'Girls A-G', we had to go. =( O wells there's always the internet but as you can see I'm too lazy to check, so I'll just wait till I pass by that area the next time.
Well, what's the meaning of your name?
P.S. One objective of this post was so that guest writer's posts do not flood my blog's front page. =(
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
AFA day 2
Pic dump first. As said earlier, no clue wtf is wrong with my focus sighs.
I took this because oh wow it's DtB cosplay. Totemo mezurashii ne. The first time I only saw the Amber, which made me think it was CC in normal wear. Rofl. >_>
The figurine displays.
Too bad I didn't take a good pic, this was pretty cool.
awesome y/n
ugh this turned out so bad, shaky hands ftl
since bandai organised this, there was a gundam exhibition.

i think the archer and the fight there in this pic are awesome shit.
anyway, on to the post.
Special double post! Since I'm up at 5am after cleaning up my room and all =D
So, here's a crappy and really horribly late report on AFA day 2 for fags who didn't go and some random guy who was hiking or something .
After the epic concert the previous night, and the lack of anything really awesome to do at AFA, many people decided to not go early on the second day. As noted by juen: "wtf you going there for, cosplay mania??" Therefore sera and dneo decided letz go late lol
Thus it was up to me to arrive early to CAMP FOR FIGMAS. Which I did. Arriving at slightly after 9, it was shocking to find NO ONE LOL. No queue at all compared to Saturday's longasfuck queue. This was good. Thus at 10am I was first in line at the door and READY TO CHIONG. This plan happened to be a success as I got figma Fate and Nanoha within 5 mins of rushing in fuck yes niggas.
After this there was.. nothing much to do besides wait for XM to arrive at 10+, since Dneo decided not to come after inviting him. Pangsehhhh so I went to the MBAA machine to play this guy from sgab, and he was dying against the com in stage 1 (coz being worse than me at stick and sucking at mb is not a good combi) so I played him to save him and conveniently won. This was followed by some stick practice with the awesome machine (it's bugis machine lol) and later I HAVE A CHALLENGER. who is bj0rn the animeblogger. wtf. who i somehow managed to win 5 games in a row. goddamnit vsion's overhead kick changed wtf. but half nanaya rigged at this level so it was succesful pwning crescent LOL.
After I finish I find XM has been looking for me (oops) so i went to find him and show him around a bit. XM's POV on his blog, which I can't remember the link but it's on jonny's so w/e. Whoops. I guess we were both kinda bored, nothing special on that day so I camped the AA machine and watched, until sera came along later and we then proceeded to camp the AA machine and watch some more. awesome.
basically, AFA day 2 was.. do nothing until all the events were over and then start camping the stage for May'n. Because what was happening was that 1) the audience was a lot bigger than Aniki's (sad eh?) and 2) the barriers were further back. In effect, when me and sera got there and went to the front of the queue, that was where the barriers would eventually be. Thus we were unable to get out and this forced poor dneo and xm to not be able to be at the front because dneo is a latefag np.
Aside from this unfortunate incident and afterwards having to stand there for 2 hours and in the process getting paint on my shirt from the barriers (fuck you barriers), our patience was finally rewarded with the appearance of May'n (not gonna talk about the shitty warmup band, ok they arent THAT shitty but meh, ok kudos for trying i guess)
Ok firstly May'n is cute as hell D: setlist can be found everywhere and it's not particularly important. However, when she sang Yousei (surprised me) that version sounded a lot better than the album one, because I think it was a ...remixed one. Or it sounded like one. Anyway all the songs were great, with me and sera going Y NO LIGHTSTICK, FUG. May'n is really much better live than on recording, because her voice is really powerful and on CD you can't really appreciate the emotion and all. So yeah, obviously everyone thought Diamond Crevasse was even more awesome coz of this effect =D And during the last song, Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't Be Late, me and sera decided screw it, why not just be hyped even though no lightstick and fistpumped during the MOTTEKE and TONDEKE ^__^ lolol follow the lead of the May'n fan from Japan who taught the diamond pass people what to do when they were playing recorded versions before she appeared. The audience was a bit more sian than Aniki's concert, but I guess that's expected. ah well. being in the non-vip section and seeing the back of the $68 people all just stoning sucked though, I deserve that spot more than those fags who buy just to say they bought! D: wtf.
So yeah, AFA day 2. Only for the concert, more or less. but that was worth it! I think I already said my thoughts on the whole thing in the first day post, and my opinion's nothing new, so yeah. Just hoping next year they'll improve on this and we can see JAM project =D
scroll down for double post
The figurine displays.
anyway, on to the post.
Special double post! Since I'm up at 5am after cleaning up my room and all =D
So, here's a crappy and really horribly late report on AFA day 2 for fags who didn't go and some random guy who was hiking or something .
After the epic concert the previous night, and the lack of anything really awesome to do at AFA, many people decided to not go early on the second day. As noted by juen: "wtf you going there for, cosplay mania??" Therefore sera and dneo decided letz go late lol
Thus it was up to me to arrive early to CAMP FOR FIGMAS. Which I did. Arriving at slightly after 9, it was shocking to find NO ONE LOL. No queue at all compared to Saturday's longasfuck queue. This was good. Thus at 10am I was first in line at the door and READY TO CHIONG. This plan happened to be a success as I got figma Fate and Nanoha within 5 mins of rushing in fuck yes niggas.
After this there was.. nothing much to do besides wait for XM to arrive at 10+, since Dneo decided not to come after inviting him. Pangsehhhh so I went to the MBAA machine to play this guy from sgab, and he was dying against the com in stage 1 (coz being worse than me at stick and sucking at mb is not a good combi) so I played him to save him and conveniently won. This was followed by some stick practice with the awesome machine (it's bugis machine lol) and later I HAVE A CHALLENGER. who is bj0rn the animeblogger. wtf. who i somehow managed to win 5 games in a row. goddamnit vsion's overhead kick changed wtf. but half nanaya rigged at this level so it was succesful pwning crescent LOL.
After I finish I find XM has been looking for me (oops) so i went to find him and show him around a bit. XM's POV on his blog, which I can't remember the link but it's on jonny's so w/e. Whoops. I guess we were both kinda bored, nothing special on that day so I camped the AA machine and watched, until sera came along later and we then proceeded to camp the AA machine and watch some more. awesome.
basically, AFA day 2 was.. do nothing until all the events were over and then start camping the stage for May'n. Because what was happening was that 1) the audience was a lot bigger than Aniki's (sad eh?) and 2) the barriers were further back. In effect, when me and sera got there and went to the front of the queue, that was where the barriers would eventually be. Thus we were unable to get out and this forced poor dneo and xm to not be able to be at the front because dneo is a latefag np.
Aside from this unfortunate incident and afterwards having to stand there for 2 hours and in the process getting paint on my shirt from the barriers (fuck you barriers), our patience was finally rewarded with the appearance of May'n (not gonna talk about the shitty warmup band, ok they arent THAT shitty but meh, ok kudos for trying i guess)
Ok firstly May'n is cute as hell D: setlist can be found everywhere and it's not particularly important. However, when she sang Yousei (surprised me) that version sounded a lot better than the album one, because I think it was a ...remixed one. Or it sounded like one. Anyway all the songs were great, with me and sera going Y NO LIGHTSTICK, FUG. May'n is really much better live than on recording, because her voice is really powerful and on CD you can't really appreciate the emotion and all. So yeah, obviously everyone thought Diamond Crevasse was even more awesome coz of this effect =D And during the last song, Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't Be Late, me and sera decided screw it, why not just be hyped even though no lightstick and fistpumped during the MOTTEKE and TONDEKE ^__^ lolol follow the lead of the May'n fan from Japan who taught the diamond pass people what to do when they were playing recorded versions before she appeared. The audience was a bit more sian than Aniki's concert, but I guess that's expected. ah well. being in the non-vip section and seeing the back of the $68 people all just stoning sucked though, I deserve that spot more than those fags who buy just to say they bought! D: wtf.
So yeah, AFA day 2. Only for the concert, more or less. but that was worth it! I think I already said my thoughts on the whole thing in the first day post, and my opinion's nothing new, so yeah. Just hoping next year they'll improve on this and we can see JAM project =D
scroll down for double post
room redecoration
sent a pic of them to sz hopefully he will buy off me =D
i dunno wtf what is wrong with the camera, its really like the focusing is broke or something )): oh well
Shifted the haruhi posters to the other cupboard, put up the really? really! wallscroll (or... cupboard scroll now) and shifted rei poster here.


i think i'll have to rearrange my bookshelf lol, shift stuff to the next shelf and etc etc. i bet this collection is small compared to cleon or herrick's tho D:
the ayumi poster is still around (lol 3d) but i didn't take a pic of it. LOLOL HI IM REITA CHAN
sent a pic of them to sz hopefully he will buy off me =D
i dunno wtf what is wrong with the camera, its really like the focusing is broke or something )): oh well
i think i'll have to rearrange my bookshelf lol, shift stuff to the next shelf and etc etc. i bet this collection is small compared to cleon or herrick's tho D:
the ayumi poster is still around (lol 3d) but i didn't take a pic of it. LOLOL HI IM REITA CHAN
Thursday, November 27, 2008
seiyuu awards what's good
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
AFA 08
Well, AFA 08 is finally over, and I must say I had a really great time there. This post isn't going to be a picture filled review seeing as 1) I only took a few random pics 2) my camera fails 3) I didn't go around that much seeing as I am very newfag at animu. Therefore, what will follow will be pretty much my limited view of the stuff which was there, and my thoughts on it. Actually, a lot of this will be "WHAT I DID AT AFA" for the benefit of herrick who is afk hiking.
To start off chronologically, the day started with me being later than Dneo (-_-;;) which was a bad start. Arrived at City Hall at ~9.10 to meet up with luminodrake and Carillus my SWR BFFs (I told them you were very sad about being in sabah herrick) who are taller than me and pretty cool people, because they got custom made Touhou shirts to wear for that day. Carillus is a bit like Marcus Ting haha. Dneo did not get to make friends at this juncture because he does not play SWR and thus I ended up doing most of the talking.
Got to Suntec and LONG QUEUE IS LONG. Got directed by the securitydude to the WRONG QUEUE and thus wasted an hour in the wrong one, where serados/junwei joined us, letting Dneo have someone to talk to. Screamed overly loudly (ie HAHA WHATTHEFUCK) at a fail Ranka carrot cosplay that walked past and was shushed.
Afterwards, got in the CORRECT QUEUE with the aid of lumin and was thus able to enter at 10+. What joy. Met up with Dhuran and his friend Colin who helped me to buy my LBEX pencilboards, which I shall provide pix of for fun.

Yes, I know the pic is fail quality. Something's wrong with my autofocus. Against a backdrop of History EE material.
Carillus attempted to get pencilboards and failed miserably because the KKnM queue was LONGASFUCK and they were all sold out. Rofl.
The first part of the first day was pretty much nothing interesting, walking around finding people I knew online to talk to (from sgab mostly) and amazing Dneo with my many internet connections. Basically, much time was spent at the MBAA machine watching Dneo noob around with Hisui. Gratz, rubbish throwing is now top tier.
Nothing much else was done, besides walking around and chatting with different groups of people. Small review of the booths here:
Gundam Display - Some pretty awesome stuff there as they were competitive entries, I guess for good pictures probably find other animebloggers or I'll try uling some of the fail stuff I took sometime.
Toy n Toys Figurine Display - The more well know names i.e. GSC, Maxfac, Alter, SquareEnix. A lot of nice figurines to admire, especially the set of Figmas =D
Chuangyi booth - Only took a quick glance, but seemed to have a pretty nice selection
Gaiaonline - FUCK THAT SHIT
Manga Kissaten - A bit weird to have such a place in a convention, didn't seem to have much business. D:
NUS Anime Club Booth - Graphite entries and some other artwork featured here. Plenty of great artwork here, as well as more white paper for graffiti.
CDS Booth - I didn't preorder the SW/Nanoha stuff, but am sorely tempted to for EOY. However along with the NUS booth had some nice stuff featured, beside it was some yaoi doujin booth or something lolwut
IFS Booth - AMAZING art. Even though I don't know much about them except that they designed some of the DotA loading screens, the few pictures there were seriously awesome.
Odex booth - featuring Shitna, Torafaila, Code Trainwreck, Shit Beat, and Casshern Sins. And selling Domo kun stuff (wtf?) well, at least they tried.
Studio 4(deg)C - Studio behind DMC. Koji Morimoto was having a autograph session there. Juen bought one of their books to be signed. Although sadly I know way too little about such a legendary group of animators, I must say it was pretty cool to see Morimoto-sensei there. He doesn't look at all like someone who would be behind DMC, lol. And by all reports he's quite an awesome dude (besides doing DMC) I'll probably go read up more on them in future, it is quite newfaggy to not know about them. Now I feel ashamed for not knowing them, sigh.
[Small edit: something fucked up in my original post resulting in the first half being cut off. and i can't remember what i wrote exactly. zzz fuckyoublogger nevermind no one saw it anyway so i'll just try to rewrite]
The highlight of AFA has to be Ichirou Mizuki (better known as Aniki)'s concert. Like Studio 4degC, I didn't know of him before AFA, so I guess one of the good things about AFA will be introducing me to his work and songs. However, Cleon/Herrick/Sera told me about him so I went to the concert with at least a bit of knowledge. And he blew away all expectations I had. Every song was filled with GAR, and his aura of manliness was palpable. After listening to the recorded ones on Youtube, I think he sounds even better live. There's no real need for a setlist, except that it was mostly his more well known songs such as Captain Harlock and Mazinger Z OP. He does know how to work the crowd as well, as expected of someone with 40 years of anison behind him. The atmosphere was great with people hyped up and singing along Mazin GO Mazingerrrrr ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Besides being a great singer and performer, he struck me as someone who did not let all of it get to his head, as he did so because of his passion. He interacted with the audience quite a lot, and always had a witty quip ready. Truly it's been my privilege to see Aniki perform up close, and I must say it's something I won't easily forget. If he somehow comes to SG again (with JAM project hopefully) I'll definitely want to pick up a VIP pass or something again, because he is fucking awesome.
Towards the end he came down into the VIP area and started circling the area, brushing the hands of the fans. As he came close to where we were, I was blocked by the 2 girls from pushing forward against the fence, and thus I fail. ): However, sera got to touch KAMI NO TE and thus is now filled with manly spirit.
The night ended off with an encore and the autograph session. I was sorely tempted to just jump the barrier and scream ANIKI but I decided even though he might think it was GAR the security probably wouldn't. On a post-concert high, Sera and I checked the Toy n Toys booth and found that Revoltech Yotsuba and Mass Production Eva were on sale, much to our delight and thus there went 30 bucks each.
In summary, AFA isn't really that great of a convention though. Prices jacked up (1 buck for 1 game of MBAA) and a bit of organizational failure. However, the concert made up for everything and I think while it does have its faults, being the first time such a convention is organised here, it will continue to improve. I did enjoy myself thoroughly though, since I had people to talk to and stuff to buy. It's just that I realise the rest of the people, who are less hardcore, will probably find less stuff interesting there.
On the subject of Aniki, here's a link to an interview which he did: http://naka-dashi.org/index.php/2008/11/interview-with-ichirou-mizuki/#more-1360
He's truly someone I have gained respect and admiration for after AFA.
Day 2 post soon.
To start off chronologically, the day started with me being later than Dneo (-_-;;) which was a bad start. Arrived at City Hall at ~9.10 to meet up with luminodrake and Carillus my SWR BFFs (I told them you were very sad about being in sabah herrick) who are taller than me and pretty cool people, because they got custom made Touhou shirts to wear for that day. Carillus is a bit like Marcus Ting haha. Dneo did not get to make friends at this juncture because he does not play SWR and thus I ended up doing most of the talking.
Got to Suntec and LONG QUEUE IS LONG. Got directed by the securitydude to the WRONG QUEUE and thus wasted an hour in the wrong one, where serados/junwei joined us, letting Dneo have someone to talk to. Screamed overly loudly (ie HAHA WHATTHEFUCK) at a fail Ranka carrot cosplay that walked past and was shushed.
Afterwards, got in the CORRECT QUEUE with the aid of lumin and was thus able to enter at 10+. What joy. Met up with Dhuran and his friend Colin who helped me to buy my LBEX pencilboards, which I shall provide pix of for fun.
Yes, I know the pic is fail quality. Something's wrong with my autofocus. Against a backdrop of History EE material.
Carillus attempted to get pencilboards and failed miserably because the KKnM queue was LONGASFUCK and they were all sold out. Rofl.
The first part of the first day was pretty much nothing interesting, walking around finding people I knew online to talk to (from sgab mostly) and amazing Dneo with my many internet connections. Basically, much time was spent at the MBAA machine watching Dneo noob around with Hisui. Gratz, rubbish throwing is now top tier.
Nothing much else was done, besides walking around and chatting with different groups of people. Small review of the booths here:
Gundam Display - Some pretty awesome stuff there as they were competitive entries, I guess for good pictures probably find other animebloggers or I'll try uling some of the fail stuff I took sometime.
Toy n Toys Figurine Display - The more well know names i.e. GSC, Maxfac, Alter, SquareEnix. A lot of nice figurines to admire, especially the set of Figmas =D
Chuangyi booth - Only took a quick glance, but seemed to have a pretty nice selection
Gaiaonline - FUCK THAT SHIT
Manga Kissaten - A bit weird to have such a place in a convention, didn't seem to have much business. D:
NUS Anime Club Booth - Graphite entries and some other artwork featured here. Plenty of great artwork here, as well as more white paper for graffiti.
CDS Booth - I didn't preorder the SW/Nanoha stuff, but am sorely tempted to for EOY. However along with the NUS booth had some nice stuff featured, beside it was some yaoi doujin booth or something lolwut
IFS Booth - AMAZING art. Even though I don't know much about them except that they designed some of the DotA loading screens, the few pictures there were seriously awesome.
Odex booth - featuring Shitna, Torafaila, Code Trainwreck, Shit Beat, and Casshern Sins. And selling Domo kun stuff (wtf?) well, at least they tried.
Studio 4(deg)C - Studio behind DMC. Koji Morimoto was having a autograph session there. Juen bought one of their books to be signed. Although sadly I know way too little about such a legendary group of animators, I must say it was pretty cool to see Morimoto-sensei there. He doesn't look at all like someone who would be behind DMC, lol. And by all reports he's quite an awesome dude (besides doing DMC) I'll probably go read up more on them in future, it is quite newfaggy to not know about them. Now I feel ashamed for not knowing them, sigh.
[Small edit: something fucked up in my original post resulting in the first half being cut off. and i can't remember what i wrote exactly. zzz fuckyoublogger nevermind no one saw it anyway so i'll just try to rewrite]
The highlight of AFA has to be Ichirou Mizuki (better known as Aniki)'s concert. Like Studio 4degC, I didn't know of him before AFA, so I guess one of the good things about AFA will be introducing me to his work and songs. However, Cleon/Herrick/Sera told me about him so I went to the concert with at least a bit of knowledge. And he blew away all expectations I had. Every song was filled with GAR, and his aura of manliness was palpable. After listening to the recorded ones on Youtube, I think he sounds even better live. There's no real need for a setlist, except that it was mostly his more well known songs such as Captain Harlock and Mazinger Z OP. He does know how to work the crowd as well, as expected of someone with 40 years of anison behind him. The atmosphere was great with people hyped up and singing along Mazin GO Mazingerrrrr ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Besides being a great singer and performer, he struck me as someone who did not let all of it get to his head, as he did so because of his passion. He interacted with the audience quite a lot, and always had a witty quip ready. Truly it's been my privilege to see Aniki perform up close, and I must say it's something I won't easily forget. If he somehow comes to SG again (with JAM project hopefully) I'll definitely want to pick up a VIP pass or something again, because he is fucking awesome.
Towards the end he came down into the VIP area and started circling the area, brushing the hands of the fans. As he came close to where we were, I was blocked by the 2 girls from pushing forward against the fence, and thus I fail. ): However, sera got to touch KAMI NO TE and thus is now filled with manly spirit.
The night ended off with an encore and the autograph session. I was sorely tempted to just jump the barrier and scream ANIKI but I decided even though he might think it was GAR the security probably wouldn't. On a post-concert high, Sera and I checked the Toy n Toys booth and found that Revoltech Yotsuba and Mass Production Eva were on sale, much to our delight and thus there went 30 bucks each.
In summary, AFA isn't really that great of a convention though. Prices jacked up (1 buck for 1 game of MBAA) and a bit of organizational failure. However, the concert made up for everything and I think while it does have its faults, being the first time such a convention is organised here, it will continue to improve. I did enjoy myself thoroughly though, since I had people to talk to and stuff to buy. It's just that I realise the rest of the people, who are less hardcore, will probably find less stuff interesting there.
On the subject of Aniki, here's a link to an interview which he did: http://naka-dashi.org/index.php/2008/11/interview-with-ichirou-mizuki/#more-1360
He's truly someone I have gained respect and admiration for after AFA.
Day 2 post soon.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Dear Darrell,
I have found multiple errors in your post. Please award me multiple lolis for my efforts. Btw, IMM is at Jurong East.
1) Quest to find boku <-- Boku not capitalised 2) we ate subway there <-- See above. 3) First floor consists of mainly food <-- You mean shops that sell food right 4) Then, as all nice stuff are at the higher floors, I went straight to the third floor. It consisted of warehouses, and offices, and more warehouses, and a few more offices, <-- Is this supposed to be irony 5) thussofar <-- is not a word 6) amassed <-- Can't amass stores maybe you mean amass visits 7) chio/moe/pretty bleach/naruto/onepiece characters <-- biggest mistake 8) I assume the boosters set number aren't wrong or something 9) 地獄少女 is the kanji btw. If you can't tell it's di4 yu4 lol 10) Bara-smthsmth <-- Barasuishou (no I did not google that) 11) Assuming Allen Walker thing is correct 12) The tag in your post is wrong, how can it be daily when it's... not >_>
Plz give me lolis. Kthnx. Btw it's not really wrong but you were watching Macross to get ready for AFA and you can't watch it because of AFA so that's some fail there but whatever.
O god May'n is cute =D
Troll post of the day brought to you by cherilyn.
val____ says: (10:27:31 PM)
im going nz u want anything
諫山 黄泉 // YAY 500 WORDS OF EE WRITTEN >____> 3500 MORE TO GO says: (10:27:37 PM)
a sheep
I have found multiple errors in your post. Please award me multiple lolis for my efforts. Btw, IMM is at Jurong East.
1) Quest to find boku <-- Boku not capitalised 2) we ate subway there <-- See above. 3) First floor consists of mainly food <-- You mean shops that sell food right 4) Then, as all nice stuff are at the higher floors, I went straight to the third floor. It consisted of warehouses, and offices, and more warehouses, and a few more offices, <-- Is this supposed to be irony 5) thussofar <-- is not a word 6) amassed <-- Can't amass stores maybe you mean amass visits 7) chio/moe/pretty bleach/naruto/onepiece characters <-- biggest mistake 8) I assume the boosters set number aren't wrong or something 9) 地獄少女 is the kanji btw. If you can't tell it's di4 yu4 lol 10) Bara-smthsmth <-- Barasuishou (no I did not google that) 11) Assuming Allen Walker thing is correct 12) The tag in your post is wrong, how can it be daily when it's... not >_>
Plz give me lolis. Kthnx. Btw it's not really wrong but you were watching Macross to get ready for AFA and you can't watch it because of AFA so that's some fail there but whatever.
O god May'n is cute =D
Troll post of the day brought to you by cherilyn.
val____ says: (10:27:31 PM)
im going nz u want anything
諫山 黄泉 // YAY 500 WORDS OF EE WRITTEN >____> 3500 MORE TO GO says: (10:27:37 PM)
a sheep
Quest to find boku
I'm bored, so once again I shall post random stuff.
Today, or rather yesterday, since it is past 12am, I accompanied my family to IMM for dinner. In case you are wondering where IMM is, I have no freaking idea myself, cause I was dozing off during the car ride there. Ya, so I slept, then awoke to find myself at a mall called IMM. Dinner was first, and we ate subway there. Yum. Then I got to wander off by myself, while my mum and sis went to look at stuff that mothers and daughters see together, while sons wander off by themselves. First floor consists of mainly food, and err randomly mall-ish stores. Oh, and a giant Giant super/hyper-mart. Then, as all nice stuff are at the higher floors, I went straight to the third floor. It consisted of warehouses, and offices, and more warehouses, and a few more offices, and... ya you get my point. So I went back down to the second floor, and checked the level directory. The most interesting store was Comics Connection, so yay I went there. This is all part of my elaborate plan to visit every single comics connection in Singapore, so thussofar I have amassed 5 stores + 2 ones which I vaguely remember + a few random ones which I forgot. The 5 are:
1. Plaza Singapura
2. Bedok Interchange (bet no one knew about this ulu store)
3. Bishan Junction 8
4. Sengkang Compass something (went on tues lol, on my explore-the-north-east trip)
5. IMM
The two vague ones are... some third floor jurong thingyplace and some woodlands thingyplace. Yep.
Okay so back to the title of this post, I was well on my way in my Quest to find boku.
Oh ya, forgot to mention, on tuesday, at senkang comics con, I found metallic handphone stickers going at $3 apiece. YAY. Looked through 3 stacks of them, prolly around 170-200 total, and my catch was Saber + Rin, Suigintou + Shinku, C.C. + Kallen, and some random chio/moe/pretty bleach/naruto/onepiece characters. So I bought one, and it was...... Shinku. It goes well with the poster on my bedroom, or rather my bedroom which I use for 1/7 of the week. Yep lol. It's so shiny. Shiiinnnyyyyy.
Okay back to the title once again. The IMM comics con had 3 of 7 types of WoW boosters, tdp, sotb, and hfi. O_O That's weird, sets 2, 5 and 6. Lol so fast set 7 (Drums) ran out. But that's besides the point. I found MORE metallic stickers! YAY. This time, they were hanging on those metal stick-out-thingies. 5 rows of them. I repeat, 5 rows of them. Each row having around 75 stickers, that amounts to 375 in total. Woot. So I started browsing through everything. Stuff that I found, in order of what I found first:
1. Lots of random Death Note, One piece, Bleach, Naruto, Inuyasha (O_O), Hell girl (O_O, the 4 words/kanji symbol lol), Slam Dunk, Getbackers, Gintama stuff
2. I found Suigintou (again), then I found Bara-smthsmth (the spoiler 7th doll) on the first row (from the right)
3. On the second row, I found SHANA looking quite tsun and loli and melon-pan-ish, but on closer inspection it wasn't coloured properly =(
4. Near the back of the second row I found Allen Walker with the golden snitch thingy (SHIT FORGOT HIS NAME, lemme think, think think think think, errr, no I'm not cheating and googling, Timcampy, YESSSS thats right), with Mr. Walker looking quite young but not that shota-ish, not that I go for such stuff, but the Fat Yaoi Fangirls that were also in the store might.
5. At the back of the second row I found what I was looking for, Lenalee Leeeeee. And the version with the long hair. Woot.
6. 3rd row was abit meh. Moar Saber and Rin but that's about it.
7. 4th row was quite sucky too, I think there was a Shinku or two on this row. Oh, and a shit-forgot-his-name-too, the D.gray-man sword dude. Who looks wayy too much like Alto-hime. That reminds me, I have 22 more epis of Macross F to watch before this weekend. And I'm going out tmr/today, GG.
8. 5th row had a Lavi (his voice actor sounds quite funky). And I found Kanaria and Hinaichigo. Oh, and that reminds me, I found a desu on the 4th and 1st rows. Okay, so now the rozen maiden count is: Suiggy's there, Kanaria's there, desu's there, WHERE'S THE BOKU, Shinku's there, Strawberry's there, and Spoiler's there.
9. And scrolling through the rest of the 5th row, with my confidence and hope waning by each passing non-boku sticker, I reached the 6th last sticker. AND I FOUND A BOKU. Mission Success! That's the 369th sticker out of 375 stickers. What are the chances lol.
Yep, and in the end I also bought 1 more sticker, and am frantically finding space on my phone to put the new sticker. Guess what it is? Nope it's not the boku, s/he'll fight with my Shinku when I'm not looking. Yepp it's the lenaleeeeeeeeee. I wanted the shana too, but it was sucky. Nvm there's always Plaza Sing comics con. Okay that's all folks. Lol off I go to find space on my hp casing.
Oh btw, err free hugs or a loli (pick one, only one) to whoever who can spot the math error in this post.
Today, or rather yesterday, since it is past 12am, I accompanied my family to IMM for dinner. In case you are wondering where IMM is, I have no freaking idea myself, cause I was dozing off during the car ride there. Ya, so I slept, then awoke to find myself at a mall called IMM. Dinner was first, and we ate subway there. Yum. Then I got to wander off by myself, while my mum and sis went to look at stuff that mothers and daughters see together, while sons wander off by themselves. First floor consists of mainly food, and err randomly mall-ish stores. Oh, and a giant Giant super/hyper-mart. Then, as all nice stuff are at the higher floors, I went straight to the third floor. It consisted of warehouses, and offices, and more warehouses, and a few more offices, and... ya you get my point. So I went back down to the second floor, and checked the level directory. The most interesting store was Comics Connection, so yay I went there. This is all part of my elaborate plan to visit every single comics connection in Singapore, so thussofar I have amassed 5 stores + 2 ones which I vaguely remember + a few random ones which I forgot. The 5 are:
1. Plaza Singapura
2. Bedok Interchange (bet no one knew about this ulu store)
3. Bishan Junction 8
4. Sengkang Compass something (went on tues lol, on my explore-the-north-east trip)
5. IMM
The two vague ones are... some third floor jurong thingyplace and some woodlands thingyplace. Yep.
Okay so back to the title of this post, I was well on my way in my Quest to find boku.
Oh ya, forgot to mention, on tuesday, at senkang comics con, I found metallic handphone stickers going at $3 apiece. YAY. Looked through 3 stacks of them, prolly around 170-200 total, and my catch was Saber + Rin, Suigintou + Shinku, C.C. + Kallen, and some random chio/moe/pretty bleach/naruto/onepiece characters. So I bought one, and it was...... Shinku. It goes well with the poster on my bedroom, or rather my bedroom which I use for 1/7 of the week. Yep lol. It's so shiny. Shiiinnnyyyyy.
Okay back to the title once again. The IMM comics con had 3 of 7 types of WoW boosters, tdp, sotb, and hfi. O_O That's weird, sets 2, 5 and 6. Lol so fast set 7 (Drums) ran out. But that's besides the point. I found MORE metallic stickers! YAY. This time, they were hanging on those metal stick-out-thingies. 5 rows of them. I repeat, 5 rows of them. Each row having around 75 stickers, that amounts to 375 in total. Woot. So I started browsing through everything. Stuff that I found, in order of what I found first:
1. Lots of random Death Note, One piece, Bleach, Naruto, Inuyasha (O_O), Hell girl (O_O, the 4 words/kanji symbol lol), Slam Dunk, Getbackers, Gintama stuff
2. I found Suigintou (again), then I found Bara-smthsmth (the spoiler 7th doll) on the first row (from the right)
3. On the second row, I found SHANA looking quite tsun and loli and melon-pan-ish, but on closer inspection it wasn't coloured properly =(
4. Near the back of the second row I found Allen Walker with the golden snitch thingy (SHIT FORGOT HIS NAME, lemme think, think think think think, errr, no I'm not cheating and googling, Timcampy, YESSSS thats right), with Mr. Walker looking quite young but not that shota-ish, not that I go for such stuff, but the Fat Yaoi Fangirls that were also in the store might.
5. At the back of the second row I found what I was looking for, Lenalee Leeeeee. And the version with the long hair. Woot.
6. 3rd row was abit meh. Moar Saber and Rin but that's about it.
7. 4th row was quite sucky too, I think there was a Shinku or two on this row. Oh, and a shit-forgot-his-name-too, the D.gray-man sword dude. Who looks wayy too much like Alto-hime. That reminds me, I have 22 more epis of Macross F to watch before this weekend. And I'm going out tmr/today, GG.
8. 5th row had a Lavi (his voice actor sounds quite funky). And I found Kanaria and Hinaichigo. Oh, and that reminds me, I found a desu on the 4th and 1st rows. Okay, so now the rozen maiden count is: Suiggy's there, Kanaria's there, desu's there, WHERE'S THE BOKU, Shinku's there, Strawberry's there, and Spoiler's there.
9. And scrolling through the rest of the 5th row, with my confidence and hope waning by each passing non-boku sticker, I reached the 6th last sticker. AND I FOUND A BOKU. Mission Success! That's the 369th sticker out of 375 stickers. What are the chances lol.
Yep, and in the end I also bought 1 more sticker, and am frantically finding space on my phone to put the new sticker. Guess what it is? Nope it's not the boku, s/he'll fight with my Shinku when I'm not looking. Yepp it's the lenaleeeeeeeeee. I wanted the shana too, but it was sucky. Nvm there's always Plaza Sing comics con. Okay that's all folks. Lol off I go to find space on my hp casing.
Oh btw, err free hugs or a loli (pick one, only one) to whoever who can spot the math error in this post.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Yay holidays. And that marks the end of year 5 or IB year 1. Yay. Okay i was thinking of writing some long reflective post about the year, but screw it, if you want to read those go read other blogs.
Question: What's red and green and goes around and around in circles? (and gets redder)
Answer: Frog in a blender.
Or a loli swinging a green lolly/ice cream that is actually red in the sun (answer vaguely similar to JY's (guest poster aka. cherilyn) answer)
Or a parrot nailed onto the end of a spinning stick (don't ask me why or how Mark thought of this).
Or a radioactive bleeding hamster (Thanks to herrick for this, it's actually quite a good answer)
Okay back to business, Why have I not been updating? WHY? Err, dunno, lazy i guess, or maybe just because. O wells. Sorry.
K next thing: In the face of an economic downturn, worldwide recession, high inflation, high rice prices and high fuel prices, there is still a stall in Bedok who sells yong tau foo at $1.50 for a bowl. Can you believe it? Even school food which is meant to cater to poor students costs at least $2 for a decent meal. It's $1.50 for 7 pieces of random items plus noodles... and sauce. And chilli sauce if you like. Which I do. So I bought one packet today. Then after bringing it home and leaving it in the kitchen till dinnertime, I went to eat it. My mum koped some of my food, so I had half a bowl of yong tau foo left. Then when I was eating it, I was counting the items, and I counted only 6. On closer inspection, I realise my meatball was gone. WHERE DID IT GO? I asked my mum, no she did not eat my meatball. Then my dad confessed that he ate my meatball :'( There goes my meatball. Yesterday, my mum said she was at the bak chor mee stall, so I asked her to buy food back, so when I went home I was expecting meatballs, but she did not buy any back for me =( Dammit I want my meatball. Q_Q
Okay on to other matters. Let's see what my guest poster has been posting... Oh Ya! Machine Girl! Okay, here's an advice to my legions of fans who read this blog: Go and watch Machine Girl (2008). You can download it, or ask to get it from me, or stream it or smth. Before November 5 you could have asked Herrick, but ever since we watched it at his house he has deleted it and has promised to never touch it again. That's a testament to how good it is. It is sooo bad it is good.
I'm bored, what should I write about? Okay I shall give real life situations and you tell me what each person should have done. I was taking the bus home one day a long time ago, then on a stop this lady carrying a fat slinging bag and 2 handcarry fat bags decided to board the bus. She told the driver that she was only taking one stop, and asked if she must pay. The driver said no you. So she went down, not before scolding the bus driver and telling him off for being unkind. On another day, I saw this lady again, and she managed to succeed taking a stop without paying, because that driver was a niceguy. So guys, what should you have done in this situation if you were the bus driver?
Oh ya, and on the train one day two to three weeks ago, I saw a public quarrel. It was frankly quite hilarious, and thinking about it makes me laugh. Okay here's the situation: Group 1 consists of a guy and four girls, all young adults. Let's call the guy G, because well, he's gay. Now you would be thinking, a guy having four girls by his side could not possibly be gay, well by gay I mean those effeminate girly guys. Hrmm, who to use as an analogy, okay guys, think of gurren lagann, now think of the gay technician dude, I mean gay technician girly dude, yea that one, that's him alright. Okay, so now that G is well introduced, let's move on. Girl number 1 would hereby be refered to as B, for reasons yet unsaid. Girl number 2 would be E, and Girl number 3 would be X, well, because they are extras in this play. Girl number 4 would be L, cause she's a leaver. Okay so I boarded the train at bugis, lalala, minding my own business. At Lavender or Aljunied Group 1, aka persons G B E X L came in and stood at the center. Then they proceeded to talk fairly loudly in the train. Note that as always, I'm a totally unbiased, and very very objective person when recounting this incident. I was busy reading my book (reader's digest), but they were slightly distracting. Not that I minded alot, cause it was kinda entertaining. From their conversation, I could make out that they just watched Mamma Mia the movie, and were highly inspired by the movie and songs. So girly G and his gang of girly girls proceeded to sing their own renditions of ABBA's songs, which was not bad to say the least. And the conversation proceeded to random songs and stuff, and I could remember one of the girls saying "I know a song!... (insert dramatic pause)... "I'm popeye the sailor mannn...."" at which the group followed along for a very short while, before bursting into laughter. Haha, okay so they are abit childish. Okay so I had to endure this till Kembagan, which was around 5 stops. At Kembagan, someone got up from the seat, the two seater seat beside the train connector, so I koped the seat. Found item: Seat. Oh ya I forgot, before Kembagan, at Eunos, little miss L left the group. Leaver!. But ya, not before giving hugs and kisses all round. All round the group only though, I didnt get a hug nor any kisses =( oh, and G said "Bye, darling..." in the most girly man sort of way you can think of. Ya, back to the story. At Kembagan, Group 2 appeared! Group 2 consists of a guy who shall be refered to as SG for his awesome remark of "So gay", and SG's friend who was mostly silent except for his awesome remark of "Shut up, Bitch", so now he's SuB. So at Kembagan, SG and SuB were leaving the train, and at the train door, SG played the part of an irate commutor who had his 10 minutes of peace disturbed by "Mamamia, here we go again, my my, how could I resist you..." and "I'm Popeye the sailor mannnn....." and told Group 1 off for making alot of noise. This story shall now turn into conversation mode: (note that because of non-perfect memorization ability, the following statements are written to give a gist of the event, and are not word for word correct) [Oh, and my thoughts shall be written in these]
SG (with one foot out of the door, speaks politely): "Hey guys, could you please keep it down, you're are disturbing everyone here." [Wah nice one lah, go you for speaking up for everyone else]
Group 1 is taken aback, they are shocked, flabbergasted by the nerve of SG to make such an aweful remark. They must defend themselves, take up arms against these intruders of their private space.
B (who happens to be closest to the door and to SG and SuB): "Who are you to make such comments? We can do what we like." [spoilt brat]
SG (still polite, in fact, he is calm and polite throughout the quarrel): "I am just speaking for everyone, could you please keep it down?"
Everyone else from Group 1 rallies behind their brave comrade.
Random person from Group 1: "No we shall not keep it down"
Mrt Announcer: "Doors are closing, di di di di di"
B (hautily): "Doors closing already, go away"
As the doors attempt to close and prevent the fateful quarrel, SG makes an important decision, he steps back into the train, and his friend SuB follows. Group 1 is shocked at the amount of committment Group 2 have. [+1 to Group 2, score now is 0:1]
B (pre-emptive strike): "Now, who are you to say such things? You and your friend were just standing there (points at the train connector) the whole time, and as you walk past you have the cheek to say "So gay" at my friend. You have NO RIGHT to say such things about my friend" [wah, I didnt hear the "so gay" phrase, but well, it's true what... he IS gay]
SG: "Wah, your friend can not stand up for himself ar?" [lol, good one there. +1 to group 2, score is 0:2]
At this point, G finally says something in his own defense, but because it is too insignificant, I forgot what he said.
SG: "Now people, let's not be childish here, all I'm asking is for you people to be quieter during the train ride" [that's quite reasonable of him, what a reasonable request]
B: "This is a public area, we can do what we want" [what flawless logic]
E or X: "Look who's being childish" [I'm looking all right, and currently the only childish ppl are you guys in Group 1]
SG: "Exactly, it is a public area, that's why I'm asking you ppl to quieten down abit"
B says something sarcastic, and this causes E and X to burst out laughing. I dunno if G was laughing or not, but if he was, it was too girly so it blended in with E and X's laughter.
SG reiterates his main point, all the while maintaining his cool.
B was going to rebutt with her flawless logic, but...
SuB: "Shut up, Bitch" [YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. +999 to group 2, score is 0:1001]
Everyone is shocked! Including SG and especially little miss Bitch herself.
G (s/he speaks again! zomgz): "You have NO RIGHT to call my friend a bitch, I shall call the police" [appeal to authority moar, oh noes I scared of police, I'll give you 10 points for that 10:1001]
E or X: "Wallow, you can't go around calling my friend a bitch, why are you SO FUCKING RUDE?" [CONGRATS THERE, you managed to say the F word in public!, do you want a prize? Then again, you get 900 points for this... 910:1001]
SG (still calm O_O, this guy is awesome): "Calm down people"
G or E or X: "We want to know why/how he (referring to SuB) can say such stuff, and we demand an apology."
SG: "That has nothing to do with me, you can deal with my friend on that matter later, but all I'm asking is for you to quieten down" [Nice pang seh there, nice dodge, -11 points... 910:990]
And so the quarrel goes on, but 1 stop is up and Bedok here I come. If you analyse the situation properly, you realise that Group 1 has nothing to base their argument on except for the 'You can't call anyone of us gay or bitch' argument while Group 2 is just asking nicely, in fact, very nicely for them to be less of a public nuisance. Hrmm, who's side are you on?
Question: What's red and green and goes around and around in circles? (and gets redder)
Answer: Frog in a blender.
Or a loli swinging a green lolly/ice cream that is actually red in the sun (answer vaguely similar to JY's (guest poster aka. cherilyn) answer)
Or a parrot nailed onto the end of a spinning stick (don't ask me why or how Mark thought of this).
Or a radioactive bleeding hamster (Thanks to herrick for this, it's actually quite a good answer)
Okay back to business, Why have I not been updating? WHY? Err, dunno, lazy i guess, or maybe just because. O wells. Sorry.
K next thing: In the face of an economic downturn, worldwide recession, high inflation, high rice prices and high fuel prices, there is still a stall in Bedok who sells yong tau foo at $1.50 for a bowl. Can you believe it? Even school food which is meant to cater to poor students costs at least $2 for a decent meal. It's $1.50 for 7 pieces of random items plus noodles... and sauce. And chilli sauce if you like. Which I do. So I bought one packet today. Then after bringing it home and leaving it in the kitchen till dinnertime, I went to eat it. My mum koped some of my food, so I had half a bowl of yong tau foo left. Then when I was eating it, I was counting the items, and I counted only 6. On closer inspection, I realise my meatball was gone. WHERE DID IT GO? I asked my mum, no she did not eat my meatball. Then my dad confessed that he ate my meatball :'( There goes my meatball. Yesterday, my mum said she was at the bak chor mee stall, so I asked her to buy food back, so when I went home I was expecting meatballs, but she did not buy any back for me =( Dammit I want my meatball. Q_Q
Okay on to other matters. Let's see what my guest poster has been posting... Oh Ya! Machine Girl! Okay, here's an advice to my legions of fans who read this blog: Go and watch Machine Girl (2008). You can download it, or ask to get it from me, or stream it or smth. Before November 5 you could have asked Herrick, but ever since we watched it at his house he has deleted it and has promised to never touch it again. That's a testament to how good it is. It is sooo bad it is good.
I'm bored, what should I write about? Okay I shall give real life situations and you tell me what each person should have done. I was taking the bus home one day a long time ago, then on a stop this lady carrying a fat slinging bag and 2 handcarry fat bags decided to board the bus. She told the driver that she was only taking one stop, and asked if she must pay. The driver said no you. So she went down, not before scolding the bus driver and telling him off for being unkind. On another day, I saw this lady again, and she managed to succeed taking a stop without paying, because that driver was a niceguy. So guys, what should you have done in this situation if you were the bus driver?
Oh ya, and on the train one day two to three weeks ago, I saw a public quarrel. It was frankly quite hilarious, and thinking about it makes me laugh. Okay here's the situation: Group 1 consists of a guy and four girls, all young adults. Let's call the guy G, because well, he's gay. Now you would be thinking, a guy having four girls by his side could not possibly be gay, well by gay I mean those effeminate girly guys. Hrmm, who to use as an analogy, okay guys, think of gurren lagann, now think of the gay technician dude, I mean gay technician girly dude, yea that one, that's him alright. Okay, so now that G is well introduced, let's move on. Girl number 1 would hereby be refered to as B, for reasons yet unsaid. Girl number 2 would be E, and Girl number 3 would be X, well, because they are extras in this play. Girl number 4 would be L, cause she's a leaver. Okay so I boarded the train at bugis, lalala, minding my own business. At Lavender or Aljunied Group 1, aka persons G B E X L came in and stood at the center. Then they proceeded to talk fairly loudly in the train. Note that as always, I'm a totally unbiased, and very very objective person when recounting this incident. I was busy reading my book (reader's digest), but they were slightly distracting. Not that I minded alot, cause it was kinda entertaining. From their conversation, I could make out that they just watched Mamma Mia the movie, and were highly inspired by the movie and songs. So girly G and his gang of girly girls proceeded to sing their own renditions of ABBA's songs, which was not bad to say the least. And the conversation proceeded to random songs and stuff, and I could remember one of the girls saying "I know a song!... (insert dramatic pause)... "I'm popeye the sailor mannn...."" at which the group followed along for a very short while, before bursting into laughter. Haha, okay so they are abit childish. Okay so I had to endure this till Kembagan, which was around 5 stops. At Kembagan, someone got up from the seat, the two seater seat beside the train connector, so I koped the seat. Found item: Seat. Oh ya I forgot, before Kembagan, at Eunos, little miss L left the group. Leaver!. But ya, not before giving hugs and kisses all round. All round the group only though, I didnt get a hug nor any kisses =( oh, and G said "Bye, darling..." in the most girly man sort of way you can think of. Ya, back to the story. At Kembagan, Group 2 appeared! Group 2 consists of a guy who shall be refered to as SG for his awesome remark of "So gay", and SG's friend who was mostly silent except for his awesome remark of "Shut up, Bitch", so now he's SuB. So at Kembagan, SG and SuB were leaving the train, and at the train door, SG played the part of an irate commutor who had his 10 minutes of peace disturbed by "Mamamia, here we go again, my my, how could I resist you..." and "I'm Popeye the sailor mannnn....." and told Group 1 off for making alot of noise. This story shall now turn into conversation mode: (note that because of non-perfect memorization ability, the following statements are written to give a gist of the event, and are not word for word correct) [Oh, and my thoughts shall be written in these]
SG (with one foot out of the door, speaks politely): "Hey guys, could you please keep it down, you're are disturbing everyone here." [Wah nice one lah, go you for speaking up for everyone else]
Group 1 is taken aback, they are shocked, flabbergasted by the nerve of SG to make such an aweful remark. They must defend themselves, take up arms against these intruders of their private space.
B (who happens to be closest to the door and to SG and SuB): "Who are you to make such comments? We can do what we like." [spoilt brat]
SG (still polite, in fact, he is calm and polite throughout the quarrel): "I am just speaking for everyone, could you please keep it down?"
Everyone else from Group 1 rallies behind their brave comrade.
Random person from Group 1: "No we shall not keep it down"
Mrt Announcer: "Doors are closing, di di di di di"
B (hautily): "Doors closing already, go away"
As the doors attempt to close and prevent the fateful quarrel, SG makes an important decision, he steps back into the train, and his friend SuB follows. Group 1 is shocked at the amount of committment Group 2 have. [+1 to Group 2, score now is 0:1]
B (pre-emptive strike): "Now, who are you to say such things? You and your friend were just standing there (points at the train connector) the whole time, and as you walk past you have the cheek to say "So gay" at my friend. You have NO RIGHT to say such things about my friend" [wah, I didnt hear the "so gay" phrase, but well, it's true what... he IS gay]
SG: "Wah, your friend can not stand up for himself ar?" [lol, good one there. +1 to group 2, score is 0:2]
At this point, G finally says something in his own defense, but because it is too insignificant, I forgot what he said.
SG: "Now people, let's not be childish here, all I'm asking is for you people to be quieter during the train ride" [that's quite reasonable of him, what a reasonable request]
B: "This is a public area, we can do what we want" [what flawless logic]
E or X: "Look who's being childish" [I'm looking all right, and currently the only childish ppl are you guys in Group 1]
SG: "Exactly, it is a public area, that's why I'm asking you ppl to quieten down abit"
B says something sarcastic, and this causes E and X to burst out laughing. I dunno if G was laughing or not, but if he was, it was too girly so it blended in with E and X's laughter.
SG reiterates his main point, all the while maintaining his cool.
B was going to rebutt with her flawless logic, but...
SuB: "Shut up, Bitch" [YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. +999 to group 2, score is 0:1001]
Everyone is shocked! Including SG and especially little miss Bitch herself.
G (s/he speaks again! zomgz): "You have NO RIGHT to call my friend a bitch, I shall call the police" [appeal to authority moar, oh noes I scared of police, I'll give you 10 points for that 10:1001]
E or X: "Wallow, you can't go around calling my friend a bitch, why are you SO FUCKING RUDE?" [CONGRATS THERE, you managed to say the F word in public!, do you want a prize? Then again, you get 900 points for this... 910:1001]
SG (still calm O_O, this guy is awesome): "Calm down people"
G or E or X: "We want to know why/how he (referring to SuB) can say such stuff, and we demand an apology."
SG: "That has nothing to do with me, you can deal with my friend on that matter later, but all I'm asking is for you to quieten down" [Nice pang seh there, nice dodge, -11 points... 910:990]
And so the quarrel goes on, but 1 stop is up and Bedok here I come. If you analyse the situation properly, you realise that Group 1 has nothing to base their argument on except for the 'You can't call anyone of us gay or bitch' argument while Group 2 is just asking nicely, in fact, very nicely for them to be less of a public nuisance. Hrmm, who's side are you on?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Review: The Machine Girl
but i was overruled so we went to watch machine girl
so to summarize my thoughts on this show
it's like geass in the sense that it is so bad it is good but it didn't have a good ending to make up
everything is epic lulz, how can it get 63% on rotten tomatoes wtf? from the gore (LOL how much red food dye went into making that) and the failservice (well ok not that bad the girl is pretty cute lol (when not covered in blood) >_>) and the horrible action. ALL THE MAKINGS OF A LOW BUDGET B-MOVIE
conclusion one and a half hours of my life wasted on this for no reason T_T i blame dneo!!
in other news looping op songs is the new fad
but i was overruled so we went to watch machine girl
so to summarize my thoughts on this show
it's like geass in the sense that it is so bad it is good but it didn't have a good ending to make up
everything is epic lulz, how can it get 63% on rotten tomatoes wtf? from the gore (LOL how much red food dye went into making that) and the failservice (well ok not that bad the girl is pretty cute lol (when not covered in blood) >_>) and the horrible action. ALL THE MAKINGS OF A LOW BUDGET B-MOVIE
conclusion one and a half hours of my life wasted on this for no reason T_T i blame dneo!!
in other news looping op songs is the new fad
Saturday, November 1, 2008
seriously i think dneo abandoned this blog forever or something, isn't it sad? i think he's emo because he finally met someone who doesn't fall for bento setups
therefore this shall be a random post about random things that are not interesting at all
in other news that isnt chronological
Demel and Yukarin advance to the next round of SWR tourney by fighting random hwa chong people
Demel fails and loses 1 match to a remi that he shouldn't have, lolol
Yukarin goes through nerve wracking 2 games of Komachi vs Reimu POFV Lunatic and has to eat food afterward to stop hands shaking
replays of fail SWR matches at http://www.youtube.com/user/melvin12345 <-- SEE ME WHIFF ALL MY SPELLCARDS IN ALL THE MATCHES LOLWUT
school has ended and the holidays have begun. i mean the working days that we just get to wake up later at. HOWS FOCUS CAMP GUYS. deans list people not allowed to talk kthnx
chinese paper is on tuesday woohoo read moar chinese nao
i'm following 12 series this season, + i have tota and clannad to play, oh dear where will i get the time? school sucks wtf
kannagi op is brilliant JI MI DA NE~~
chaos head and index not too bad either
but we can always use more nagi amirite
therefore this shall be a random post about random things that are not interesting at all
in other news that isnt chronological
Demel and Yukarin advance to the next round of SWR tourney by fighting random hwa chong people
Demel fails and loses 1 match to a remi that he shouldn't have, lolol
Yukarin goes through nerve wracking 2 games of Komachi vs Reimu POFV Lunatic and has to eat food afterward to stop hands shaking
replays of fail SWR matches at http://www.youtube.com/user/melvin12345 <-- SEE ME WHIFF ALL MY SPELLCARDS IN ALL THE MATCHES LOLWUT
school has ended and the holidays have begun. i mean the working days that we just get to wake up later at. HOWS FOCUS CAMP GUYS. deans list people not allowed to talk kthnx
chinese paper is on tuesday woohoo read moar chinese nao
i'm following 12 series this season, + i have tota and clannad to play, oh dear where will i get the time? school sucks wtf
kannagi op is brilliant JI MI DA NE~~
chaos head and index not too bad either
but we can always use more nagi amirite
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sup gaiz because the blog owner has been ban't from the com due to being camped and is thus unable to deliver his irregularly scheduled updates (not like you could tell right, since usually lack of updates is from Dneo went home and fell asleep)
here i am to keep this blog more alive than herrick's who went on a long break and recently returned
so to blog about old and unexciting content since i have told half the readers about it on msn since they missed it for some lousy competition lolnerds
Louis was the DJ. everyone go kill him for playing that song. also why does yue chin have it in her ipod god you mean people actually listen to that song on a regular playlist basis?
vicky scored roflmao "oh zomg BALL BESIDE ME AND IM BESIDE GOAL" *kick*
ally failed to deliver and 5.2 was thus relegated into the OWNT BY VICKY league, population 1 class
5.15 beat the frisbee team from 5.11 seriously what scrubs, ultimate frisbee cca lolwut you have got to be kidding me
r o f l m a o
someone needs to have taken a picture of his celebration pose
but its ok np
also do you realise this is like the first entry dealing with REAL LIFE HAPPENINGS how amazing srsly
being happening is serious business
but moe imouto mei animated gif is still too powerful ):
my overall average is like 2% lower than my promos average, fucking midyears asdf
here i am to keep this blog more alive than herrick's who went on a long break and recently returned
so to blog about old and unexciting content since i have told half the readers about it on msn since they missed it for some lousy competition lolnerds
Louis was the DJ. everyone go kill him for playing that song. also why does yue chin have it in her ipod god you mean people actually listen to that song on a regular playlist basis?
vicky scored roflmao "oh zomg BALL BESIDE ME AND IM BESIDE GOAL" *kick*
ally failed to deliver and 5.2 was thus relegated into the OWNT BY VICKY league, population 1 class
5.15 beat the frisbee team from 5.11 seriously what scrubs, ultimate frisbee cca lolwut you have got to be kidding me
r o f l m a o
someone needs to have taken a picture of his celebration pose
but its ok np
also do you realise this is like the first entry dealing with REAL LIFE HAPPENINGS how amazing srsly
being happening is serious business
but moe imouto mei animated gif is still too powerful ):
my overall average is like 2% lower than my promos average, fucking midyears asdf
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Casshern Sins 2
Casshern Sins isnt so bad after all, and that is my opinion after watching episode 2. Well, they still repeated the word Casshern quite a number of times, but it's bearable I guess. And this series seem to be one of those that is episodic in nature, introducing and killing off new characters each episode. Dammit, that means little or no future screentime for renchi =( or friendster, i mean friender. And what's with the episode loli..? Every episode introduces one...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Autumn 2008
Edit: Casshern Sins, ef, and Rosario+Vampire
And now the actual owner of this blog shall give his view on this season's new anime series. And I don't understand why people call it fall, doesnt autumn sound so much nicer? Brings about the images of leaves falling and golden maple leaves and such. But then again, fall literally brings about images of leaves falling, so ya.
Firstly, WHY ARE THERE AROUND 37 NEW ANIME SERIES?!?!? And that's not taking into account ongoing series, e.g. soul eater, shounen (bleach, naruto), etc. But mainly that's because many anime series ended - Macross F (not that i watched it), Code Geass (spoiler: Spike and Akiko dies), D.gray-man (zomg finally ended only after 103 episodes).
Okay, so now that the introduction is complete. There are 11 series that I shall be following because it is a must-watch, 4 more that I should be watching if i get the chance to, and like 10 that i should be watching the first epi just to see how good/bad it is. Then i'll just mention the rest.
Warning: Slight spoilers ahead, read on at your own risk.
1.To Aru Majutsu no Index
Watched epi 1. Power levels are awesome, though sadly there's no one over 9000... Index is moe, main guy character's hair is wayy too spikey, shocking girl is shocking, and nice build-up for episode 2. So far the best of the 11 shows that I've actually watched one epi of.
2. Toradora!
I somehow like this show alot, but then again, i'm a sucker for romantic comedies. Other people think it's the generic kind of show, with the standard tsun, and i can't really deny it, but i still like it lol. Maybe it's the kugyuu power.
3. Tales of the Abyss
Looking at the characters remind me of a certain time period a while ago where tota figurines were the craze among a certain group of friends. I STILL HAVE ANISE. and luke, for that matter. Well, the first epi makes luke out to be some random spoilt brat, whose sole purpose in life is to spar with his sensei~. And tear is overpowered. Well, it just shows that aoe spells are highly effective when infiltrating a castle, and clearly there is a relationship between what social class you are from and your resistance to aoe sleeping spells. Well, moe "C.C" tear carried the show, so its quite high on my to-watch list. And it's the only series so far with ep 2 already out subbed. And I know tota is all nice and everyone loves it, BUT WHY ARE THERE 9 DIFFERENT SUBS OUT?!?!
4. Clannad After Story
Clannad. Enough said. Must watch. Tomo-pyon~
5. Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka
Kugyuu and Hirano Aya. What more can one ask for from an anime adaptation of a game? Well the main char's reputation seems like toradora's main char's one, but for different reasons altogether. And the grey haired girl is quite cute. Anyone else wondering how the president's hair will look like in real life?
6. Kuroshitsuji
Heard alot about it before actually watching the show, and it seems to be another hayate the combat butler, but with different animation style this time. The animation style kinda reminds me of a certain other series, but i just can't seem to figure out which one it is. Well, from what i heard, i was preparing for shota yaoi undertones in the first epi, but none really came out. Phew. Generally an interesting series I guess, doesnt hurt to follow.
7. Casshern Sins
The least rated (by me of course) of the top 11 anime shows this season, that I've watched the first epi of. It was supposedly quite "solid" and "good", according to a few friends, but i guess it turned out to be overrated. I was expecting maybe more awesome action scenes, and less overpowered protagonist, but then again maybe this isnt those type of shows. Also, I think it's because of the less-than-ideal setting at which i watched the show, which made the dark scenes quite hard to make out what is happening. So main things i dislike from this show's first epi - boring, overpowered, too dark to make out anything (but it's probably my fault for this), irritating dialoge after awhile (casshern, casshern, casshern CASSHERN x100). O wells, will follow just because it's on animania and because it's suppose to be better later on.
Hrmm I rewatched Casshern Sins on computer, and the contrast is much better. I can actually make out what is happening! Zomg. Bad TV contrast is bad. But still, that doesn't solve the problem of it being somewhat boring...
8. Linebarrels of Iron
Hard to say anything on this one, just that the production crew and voice actors/actresses are top-rated. Don't know how I'm gonna watch this though, hard to find it. I don't really have that much against gonzo, unlike 95% of the herd mentality anime community out there. They did tower of druaga just fine thank you. So, this will be an interesting pick. 1 of 4 shows from top 11 that i havent watched 1 epi of.
9. Vampire Knight Guilty
YESSS vampire knight again. Though vampire knight is meant to be a shoujo manga i think, with all the pretty boys and stuff. The concept is quite fun, vampires and different powers, the standard interesting set-up. I don't know why, but shows of characters each with a different special power is almost always fun to watch, including 300+ epis of shounen anime i think, but havent watched any of those so can't say much on the matter. This series has a really fast sequel, unlike tower of druaga *cough cough June/July 2009 cough cough*, or haruhi. Well, I havent watched epi 1, hope it turns out fine, after the shocking (err... quite shocking, but slightly predictable too) ending of season 1. Not many people i know are gonna follow this, mainly cause no one bothered to watch season 1, o well sucks to them.
10. ef - a tale of melodies
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~SHAFT~SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. ef is awesome. But i heard it's gonna focus more on side characters, and less of Kei Shindou. Dammit. <3 Kei. And the song for the game OP was also damn good.
Watched the first epi. It was abit blur at certain points, especially the beginning, so i'm finding alternative sources and seeing if it's a problem during encoding (?) or with the raw itself. Anyways, this is sooo good that it has gone up to be number 1 in the to-watch list. The funky visuals never loses its appeal, and new gal character is awesome... But WHERE IS MY KEI?!?!
11. Chaos;Head
Don't know anything about this, but heard its really really good, so must watch lol. Maybe i'll post my thoughts and comments on this series when i've watched it.
And I'm too tired to write anything on the rest, so i'll just list them out.
12. Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae
Sequel must watch. Though i dont think i've watched season 2.
13. Skip Beat!
Pinku Shoujo manga wtf?
14. Mouryou no Hako
Screenshot looks awesome.
15. Hokuto no GAR Ken Roah Gaiden - Ten no Haoh
Infinite loop in arcade game is lol.
and that was the next 4, the rest are just random hit or miss shows, listed in no order of importance, its the order of date released.
16. Hakushaku to Yousei
17. Hyakko
Slice of Life
18. Shikabane Hime Aka
19. Yozakura Quartet
Superpower awesome...
20. GA-REI -zero-
Ghostbusters, now in anime-form!
21. Macademi Wasshoi!
Err... Roris?
22. Kyou no 5 no 2
Slice of Life apparently.
23. Kurozuka
Gar(?) Samurai
24. Tytania
Space. Lol?
25. Kemeko-DX
Rori number 2. I heard.
Okay, you'll never hear from me again, i'll be too busy trying to follow 98135789167 anime series. including backlog. GG.
P.S. Stuff I missed:
1. Gundam 00 Second Season
Imma not a gundam fan, and didnt watched first season, so too bad I'll have to miss this out. It's apparently one of the really really REALLY must watch shows this season, similar to code geass and stuff. O well, i shall forgo mechas for 2d girls. Yea.
2. Kannagi
I watched first epi of this, and it's crap. Maybe I'm expecting too much from this show, but ya the first epi was just boring throughout, and the girl isnt even moe enough for my liking. Though the OP is quite awesome, I would recommend it to anyone who loved the Seikan Hikou vid.
3. Rosario+Vampire CAPU2
I attempted to watch season 1, and ended up at.... epi.... 6? Dunno, it was so long ago. I actually record what i've watched of everything, but it's somewhere in my hdd and i'm lazy to hook it up so ya. I heard the producers actually used feedback productively and made a less fail anime. This is a must watch to anyone who hasnt seen bats being placed at very specific locations in an anime setting before. lol bats.
Though I didn't even complete season 1, i just started watching first epi for fun. New orange haired girl is introduced zomg. And i finally saw mizore in action, damn she is awesome. She's cool, in more ways than one lol. And purple-ness is nice. And she's a stalker o_O.
And now the actual owner of this blog shall give his view on this season's new anime series. And I don't understand why people call it fall, doesnt autumn sound so much nicer? Brings about the images of leaves falling and golden maple leaves and such. But then again, fall literally brings about images of leaves falling, so ya.
Firstly, WHY ARE THERE AROUND 37 NEW ANIME SERIES?!?!? And that's not taking into account ongoing series, e.g. soul eater, shounen (bleach, naruto), etc. But mainly that's because many anime series ended - Macross F (not that i watched it), Code Geass (spoiler: Spike and Akiko dies), D.gray-man (zomg finally ended only after 103 episodes).
Okay, so now that the introduction is complete. There are 11 series that I shall be following because it is a must-watch, 4 more that I should be watching if i get the chance to, and like 10 that i should be watching the first epi just to see how good/bad it is. Then i'll just mention the rest.
Warning: Slight spoilers ahead, read on at your own risk.
1.To Aru Majutsu no Index
Watched epi 1. Power levels are awesome, though sadly there's no one over 9000... Index is moe, main guy character's hair is wayy too spikey, shocking girl is shocking, and nice build-up for episode 2. So far the best of the 11 shows that I've actually watched one epi of.
2. Toradora!
I somehow like this show alot, but then again, i'm a sucker for romantic comedies. Other people think it's the generic kind of show, with the standard tsun, and i can't really deny it, but i still like it lol. Maybe it's the kugyuu power.
3. Tales of the Abyss
Looking at the characters remind me of a certain time period a while ago where tota figurines were the craze among a certain group of friends. I STILL HAVE ANISE. and luke, for that matter. Well, the first epi makes luke out to be some random spoilt brat, whose sole purpose in life is to spar with his sensei~. And tear is overpowered. Well, it just shows that aoe spells are highly effective when infiltrating a castle, and clearly there is a relationship between what social class you are from and your resistance to aoe sleeping spells. Well, moe "C.C" tear carried the show, so its quite high on my to-watch list. And it's the only series so far with ep 2 already out subbed. And I know tota is all nice and everyone loves it, BUT WHY ARE THERE 9 DIFFERENT SUBS OUT?!?!
4. Clannad After Story
Clannad. Enough said. Must watch. Tomo-pyon~
5. Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka
Kugyuu and Hirano Aya. What more can one ask for from an anime adaptation of a game? Well the main char's reputation seems like toradora's main char's one, but for different reasons altogether. And the grey haired girl is quite cute. Anyone else wondering how the president's hair will look like in real life?
6. Kuroshitsuji
Heard alot about it before actually watching the show, and it seems to be another hayate the combat butler, but with different animation style this time. The animation style kinda reminds me of a certain other series, but i just can't seem to figure out which one it is. Well, from what i heard, i was preparing for shota yaoi undertones in the first epi, but none really came out. Phew. Generally an interesting series I guess, doesnt hurt to follow.
7. Casshern Sins
The least rated (by me of course) of the top 11 anime shows this season, that I've watched the first epi of. It was supposedly quite "solid" and "good", according to a few friends, but i guess it turned out to be overrated. I was expecting maybe more awesome action scenes, and less overpowered protagonist, but then again maybe this isnt those type of shows. Also, I think it's because of the less-than-ideal setting at which i watched the show, which made the dark scenes quite hard to make out what is happening. So main things i dislike from this show's first epi - boring, overpowered, too dark to make out anything (but it's probably my fault for this), irritating dialoge after awhile (casshern, casshern, casshern CASSHERN x100). O wells, will follow just because it's on animania and because it's suppose to be better later on.
Hrmm I rewatched Casshern Sins on computer, and the contrast is much better. I can actually make out what is happening! Zomg. Bad TV contrast is bad. But still, that doesn't solve the problem of it being somewhat boring...
8. Linebarrels of Iron
Hard to say anything on this one, just that the production crew and voice actors/actresses are top-rated. Don't know how I'm gonna watch this though, hard to find it. I don't really have that much against gonzo, unlike 95% of the herd mentality anime community out there. They did tower of druaga just fine thank you. So, this will be an interesting pick. 1 of 4 shows from top 11 that i havent watched 1 epi of.
9. Vampire Knight Guilty
YESSS vampire knight again. Though vampire knight is meant to be a shoujo manga i think, with all the pretty boys and stuff. The concept is quite fun, vampires and different powers, the standard interesting set-up. I don't know why, but shows of characters each with a different special power is almost always fun to watch, including 300+ epis of shounen anime i think, but havent watched any of those so can't say much on the matter. This series has a really fast sequel, unlike tower of druaga *cough cough June/July 2009 cough cough*, or haruhi. Well, I havent watched epi 1, hope it turns out fine, after the shocking (err... quite shocking, but slightly predictable too) ending of season 1. Not many people i know are gonna follow this, mainly cause no one bothered to watch season 1, o well sucks to them.
10. ef - a tale of melodies
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS~SHAFT~SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. ef is awesome. But i heard it's gonna focus more on side characters, and less of Kei Shindou. Dammit. <3 Kei. And the song for the game OP was also damn good.
Watched the first epi. It was abit blur at certain points, especially the beginning, so i'm finding alternative sources and seeing if it's a problem during encoding (?) or with the raw itself. Anyways, this is sooo good that it has gone up to be number 1 in the to-watch list. The funky visuals never loses its appeal, and new gal character is awesome... But WHERE IS MY KEI?!?!
11. Chaos;Head
Don't know anything about this, but heard its really really good, so must watch lol. Maybe i'll post my thoughts and comments on this series when i've watched it.
And I'm too tired to write anything on the rest, so i'll just list them out.
12. Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae
Sequel must watch. Though i dont think i've watched season 2.
13. Skip Beat!
Pinku Shoujo manga wtf?
14. Mouryou no Hako
Screenshot looks awesome.
15. Hokuto no GAR Ken Roah Gaiden - Ten no Haoh
Infinite loop in arcade game is lol.
and that was the next 4, the rest are just random hit or miss shows, listed in no order of importance, its the order of date released.
16. Hakushaku to Yousei
17. Hyakko
Slice of Life
18. Shikabane Hime Aka
19. Yozakura Quartet
Superpower awesome...
20. GA-REI -zero-
Ghostbusters, now in anime-form!
21. Macademi Wasshoi!
Err... Roris?
22. Kyou no 5 no 2
Slice of Life apparently.
23. Kurozuka
Gar(?) Samurai
24. Tytania
Space. Lol?
25. Kemeko-DX
Rori number 2. I heard.
Okay, you'll never hear from me again, i'll be too busy trying to follow 98135789167 anime series. including backlog. GG.
P.S. Stuff I missed:
1. Gundam 00 Second Season
Imma not a gundam fan, and didnt watched first season, so too bad I'll have to miss this out. It's apparently one of the really really REALLY must watch shows this season, similar to code geass and stuff. O well, i shall forgo mechas for 2d girls. Yea.
2. Kannagi
I watched first epi of this, and it's crap. Maybe I'm expecting too much from this show, but ya the first epi was just boring throughout, and the girl isnt even moe enough for my liking. Though the OP is quite awesome, I would recommend it to anyone who loved the Seikan Hikou vid.
3. Rosario+Vampire CAPU2
I attempted to watch season 1, and ended up at.... epi.... 6? Dunno, it was so long ago. I actually record what i've watched of everything, but it's somewhere in my hdd and i'm lazy to hook it up so ya. I heard the producers actually used feedback productively and made a less fail anime. This is a must watch to anyone who hasnt seen bats being placed at very specific locations in an anime setting before. lol bats.
Though I didn't even complete season 1, i just started watching first epi for fun. New orange haired girl is introduced zomg. And i finally saw mizore in action, damn she is awesome. She's cool, in more ways than one lol. And purple-ness is nice. And she's a stalker o_O.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Fall 08
EDIT: for a couple more shows and to make it more readable
because the latest update was just @_@ im back to provide opinions on a season that looks decent instead of the previous *coughlolkanokontoloveruetccough*
watched some ep 1s today so like for the 2 people who read this blog you can have my opinions on this
After Story: Don't need to say anything about it since presumably everyone who isn't anti-Key is watching.
Toradora: Kugyuu animu no. 1. Standard tsundereloli but the male protagonist is surprisingly funny and carries the show
To Aru Majutsu no Index: RAILGUN LOLI, received good reviews so far and imo it's pretty nice, again the protagonist isn't another generic one. I thought Index was Kugyuu at first, sounds a lot like her.
Akane-iro ni Somaku Saka: Same studio produced Index, apparently all the budget went to Index hence the low quality of this h-game adaptation. It's fairly easy to tell that it IS an adaptation (OP, stupid plot device to set up meeting). A bit meh and Hirano Aya the imouto doesn't really help, neither does having Kugyuu again. Watch at own risk.
Skip Beat: (didn't watch) HEY GAIZ SHOUJO MANGO
Tales of the Abyss: Moe Tear is moe =D awesome, follows game closely (which I am now playing) and good animation as well. +1
Kuroshits(uji): Darker than Hei the Combat Butler. +1
Kurogane no Linebarrels: Did I hear some NOTO-SAMA? But PV looked dumb. Also, Gonzo.
Shikabane Hime: Gainax. Hit or miss, saw screenies of first ep which loosk... ok I guess. Apparently there's a no service gimmick or something.
Casshern Sins: Pretty nice but need to wiki it before watching as it's a remake and doesn't explain the plot (presumably you are supposed to know)
Chaos Head: recommended by serados. haven't watched yet but will update
Hokuto no Ken: RAWRRRR
Vampire Knight Guilty: refer to Dneo's post or something
Ef: From what I watched of first half of first season it was ok, I like Shaft's funky visuals (although some don't) so I presume it will be good.
Mouryou no Hako: Seems average? Haven't watched.
Jigoku Shoujo: I think I'm the only one who didn't follow the series ):
got some others but nothing that special unless it was the gurren lagann of the season (ie start out slow then the doriru becomes HUEG) but this season looks a lot better than the first half of the year :o
because the latest update was just @_@ im back to provide opinions on a season that looks decent instead of the previous *coughlolkanokontoloveruetccough*
watched some ep 1s today so like for the 2 people who read this blog you can have my opinions on this
After Story: Don't need to say anything about it since presumably everyone who isn't anti-Key is watching.
Toradora: Kugyuu animu no. 1. Standard tsundereloli but the male protagonist is surprisingly funny and carries the show
To Aru Majutsu no Index: RAILGUN LOLI, received good reviews so far and imo it's pretty nice, again the protagonist isn't another generic one. I thought Index was Kugyuu at first, sounds a lot like her.
Akane-iro ni Somaku Saka: Same studio produced Index, apparently all the budget went to Index hence the low quality of this h-game adaptation. It's fairly easy to tell that it IS an adaptation (OP, stupid plot device to set up meeting). A bit meh and Hirano Aya the imouto doesn't really help, neither does having Kugyuu again. Watch at own risk.
Skip Beat: (didn't watch) HEY GAIZ SHOUJO MANGO
Tales of the Abyss: Moe Tear is moe =D awesome, follows game closely (which I am now playing) and good animation as well. +1
Kuroshits(uji): Darker than Hei the Combat Butler. +1
Kurogane no Linebarrels: Did I hear some NOTO-SAMA? But PV looked dumb. Also, Gonzo.
Shikabane Hime: Gainax. Hit or miss, saw screenies of first ep which loosk... ok I guess. Apparently there's a no service gimmick or something.
Casshern Sins: Pretty nice but need to wiki it before watching as it's a remake and doesn't explain the plot (presumably you are supposed to know)
Chaos Head: recommended by serados. haven't watched yet but will update
Hokuto no Ken: RAWRRRR
Vampire Knight Guilty: refer to Dneo's post or something
Ef: From what I watched of first half of first season it was ok, I like Shaft's funky visuals (although some don't) so I presume it will be good.
Mouryou no Hako: Seems average? Haven't watched.
Jigoku Shoujo: I think I'm the only one who didn't follow the series ):
got some others but nothing that special unless it was the gurren lagann of the season (ie start out slow then the doriru becomes HUEG) but this season looks a lot better than the first half of the year :o
Thank goodness for the fast foward button
Great. I just spent 25 minutes +- watching a 1 hour long video. HOW DID I DO IT?!?! The magical fast foward button. It is so powerful, it warps time around it. By pressing this powerful button, you can go into the future. You can compress time, and experience more than 24 hours in a day. Zomg the inventor of the fast foward button should get a nobel prize.
P.S. What was the 1 hour video i was watching? Well, it shows small volcano-like thingies spouting lava. The same way people spout nonsense. It was mesmerizing for the first... err.. lets say 3 minutes. Then it got progressively harder to watch. Then i started watching it in fastfoward speed number 1, then fastfoward speed number 2, and then 3 and then 4, and then the credits started rolling. Kinda reminds me of Daytona... once you reach the orange or red parts, must hurry change gear to maintain speed. Oh, and when i spotted nice scences i played them in non-fastfoward mode... kinda like having to change to gear 1 when making turns so that can drift... O_O. What an awesome analogy.
P.S. What was the 1 hour video i was watching? Well, it shows small volcano-like thingies spouting lava. The same way people spout nonsense. It was mesmerizing for the first... err.. lets say 3 minutes. Then it got progressively harder to watch. Then i started watching it in fastfoward speed number 1, then fastfoward speed number 2, and then 3 and then 4, and then the credits started rolling. Kinda reminds me of Daytona... once you reach the orange or red parts, must hurry change gear to maintain speed. Oh, and when i spotted nice scences i played them in non-fastfoward mode... kinda like having to change to gear 1 when making turns so that can drift... O_O. What an awesome analogy.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
HAI GAIZ, I'm jy once again. not. Dneo's back! Zomgzomgzomg. Yea it's really me. Really. Yea, and as jy said, I'm back from the F1 race.
My father somehow randomly got 2x 3-day pass to the F1 race, and so my family of 5+1 decided to go there in pairs of 2. Bro went with gf, mom went with dad, so that leaves me to go with my sis. The event started really early, 3+pm i think, but we were slackers so we decided to go there at around 6pm instead. Okay, so what's there to do at the 2008 Formula 1® (Singtel) Singapore Night Race? Here's a list of what we did:
1. Cam whore on trip there
2. Find gate
3. Cam whore in front of gate
4. Go past gate (got back check so I didnt bother bringing a bag, just dump everything into sis' bag)
5. Cam whore past gate
6. Get lost in human river - we went downstream the wrong way for like 150 metres, then cross over and went back the other way
7. Cross temporary overhead 4-man-wide bridge that is covered up so it makes it look like we're crossing over. (Imagine a white overhead bridge. The sides are covered up. It is narrow. You are waking along it. There are people walking the other way on the other side. It is relatively dark. The only lights are those coming from above. Shining through the overhead fence.) I swear it gives me a creepy feeling.
8. Go to esplanade
9. Cam whore in front of esplanade
10. RACE STARTS (or rather, practice run starts)
11. Watch cars zoom past
12. Watch more cars zoom past
13. Attempt to take pics of cars
14. Cam whore to celebrate SUCCESS
15. Walk around cause bored
16. See tourists get ripped off by exorbitant prices ($3 for bottled coke, $2 bottled water, $5 for random cake, $??? for tiger beer)
17. See every white male tourist from the western isles hold a cup of tiger beer
18. Somehow arrive at padang
19. Laugh at extorbitant prices of the food republic stalls there ($8 small $10 large)
20. Watch the big screen at the padang (place reminds me of Nike 10k human race)
21. Cam whore between parts of watching the action unfold on the big screen
22. HUNGRY. So need to go back to marina square.
23. Repeat actions 1-21, minus actions 6, 13 and 14.
24. Get stuck in human jam after everything's over
The jam was really bad, imagine 5 thousand people, then imagine a temporary overhead bridge 4-man wide. Yea, THAT bad. Luckily, we managed to singaporean our way to the front, and we only got stuck in the jam for like 15 mins. I swear the last guy would have to wait at least 2 hours. Some semi-drunk western dudes were getting pissed, it was quite funnny. Oh, and my sis almost died from suffocation, cause shes quite short, and everyone else was towering above her. Including me. This is the typical situation, where 4 man can hold off an army, Singapore style. All we need to do is place 4 security guards in the centre of the bridge, and the whole swarm of 5k++ people would be stuck there FOREVARR. Ya.
Okay, thats it. I'll take my leave here. Gotta prepare for Japanese lessons zomgz. And english. And maybe econs. Or physics. Or math. =)
My father somehow randomly got 2x 3-day pass to the F1 race, and so my family of 5+1 decided to go there in pairs of 2. Bro went with gf, mom went with dad, so that leaves me to go with my sis. The event started really early, 3+pm i think, but we were slackers so we decided to go there at around 6pm instead. Okay, so what's there to do at the 2008 Formula 1® (Singtel) Singapore Night Race? Here's a list of what we did:
1. Cam whore on trip there
2. Find gate
3. Cam whore in front of gate
4. Go past gate (got back check so I didnt bother bringing a bag, just dump everything into sis' bag)
5. Cam whore past gate
6. Get lost in human river - we went downstream the wrong way for like 150 metres, then cross over and went back the other way
7. Cross temporary overhead 4-man-wide bridge that is covered up so it makes it look like we're crossing over. (Imagine a white overhead bridge. The sides are covered up. It is narrow. You are waking along it. There are people walking the other way on the other side. It is relatively dark. The only lights are those coming from above. Shining through the overhead fence.) I swear it gives me a creepy feeling.
8. Go to esplanade
9. Cam whore in front of esplanade
10. RACE STARTS (or rather, practice run starts)
11. Watch cars zoom past
12. Watch more cars zoom past
13. Attempt to take pics of cars
14. Cam whore to celebrate SUCCESS
15. Walk around cause bored
16. See tourists get ripped off by exorbitant prices ($3 for bottled coke, $2 bottled water, $5 for random cake, $??? for tiger beer)
17. See every white male tourist from the western isles hold a cup of tiger beer
18. Somehow arrive at padang
19. Laugh at extorbitant prices of the food republic stalls there ($8 small $10 large)
20. Watch the big screen at the padang (place reminds me of Nike 10k human race)
21. Cam whore between parts of watching the action unfold on the big screen
22. HUNGRY. So need to go back to marina square.
23. Repeat actions 1-21, minus actions 6, 13 and 14.
24. Get stuck in human jam after everything's over
The jam was really bad, imagine 5 thousand people, then imagine a temporary overhead bridge 4-man wide. Yea, THAT bad. Luckily, we managed to singaporean our way to the front, and we only got stuck in the jam for like 15 mins. I swear the last guy would have to wait at least 2 hours. Some semi-drunk western dudes were getting pissed, it was quite funnny. Oh, and my sis almost died from suffocation, cause shes quite short, and everyone else was towering above her. Including me. This is the typical situation, where 4 man can hold off an army, Singapore style. All we need to do is place 4 security guards in the centre of the bridge, and the whole swarm of 5k++ people would be stuck there FOREVARR. Ya.
Okay, thats it. I'll take my leave here. Gotta prepare for Japanese lessons zomgz. And english. And maybe econs. Or physics. Or math. =)
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