Yay holidays. And that marks the end of year 5 or IB year 1. Yay. Okay i was thinking of writing some long reflective post about the year, but screw it, if you want to read those go read other blogs.
Question: What's red and green and goes around and around in circles? (and gets redder)
Answer: Frog in a blender.
Or a loli swinging a green lolly/ice cream that is actually red in the sun (answer vaguely similar to JY's (guest poster aka. cherilyn) answer)
Or a parrot nailed onto the end of a spinning stick (don't ask me why or how Mark thought of this).
Or a radioactive bleeding hamster (Thanks to herrick for this, it's actually quite a good answer)
Okay back to business, Why have I not been updating? WHY? Err, dunno, lazy i guess, or maybe just because. O wells. Sorry.
K next thing: In the face of an economic downturn, worldwide recession, high inflation, high rice prices and high fuel prices, there is still a stall in Bedok who sells yong tau foo at $1.50 for a bowl. Can you believe it? Even school food which is meant to cater to poor students costs at least $2 for a decent meal. It's $1.50 for 7 pieces of random items plus noodles... and sauce. And chilli sauce if you like. Which I do. So I bought one packet today. Then after bringing it home and leaving it in the kitchen till dinnertime, I went to eat it. My mum koped some of my food, so I had half a bowl of yong tau foo left. Then when I was eating it, I was counting the items, and I counted only 6. On closer inspection, I realise my meatball was gone. WHERE DID IT GO? I asked my mum, no she did not eat my meatball. Then my dad confessed that he ate my meatball :'( There goes my meatball. Yesterday, my mum said she was at the bak chor mee stall, so I asked her to buy food back, so when I went home I was expecting meatballs, but she did not buy any back for me =( Dammit I want my meatball. Q_Q
Okay on to other matters. Let's see what my guest poster has been posting... Oh Ya! Machine Girl! Okay, here's an advice to my legions of fans who read this blog: Go and watch Machine Girl (2008). You can download it, or ask to get it from me, or stream it or smth. Before November 5 you could have asked Herrick, but ever since we watched it at his house he has deleted it and has promised to never touch it again. That's a testament to how good it is. It is sooo bad it is good.
I'm bored, what should I write about? Okay I shall give real life situations and you tell me what each person should have done. I was taking the bus home one day a long time ago, then on a stop this lady carrying a fat slinging bag and 2 handcarry fat bags decided to board the bus. She told the driver that she was only taking one stop, and asked if she must pay. The driver said no you. So she went down, not before scolding the bus driver and telling him off for being unkind. On another day, I saw this lady again, and she managed to succeed taking a stop without paying, because that driver was a niceguy. So guys, what should you have done in this situation if you were the bus driver?
Oh ya, and on the train one day two to three weeks ago, I saw a public quarrel. It was frankly quite hilarious, and thinking about it makes me laugh. Okay here's the situation: Group 1 consists of a guy and four girls, all young adults. Let's call the guy G, because well, he's gay. Now you would be thinking, a guy having four girls by his side could not possibly be gay, well by gay I mean those effeminate girly guys. Hrmm, who to use as an analogy, okay guys, think of gurren lagann, now think of the gay technician dude, I mean gay technician girly dude, yea that one, that's him alright. Okay, so now that G is well introduced, let's move on. Girl number 1 would hereby be refered to as B, for reasons yet unsaid. Girl number 2 would be E, and Girl number 3 would be X, well, because they are extras in this play. Girl number 4 would be L, cause she's a leaver. Okay so I boarded the train at bugis, lalala, minding my own business. At Lavender or Aljunied Group 1, aka persons G B E X L came in and stood at the center. Then they proceeded to talk fairly loudly in the train. Note that as always, I'm a totally unbiased, and very very objective person when recounting this incident. I was busy reading my book (reader's digest), but they were slightly distracting. Not that I minded alot, cause it was kinda entertaining. From their conversation, I could make out that they just watched Mamma Mia the movie, and were highly inspired by the movie and songs. So girly G and his gang of girly girls proceeded to sing their own renditions of ABBA's songs, which was not bad to say the least. And the conversation proceeded to random songs and stuff, and I could remember one of the girls saying "I know a song!... (insert dramatic pause)... "I'm popeye the sailor mannn...."" at which the group followed along for a very short while, before bursting into laughter. Haha, okay so they are abit childish. Okay so I had to endure this till Kembagan, which was around 5 stops. At Kembagan, someone got up from the seat, the two seater seat beside the train connector, so I koped the seat. Found item: Seat. Oh ya I forgot, before Kembagan, at Eunos, little miss L left the group. Leaver!. But ya, not before giving hugs and kisses all round. All round the group only though, I didnt get a hug nor any kisses =( oh, and G said "Bye, darling..." in the most girly man sort of way you can think of. Ya, back to the story. At Kembagan, Group 2 appeared! Group 2 consists of a guy who shall be refered to as SG for his awesome remark of "So gay", and SG's friend who was mostly silent except for his awesome remark of "Shut up, Bitch", so now he's SuB. So at Kembagan, SG and SuB were leaving the train, and at the train door, SG played the part of an irate commutor who had his 10 minutes of peace disturbed by "Mamamia, here we go again, my my, how could I resist you..." and "I'm Popeye the sailor mannnn....." and told Group 1 off for making alot of noise. This story shall now turn into conversation mode: (note that because of non-perfect memorization ability, the following statements are written to give a gist of the event, and are not word for word correct) [Oh, and my thoughts shall be written in these]
SG (with one foot out of the door, speaks politely): "Hey guys, could you please keep it down, you're are disturbing everyone here." [Wah nice one lah, go you for speaking up for everyone else]
Group 1 is taken aback, they are shocked, flabbergasted by the nerve of SG to make such an aweful remark. They must defend themselves, take up arms against these intruders of their private space.
B (who happens to be closest to the door and to SG and SuB): "Who are you to make such comments? We can do what we like." [spoilt brat]
SG (still polite, in fact, he is calm and polite throughout the quarrel): "I am just speaking for everyone, could you please keep it down?"
Everyone else from Group 1 rallies behind their brave comrade.
Random person from Group 1: "No we shall not keep it down"
Mrt Announcer: "Doors are closing, di di di di di"
B (hautily): "Doors closing already, go away"
As the doors attempt to close and prevent the fateful quarrel, SG makes an important decision, he steps back into the train, and his friend SuB follows. Group 1 is shocked at the amount of committment Group 2 have. [+1 to Group 2, score now is 0:1]
B (pre-emptive strike): "Now, who are you to say such things? You and your friend were just standing there (points at the train connector) the whole time, and as you walk past you have the cheek to say "So gay" at my friend. You have NO RIGHT to say such things about my friend" [wah, I didnt hear the "so gay" phrase, but well, it's true what... he IS gay]
SG: "Wah, your friend can not stand up for himself ar?" [lol, good one there. +1 to group 2, score is 0:2]
At this point, G finally says something in his own defense, but because it is too insignificant, I forgot what he said.
SG: "Now people, let's not be childish here, all I'm asking is for you people to be quieter during the train ride" [that's quite reasonable of him, what a reasonable request]
B: "This is a public area, we can do what we want" [what flawless logic]
E or X: "Look who's being childish" [I'm looking all right, and currently the only childish ppl are you guys in Group 1]
SG: "Exactly, it is a public area, that's why I'm asking you ppl to quieten down abit"
B says something sarcastic, and this causes E and X to burst out laughing. I dunno if G was laughing or not, but if he was, it was too girly so it blended in with E and X's laughter.
SG reiterates his main point, all the while maintaining his cool.
B was going to rebutt with her flawless logic, but...
SuB: "Shut up, Bitch" [YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. +999 to group 2, score is 0:1001]
Everyone is shocked! Including SG and especially little miss Bitch herself.
G (s/he speaks again! zomgz): "You have NO RIGHT to call my friend a bitch, I shall call the police" [appeal to authority moar, oh noes I scared of police, I'll give you 10 points for that 10:1001]
E or X: "Wallow, you can't go around calling my friend a bitch, why are you SO FUCKING RUDE?" [CONGRATS THERE, you managed to say the F word in public!, do you want a prize? Then again, you get 900 points for this... 910:1001]
SG (still calm O_O, this guy is awesome): "Calm down people"
G or E or X: "We want to know why/how he (referring to SuB) can say such stuff, and we demand an apology."
SG: "That has nothing to do with me, you can deal with my friend on that matter later, but all I'm asking is for you to quieten down" [Nice pang seh there, nice dodge, -11 points... 910:990]
And so the quarrel goes on, but 1 stop is up and Bedok here I come. If you analyse the situation properly, you realise that Group 1 has nothing to base their argument on except for the 'You can't call anyone of us gay or bitch' argument while Group 2 is just asking nicely, in fact, very nicely for them to be less of a public nuisance. Hrmm, who's side are you on?